Idioms 习语 
Let someone down 使失望
Nancy: this model is sold out? That’s not fair! He should have let me know up front that he doesn’t have this model available anymore. I’ve been talking to him for nothing.
Peter: He just hopes you’ll buy something else instead.
Nancy: I won’t. Annie has an eye on this model only. I promised her that I’d get it for her when it is on sale. I don’t want to let her down.
Peter: If that was the case, you should have come here the first thing this morning.
Nancy: I had a meeting this morning and I lost track of time.
Peter: well, you can come back to check from time to time. Keep your fingers crossed, maybe you’ll get lucky.
Up front 坦率地,无隐瞒
Sue was completely up front about why she didn’t want to see him anymore.
Kathy offended her manager for being so up front about his faults in managing.
Have an eye (one’s eye) on 想要,看中
I bought ice cream, but Jimmy had his eye on some candy.
John has an eye on a scholarship so he can go to college.
Let someone down        辜负,使失望
The team felt they had let the coach down.
Tom never stopped fighting in his study to let his parents down.
少城时代冯柯Lose track of  失去踪迹,失去线索
What’s the score?
I’ve lose track.
Mary lost track of her friends at camp after summer was over.
John lost track of the money he spent at the circus.
Keep one’s fingers crossed/ cross one’s fingers  (让中指扣在食指上) 祈福
Keep your fingers crossed while I take the test.
Kathy crossed her fingers during the race so that Tom would win.
Pull oneself together    振作起来
Son: Dad, please don’t turn your back on me. After all, I’m still your son. Give me a chance to pull myself together.
Father: What are you up to this time, son?
Son: Dad, I’m tipped off that my company stock goanna go up big time. I need some money to invest.
Father: Son, I want to help you to settle down and act like a grown up. But last time you pulled a fast one on me. Do you remember? So this time I have to take that into account. Tell you what, I’ll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.罗凯珊
Son: Thanks, Dad.  Can I have the money in the morning?
Father: Don’t press your luck, son.
Turn one’s back on someone    不理睬
He turned his back on his own family when they needed help.
The poorer nations are often not grateful for help, but still we can not turn our back on them.
Pull oneself together    冷静下来,振作下来,恢复自我控制
It took some time for him to recover from the shock and pull himself together.
Stop acting like a baby,! Pull yourself together.安心的温柔
Up to    能做……,施阴谋; 是……的责任,取决于……
What are you up to with the matches, John?
Mrs. Watson was sure that the boys were up to no good, because they ran away when they saw her coming.
I don’t care when you cut the grass. When you do it is up to you.
Tip off    通风报信 
The thieves did not rob the bank as planned because someone tipped them off that it was being watched by the police.
饶颖赵忠祥The president tipped off the class that it was the superintendent’s birthday.
周杰伦烟花易冷歌词Big time  一流的
Many young actors go to Hollywood, but few of them reach the big time.
After his graduation from college, he soon made the big time in baseball.
Settle down    下来
John will settle down after he gets a job and gets married.
The teacher told the students to settle down and study the lesson. Father settled down with the newspaper.
Pull a fast one on someone    欺骗某人
What a surprise! John pulled a fast one on us this time. He didn’t keep his promise to boycott the shop.