(1) 表示否定意义的前缀常用的有: dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mis-, non-, un-
disable  disadvantage  disapprove disclose discount
discourage disorder illegal inaccurate inactive
incurable independent inconstant invisible inconvenient
incredible ineffective informal irregular irresponsible
misfortune misguide  misuse nonmetal  noncooperation
noninvolvement unacceptable  unaware unchangeable unfold
uncomfortable unemployed undeveloped unpack
1.But much of the information is out of date and in some places __________ or misleading.
2.She was taken to hospital suffering from an __________heartbeat
3.I get so absorbed in doing something that I am __________ of things happening round
4.Did someone __________ my bag ? Because I'm missing some tapes.
5.How do some mainstream economists __________ the reform?
6.Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by __________
7.It may be difficult to do at first. Don't let this __________you.
(2) 表示其他意义的前缀常用的有:
anti-matter anti-freeze  anti-clockwise anti- War
b.前缀auto autobiography automobile
c.前缀bi- bicentury bicycle biannual
co-operation coauthor cohabit (habitable可居住的)
e.前缀de(give the word the opposite meaning)
deform devalue
Wearing shoes that are too tight will __________ your feet.
f.前缀en- em
encourage endanger enlarge enrich embitter.
前缀ex ex-soldier ex-girlfriend ex-wife
midday midnight midterm mid-aged
前缀multi- multiform multimedia multipurpose
j. 前缀over-
overcrowded oversleep overload overcharge
overlook overcome oversupply
k. 前缀pre-
prewar fashion prehistoric remains  prepay phones preschool progress
l.前缀re- rewrite review  recycle
vice-chairman  vice-governor vice-president
前缀 under- undercharge undersell
We __________ Mr. Smith and have to send him a note asking for the extra amount of money. 前缀 sub      subway  subtitle
前缀 tri      tricycle triangle
1All glass bottles which can't be refilled can be __________
2 Avoid all temptations to oversell yourself but be equally careful not to __________ yourself either.
3. It's a fairly good restaurant but they really __________.
4 __________ for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course
5If you face north, the sun appears to move through the sky __________.
6We'd better __________ the reading room by knocking through between the two small rooms.
7 They spread rumors about her in an attempt to __________ her work
8 The dialogue is in Spanish, with English __________.
(1) 构成名词后缀常用的有:
a、后缀 -age,构成抽象名词
marriage percentage shortage storage
In a good __________, both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise.
b.后缀al- 构成抽象名词
arrival refusal approval survival proposal removal The testing and __________ of new drugs will be speeded up.
c.后缀–an ,-ian “人”从事……职业者”,构成名词。
Italian librarian magician vegetarian musician politician technician
Top-ranking skill and service are the basis of each __________.
Yasmin sticks to a strict __________ diet. That is to say, He never eats meat or fish.
appearance allowance existence  presence
performance ignorance influence  intelligence
evidence diligence  guidance preference
Among the varieties available, my __________ stays with the old and lovely pink-flowered variety, 'Apple Blossom'.
Inside the theatre, they were giving a __________ of Bizet's Carmen.
I am embarrassed by my complete __________ of history.
范冰冰怀孕最近消息e.后缀-dom 构成名词kingdom  freedom
beginner competitor conductor director employee engineer examinee  interviewee tailor volunteer  We can __________ the program to the patient's needs.
At the__________ 's whistle the engine-driver starts the train.
g.后缀-ess 构成表“雌性”的名词
actress goddess hostess waitress
h、后缀-ful 构成表“容量单位”名词
a basketful of    a handful  of mouthful spoonful
Only a __________ of firms offer share option schemes to all their employees.
