fanuc 0-td系统说明书(Fanuc 0-td System Manual)
NC programming, FANUC, 0-TD system
G code command
The function of the code group and its meaning "modal code" and "general" code "form code" will continue to be maintained when it is executed, and "general code" only works when the command is received. Defining moving code is usually modal code, such as straight lines, arcs, and cyclic code. Conversely, returning code like origin is called general code". Each code belongs to its own code group. In modal code, the current code is replaced by the same set of code that is loaded.
G code group explanation车胜元老婆
G00 01 positioning (quick moving)
G01 linear cutting
G02 cut the circle clockwise (CW, clockwise)
G03 cut the arc counterclockwise (CCW, counterclockwise)
G04 00 pause (Dwell)
G09 stops at precise position
G20 06 imperial input
G21 metric input
G22 04 internal travel limit is valid
G23 internal travel limit is invalid
G27 00 check reference point to return
G28 reference point returned
G29 returns from reference point
G30 returns to the second reference point
G32 01 cutting thread
G40 07 cancels tool nose radius offset
G41 tool nose radius offset (left)
G42 nose radius offset (right)
G50 00 modifies the workpiece coordinates; sets the maximum RPM of the spindle
G52 sets the local coordinate system
G53 select machine tool coordinate system
G70 00 finishing cycle
G71 internal and external diameter roughing cycle自己的英雄 孙楠
G72 step roughing cut cycle
G73 forming repeat cycle
G74, Z stepping drilling
G75 X tangential groove
G76 thread cutting cycle
G80 10 cancels the fixed loop
G83 drilling cycle
G84 tapping cycle
G85 positive bore cycle
G87 side drilling cycle
G88 side tapping cycle
G89 side boring cycle
G90 01 (inside and outside diameter) cutting cycle G92 thread cutting cycle
G94 (step) cutting cycle
september songG96 12 constant line speed control你在烦恼什么啊
G97 constant line speed control cancelled
G98 05 feed rate per minute
G99 feed rate per turn
Code interpretation
G00 positioning
1. format G00 X_ Z_, this command moves the tool from the current position to the specified location of the command (in absolute coordinates) or to a distance (in incremental coordinate mode).
2.. The positioning of a non linear cutting form is defined as the use of independent, fast moving speeds to determine the position of each axis. The tool path is not a straight line, and the machine axis stops at the specified position according to the order of arrival.
3., the linear positioning tool path, similar to linear cutting (G01), is positioned at the required position in the shortest possible time (no more than the rapid movement rate of each axis).
4. example N10 G0 X100 Z65
G01 linear interpolation
1. G01 format X (U) Z (W) _ _ F_; linear interpolation at a rate given line and mobile command to move from the current position to the command position. The absolute coordinate value of the position required by X and Z: to move. U, W: requires incremental coordinate values for the positions moved.
2. example: absolute coordinate program G01, X50., Z75., F0.2; X100.; increment coordinate program G01, U0.0, W-75., F0.2; U50.
Arc interpolation (G02, G03)
1. format G02 (G03), X (U), __Z (W), __I__K__F__, G02 (G03), X (U), __Z (W), __R__F__;
G02 - clockwise (CW) - G03 (CCW) X, the inverse clock in the Z - coordinate the end point of U, the starting point and end point between the W - I - K vector distance, from the starting point to the central point (radius R) - arc range (maximum 180 degrees). Example: absolute coordinate system program G02 X100. Z90. I50. F0.2 or G02 X100. Z90. R50. F02; incremental coordinate system pro
gram G02 U20. W-30. I50. K0. F0.2; or G02 U20. W-30. R50. K0. F0.2;
Second origin returns (G30)
如果邪恶是华丽残酷的乐章The coordinate system can be set with the second origin function.
1. set the coordinate value of the tool starting point with the parameter (a, B). The points "a" and "B" are the distance between the origin of the machine tool and the point of the tool.
2. when programming, use the G30 command instead of G50 to set the coordinate system.
3. after the execution of the first origin, the tool moves to the second origin regardless of where the tool is actually located and when it hits the command. Four
The replacement of the tool was also made at the second origin.