The analysis of Romeo and Juliet and Butterfly love
Deng Huijun
Tutor: Zhang Guoqing
March, 2012
The analysis of Romeo and Juliet and Butterfly love
Beautiful love has been pursuited by people since ancient but the result of the sincerity pays did not necessarily perfect on the way to the happiness .we will encounter many difficulties from both side ,the family and the social background at the same time and so on .No matter was the Romeo and Juliet of the west and Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai of China proved a fact that free love seemed so far away .and the reason of their tragedy have the same aspects.surely it have many many differences . Although they loved each other very much .but under the fate you can not make the lover becomes spouses .eventually so pity ,sad and deplorable
只有我的电磁炮Key wordlove; culture; reality ;trageby 
  Ⅰ: Sum up the two story
我的歌A: The story of  Butterfly love
The story took place in ancientry in China . Zhu Yingtai neglected against from her parents and she dressed up a man to do to school in Hang Zhou .on the way to school ,she meeted Liang Shanbo who is so kind ,guileless and needy .they spoke very happy with each other .In the school they based very strong friendship for three years .when they have left each other .Zhu Yingtai found herself deeply fell in love with Liang Shanbo .then she used some dulcet rhetorics to express her love to Liang Shanbo.but Liang Shanbo did not understand what she mean .Because he treat Zhu Yingtai as a brother .on year after , Liang Shanbo knew Zhu Yingtai is a girl .so Zhu Yingtai has betrothed to Ma Wencai who came from a moneyed family ,Due to the lack of freedom of marriage , Liang Shanbo died with grief soon. Zhu Yingtai got the bad news extremely sad.She consented to marry Ma Wencai he must comply with the condition that Zhu Yingtai raised In Ma Wencais wedding day she must be pass by Liang Shanbos grave .she went to the heaven sent to the feudal etiquette the blood and tears of complaints .the tomb of Liang Shanbo suddenly split by mine. Zhu Yingtai decided to invest the grave and turned into a
butterfly and flew around flowers follow a shadow.
  B: The story of Romeo and Juliet
  The story took place in Verona city. There were two huge family groups, the Montague family and the Capulet family. The aroused a series of new struggles. However, they gave birth to a pair of unfortunate lovers.
“She is the pearl of the sky to land the world!” Romeo described Juliet like this. They fell in love with each other deeply at the first sight in the shindig. When the shindig was over In the garden, with the moonlight, they expressed their love. The got marry secretly with the help of Friar Lawrence . It seemed that it was the line that the situation would turn around. No one would have thought that after a few hours they would depart. Romeo was to be banished because he killed Juliet’s cousin who killed Romeo’s good friend. Juliet was in great sorrow. Misfortunes never come singly. Juliet was forced to marry another one. That night Romeo secretly climbed Juliet’s room. It seemed to be a farewell. He had to leave in the morning. It was never hoped the arrival of the dawn. Before got marry Julie
t took the sleeping death medicine following the advice of a priest named Friar Lawrence who sent a letter to Romeo to tell the fact. However Romeo didn’t receive the message. With grief and madness, with poison, he came to the tomb. Because he thought Juliet had already dead he took the poison. Just at this moment Juliet woke up. Seeing her husband’s death Juliet suicided at once. When the priest Friar Lawrence told their loving story to their family members the tow families finally broke their barriers. They turned their conflicts and hatred into friendship. A golden status was set to memory their great love.
.Introduce Romeo and Juliet and Butterfly Love background
A:Something about author
Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare .the greatest of all English authors . William Shakespeare belongs to those rare geniuses of mankind who have become landmarks in the history of world literature for he has one of the first founders of realism ,a master hand at realistic portrayal of humcharacters and relation , William Shakespeare
was born on the 23rd of April .1564.in Stratford –on –Avon Warwickshire.his father John Shakespeare son of the small farmer settled in Stratford and entered into trade .To his regular business at gloves or manufacturer of various leathern articles of apparel ,he added dealing in wood and hides,
For more than 25 years . Shakespeare had been associated with the best theatres of England ,His earliest task at the theater was remodeling and partially rewriting of old plays.His dramatic creation often used the method of adaptations. He was a great master of the English language. He was skilled in many poetic forms: the song, the sonnet, the couple, and the dramatic blank verse. Shakespeare is one of the founders of realism in world literature. His dramatic creation often used the method of adaptations. His long experience with the stage and his intimate knowledge of dramatic art thus acquired make him a master hand for playwriting
Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai s story from folklore author unknown .Here is not introtion.
冷雨.Introduction of Western trageby and Chinese trageby in the five aspects
I think there are five aspects that is the cause of their love tragedy, first, tragic theme, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's story is symbol of freedom and love, and is a strong desire to get rid of feudal advocate. Even if society does not allow, but people also hope they can generation after generation together, so the author will the two into butterflies, together forever. From the world of strife. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in the Renaissance, he advocated a humanist, and he hoped that people will have the freedom to choose their own love. But most people did not accept this concept in the social Shakespeare wrote this article that is perhaps to reflect a social reality. In second, tragedy character, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai chosed their love it was a little passive , although we love each other, but due to family and social forces, finally they couldn't break through these external conditions and went together, they have had to comply with the feudal system, because Liang Shanbo cannot be with Zhu Yingtai,so he only died with grief soon. Zhu Yingtai chosed to be a good daughter, and she married to Ma Wencai. Apparently the efforts of both sides is not enough. Romeo and Juliet in the defence of love appears to be more active, they secretly dating, secretly married, they co
mpletely unaware of the circumstances in the parents. But a badly with heart, they can go all the way. The two sides are very hard but the outcome was sad. In third, tragedy structure, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is a curve type, while Romeo and Juliet is a straight line type. In fourth, the tragic style, Romeo and Juliet are very blodhearted to express their love , their love is fervent, open. Perhaps related to their thoughts, western culture comparison is open. They can fling caution to the winds together, surmount any difficulties. Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai express his love more reserved, as they were in school, Zhu Yingtai is only using some beautiful rhetoric to express his love for Liang Shanbo, but she did not dare tell him brave.In China childrenmarriage basically is the parents do.few people will take the intiative to choose their own love , at the same time ,Chinese character is more conservative they did not to their love those who love directly. But their love is loyal through thick and thin. Even to die with his beloved people together, their action is very touching. Finally in the trageby conflict, in the Romeo and Juliet, their conflict is very large, between two large family conflict, Romeo's friend and Juliet 's cousin conflict, the conflict of parents and children have demonstrated very intuitive. Or Li
ang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai had little conflict, because at that time the Chinese society the child still follow their ,they treated their parents very respect. Finally, Zhu Yingtai chose to compromise that also is a reason. Of course there are many reasons that caused their love tragedy, this is not the one by one listed