call on用法
on style    'callon'可以有多种不同的用法,以下是一些常见的用法:童话破灭中文歌词
    1. 号召、请求: 'The president called on the public to support his new policies.'
    2. 拜访、访问: 'I plan to call on my grandmother next weekend.'
    3. 要求、呼吁: 'The protesters are calling on the government to take action on climate change.'
    4. 取决于、依赖: 'Success in this project calls on our ability to work together effectively.'
    5. 提出、发表: 'The speaker called on the audience to consider the importance of education.'
    6. 祈求、恳求: 'The mother called on her son to come home safely.'永远的长安
    7. 谴责、批评: 'The opposition party called on the government to resign over the recent scandal.'
笑着活下去主题曲我一直在这里    总之,“call on”是一个多功能的短语,具有多种不同的用法,根据上下文和语境,可以有不同的含义和用途。