吉他爬格子练习方法(The guitar's practice method)
The scientific name is pagezi chromatic scale practice, the basic method of practice are as follows:
We carry out --1-----2-----3-----4----- /
你是我的眼下载We carry out --5-----6-----7-----8----- /
We carry out --9-----10----11----12---- /
如果爱老了>施公奇案之玉箫神笛We carry out --13----14----15----16---- /
We carry out --17----18----19----20---- /
We carry out --21----22----23----24---- /
--4-----3-----2-----1----- Scott
--8-----7-----6-----5----- Scott
--12----11----10----9----- Scott
-16----15----14----13---- Scott
--20----19----18----17---- Scott
--24----23----22----21---- Scott
--21----22----23----24---- Scott
--17----18----19----20---- Scott
--13----14----15----16---- Scott
--9-----10----11----12---- Scott
--5-----6-----7-----8----- Scott
--1-----2-----3-----4----- Scott
We carry out --24----23----22----21----
We carry out --20----19----18----17----
We carry out --16----15----14----13----
We carry out --12----11----10----9-----
We carry out --8-----7-----6-----5-----
We carry out --4-----3-----2-----1-----
The figures here are not goods. They are in order. According to "1, 2, 3, 4, 5",...... 21, 22, 23, 24"
The order is played down. This is the most basic method of pagezi,
Because each item is played in sequence, each string is in the same order.
Practice speed is in the 8-12 products to practice, practice
finger extension, in the 1-4 product practice.
Most of them are the two order of uplink and downlink, as shown above. In order to save space, I'll draw one below
The sequence diagram, other order can be arranged by yourself.
The following 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent your index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger respectively
苏醒家里很有钱吗There are many possible ways to practice after the upset order
One, disrupt each string on the product, not in order down. Junior high school mathematics knowledge of all know,
The 1, 2, 3, and 4 numbers upset the combination, removing 24 permutations.
Pure practice fingering speed, challenge means more concentrated, you can try all the permutations.
1234, 1243, 1324, 1342, 1423, 1432
2134, 2143, 2314, 2341, 2413, 2431
3124, 3142, 3214, 3241, 3412, 3421
4123, 4132, 4213, 4231, 4312, 4321
That's all the permutations. In practice, there are two ways to practice.
1. Practice one order on all six strings,
The basic method mentioned above is to play 1234 and 4321 on the six strings, up and down.
2, practice a set of changes on a string (usually a chord), such as "1":
1234, 1243, 1324, 1342, 1423, 1432
You may not be able to practice when you start. You can speak with your mouth while you press the string.
Say "1", press the index finger, say "2", press the middle finger, say "3", press the ring finger, say "4", press the little finger.
In this way, the mouth can give the brain a reminder of the process of acceptance, and gradually will be able to practice cooked.
Each can be disrupted by practice, not necessarily the order I write.
You can also practice regularly, for example:
1234, 4321, 1243, 3421, etc. in this way, the reverse order of two plays together.
From regular to irregular, to the realm of an order that can
be played at once. (I can't do it yet!)
Two, regular break six chord sequence, such as the music (the numbers below is the order):
We carry out --24----23----22----21----
We carry out --20----19----18----17----
We carry out --16----15----14----13----
We carry out --12----11----10----9-----
We carry out --8-----7-----6-----5-----
We carry out --4-----3-----2-----1-----
You can practice this way:
We carry out --21----22----23----24----
We carry out --20----19----18----17----
We carry out --13----14----15----16----
We carry out --12----11----10----9-----
We carry out --5-----6-----7-----8-----
We carry out --4-----3-----2-----1-----