Unit 1
1.3000多辆汽车因刹车问题昨日被召回 (because of ;recall)
1. More than 3000 cars were recalled yesterday because of a brake problem.
2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。 (despite)
2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.
3. 要确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。(see it that)
3. See to it that the same mistakes won't happen again. 李湘主持的节目
4. 现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。 (now that)
4. Now that they've got to know more about each other they get along better.
5. 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。 (find oneself)
5. Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.
6. 在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。 (on occasion)
6. 美丽的梭罗河吉他谱I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.
Unit 2
1 昨天我去牙科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。 (pull out)
1 I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out.
2.由于教育背景和工作经验不同,员工的薪水也大不相同。 (depend on)
2. Salary varies significantly,depending on the employee’s educational backgrounds and work experience.
3 信息技术的使用可以给发展中国家带来巨大进步。(lead to)
3.The use of information technology could lead major progress for developing countries.
4. 你解决问题的方式不对。(in a …manner)
4. You didn’t deal with the problem in the right manner.
5. 科学家认为,人类即将到战胜癌症的有效方法。 (on the verge of)
5. Scientists believe that humans are on the verge of finding an effective way to cure ancer.
6. 离婚可不是儿戏/离婚这档子事可不能等闲视之。 (take…lightly)
6. Divorce can not be taken lightly.
Unit 3
1)很多事情导致了我与那家公司断绝关系。(contribute to)
A lot of things contributed to the end of my relationship with that company.
2. 面对严峻的疾病,她表现出了巨大的勇气。 (in the face of)
She showed great courage in the face of serious illness.
3. 我们得出结论,她讲的是真话。 (come to)
We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth.
4 他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。 (fail to)
.His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting.
5. 学习语言不仅仅是记单词的问题。 (a matter of)
Learning languages isn’t just a matter of memorizing words.
6. 她一旦决定了什么事,没有人能阻止她。 (hold back)
Once she has made her decision no one can hold her back.
7. 他们说他们会努力学习,不辜负父母对他们的期望。(live up to)
They said they would study hard and live up to their parents’ expectations.
8. 这位科学家称这一发现为这个领域中最令人高兴的新发展。 (refer to …as…)
The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.
Unit 4
1) 我所能说的是我们十分抱歉这么早把你叫醒。(all… that…, wake up)
All I can say is that we are extremely sorry to wake you up so early.
2) 由于他的智慧和勤奋,他极有可能成功。(likely, intelligence, diligence)
He is highly likely to succeed because of his intelligence and diligence..
3) 她跟我说话的样子很奇怪,好像我是这个国家的总统似的。(as if)
The way she talked to me was strange / odd, as if I were the president of the country.
4) 据报道,昨天的车祸中有三人受伤(it is reported that…, injure)
It is reported that three people were injured in the traffic accident yesterday.
5)病人今天早晨的情况同昨天差不多。(… much the same as)
The patient is much the same this morning as he was yesterday.
8) 他宁可呆在家里也不愿跟我们去看电影。 (rather than)
He’d like to stay (at) home rather than go to a movie with us.
Unit 5
1. 你会看到我现在说的会成为现实。(come true)
You will see that what I am saying now will come true.
2 当年轻人处于单身时,他们容易受到来自他人的压力。(be open to)
When young people remain single, they are open to pressure from other people.
3 失业问题与新技术的发展密切相关。(be tied up with)
The problem of unemployment is tied up with the development of new technology.
4. 他的外貌变化那么大,你很可能认不出他了。
还没有爱够原唱 His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.
5 导游说有些城堡的历史可以追溯到13世纪。(date back to)
The tour guide said that some castles date back to the 13th century.
6 她从来没有给他们做过任何事,而他们为她做了所有能做的事情。(whereas)
She has never done anything for them, whereas they have done everything they can for her.
Unit 6
1 我们认为他是本场比赛表现最精彩的球员之一。(regard as)
We regard him as one of the best players in the game.
2 那位科学家捡起那些小石块,并小心翼翼地把它们放在一个盒子里。 (pick up)
The scientist picked up those little pieces of rock and carefully put them into a box.
3 中国的人口几乎是美国人口的五倍。(…times as…as)
The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States.
4对那个小男孩来说,草为什么是绿的曾经是个谜。 (the reason why)
4 The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to the little boy.
5 她站在窗口,显得非常冷静和放松。 (apparently)
蓝燕裸泳She was standing by the window apparently quite calm and relaxed.
6 由于最近销售量的下降,盈利也出现了滑坡。 (as a result of)
Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.
7 她戴上墨镜以便保护自己不受强烈光芒的照射。 (as a protection against)