You beg him to try just one __________, and he keeps his mouth shut
i.后缀-ics 构成学科名词:
gymnastics physics politics mathematics
j、后缀-ism ,构成名词
Buddhism extremism terrorism  socialism  tourism
k、后缀-ist 构成名词。
biologist chemist economist specialist
extremist  geologist physicist
l. 后缀-ment 构成抽象名词
王元昊advertisement agreement amusement appointment argument  arrangement development embarrassment equipment
establishment improvement judgment  requirement treatment The staff is working on final __________ for the summit. (arrange)
m.后缀-ness 构成抽象名词:coolness correctness dampness m. 后缀-sion 构成抽象名词:
aggression comparison conclusion expression permission tension They use copyrighted music without __________.
n. 后缀-th 构成抽象名词
depth length strength warmth width youth
The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in __________.
0. 后缀-tion 构成动作名词或抽象名词
application celebration classification creation congratulation  consideration description
The bathroom is entirely my own __________, not by a designer.
p.后缀–ure,构成抽象名词failure mixture
q. 以-ity或ty结尾,构成抽象名词
ability curiosity electricity equality identity majority The bill was approved by a large __________.
(2) 构成动词的后缀常用的有:我愿你知道歌词
a.后缀-en ,形容词后的-en,构成及物动词。名词后的-en 构成形容词
brighten deepen flatten frighten loosen
sharpen strengthen widen wooden woolen
'Oh, we'd love to!' cried Nancy, her face __________.
apologize analyse categorize organize realize
In the end, we all decided to __________    a concert for Easter.
(3) 构成形容词的后缀常用的有:
adjustable admirable avoidable fashionable comparable reasonable recyclable valuable enjoyable visible
b、后缀–al 构成形容词
environmental  natural occasional facial
original operational personal political
practical professional traditional universal
distant patient convenient permanent urgent violent servant
d、后缀-ed 构成形容词:
astonished delighted  experienced learned skilled united e.后缀-ful,构成形容词
doubtful regretful resourceful frightful respectful
f. 后缀–ic,构成形容词
basic economic enthusiastic electric
energetic  heroic historic systematic
g. 后缀–ing 构成名词或形容词
amusing astonishing promising satisfying training
h. 后缀-ish 构成形容词:
feverish foolish Swedish Spanish
i. 后缀–ive,构成形容词
aggressive attractive instructive persuasive predictive j.后缀–less,构成否定形容词
careless hopeless helpless
k、后缀-ly 构成的形容词
costly daily friendly lively lonely lovely
Having professionals make curtains can be __________, so why not make your own?
l. 后缀–ous 或 -ious 构成形容词:
adventurous ambitious conscious envious humorous industrious mountainous religious various mysterious
阿黛尔的歌m.后缀-y 构成的形容词或名词
bloody bravery difficulty  honesty icy loyalty
Trade discounts may be used as a competitive way to secure customer __________.
(4) 构成副词的常用后缀有:-ly
accurately constantly effectively frequently generally
1 Greater demands were being placed on the police by growing violence and left-and right-wing extremism.翻译
2 Anny described how she got into an __________ (argue )with one of the marchers.
3 The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and__________ (equip) to the battlefield.
4    A workman must __________ (sharp)his tools if he is to do his work well.
5He will be attending next week's American Grammy Awards in __________ (fever) expectation.
6I advise you to read this book; it is not only interesting, but also __________ (instruct) .
7  A school has honoured one of its brightest and most __________ (promise)former pupils. 8Judging by the __________ (enthusiasm)reception given him everywhere, they felt that his election was in the bag
9The __________ (damp)of the forest did not agree with him physically.
山南 中国好声音
10Is the human heart weak in__________ (compare) with the other organs?
11Over the years I've come to the __________( conclude) that she's a very great musician
12 The team is now a good mixture of experience and __________(young)
13 Students learned the practical __________( apply)of the theory they had learned in the classroom
14 A major __________( consider)when choosing a dog is the size of your house and garden.
少年故事15 I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and __________(curious).
16 They live and work together in complete __________( equal)and brotherhood.
17 If you decide to do your own make-up, here are a few __________( value) tips that will help you look your best.
18 He was so buried in his work that he __________ (frequent)stayed up until the small hours.
19 When you have filled in the questionnaire, copy it and send the __________( origin) to your empl
20 I want to say how really __________ (delight)I am that you're having a baby
21 His father began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming increasingly__________(forget).