●Faction Category
●Yoga's eight branch of law
●Yoga Basic Action Series
●Cultivation equipment
•The yoga origins from India, which is popular in the world. The yoga is one of the most ancient builds-up techniques. It produces in the B.C.E.,yoga is the human wisdom crystallization. The yoga also is the Indian worthy peoples of former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition.
周杰伦默•At present the yoga has become a fashion activity, in the world widespread dissemination, becomes the adaptation nowadays all high rhythms, simple, new human being generation's one new life style.
Ancient times the yoga pays attention to mind and human body superego, the modern yoga pursued the body and mind balance and the graceful health is .
●Faction Category火箭少女为什么解散
1.Health Yoga养生瑜伽
In accordance with the seasonal cycle, the seasons change and adapt to the characteristics of the traditional Chinese culture and ancient Indian yoga two-in-one, the corresponding round solar terms, regulating body homeostasis through different yoga posture, yoga and health will be perfect TCM together, to meet the health needs of people's health.
2.Aromatherapy Yoga香薰瑜伽
Adhering to the East Indian yoga aromatherapy essence of yoga, combining Western Fragrances of the five senses therapy, the use of yoga asana, breath flow, aromatherapy massage, yoga SPA and unique effect of essential oils, allowing the body to achieve balance circulation and metabolism. yoga热瑜伽
Hot yoga (yoga heat), is to do yoga at 38 ℃-40 ℃high temperature environment.
4.Hatha Yoga哈他瑜伽
哈他瑜伽(传统瑜伽),在(Hatha)这个词中,ha的意思是太阳,tha的意思是月亮。它代表男与女,日与夜,阴与阳,冷与热,以及其他任何相辅相成的两个对立面的平衡。Hatha Yoga (traditional yoga), in “Hatha”this word, “ha”means sun, “tha ”means moon. It represents male and female, day and night, yin and yang, cold and heat, as well as any other complementary balance of two opposites.
5.Iyengar Yoga艾扬格瑜伽
艾扬格瑜伽是由印度瑜伽大师(B.K.S Iyengar)创立和教授的哈他瑜伽课程,并且以他的名字来命名的,它非常注重人体正确的摆放,生理结构,骨胳肌肉的功能等,强调体位动作的精准,到位,讲究身心放空。
Iyengar Yoga is a yoga master from India (BKS Iyengar) was founded and taught Hatha yoga classes, and named after his name, which placed great emphasis on human right, the physical struct
ure, skeletal muscle function, emphasizes postural movements precise, place, pay attention to the physical and mental venting.
6.Ashtanga Yoga阿斯汤伽瑜伽
Ashtanga Yoga is to be known as the father of modern Hatha Yoga Krishna Machado, at the beginning of the last century heritage of the Ashtanga Yoga Ga temperature Asaph, 40 years after the introduction of Western and became popular in the world yoga one system.
7.Flow Yoga流瑜伽
Flow Yoga focuses on stretching, strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, focus. Convergence between style gives it a sense of coherent, the so called "flow Yoga."
8.Raja Yoga王瑜伽
Raja Yoga意即有如王者般地位崇高的瑜伽修行方式。王瑜伽重视冥想与调息。是印度的印度教修行者通往精神世界的主流之路。
爵迹2范冰冰换脸Raja Yoga means of high standing like a regal way Yoga practice. Raja Yoga meditation and pranayama importance. India's Hindu spiritual world leading practitioner mainstream of the road.
Yoga's eight branch of law瑜伽的八支行法
为了实现“对心的控制”,瑜伽之祖帕坦伽利在《瑜伽经》中提出了瑜伽修行所必须的八个阶段的修法,称为“八支行法”。In order to achieve "control of the heart", Patanjali yoga in "Yoga Sutra" Yogi proposed eight stages necessary for amending the law, known as the "eight branch of law."
1持戒(yama) :指必须遵守的戒律,包括不杀生、诚实、不盗、不淫、不贪等。《瑜伽经》认为,在作瑜伽功之前,一个人必须要有充分的道德修养,否则的话,他的心是不会平静的。That must obey the commandments, including ahimsa,honest, no stealing, not prostitution, not greedy of etc.."Yoga Sutra" think before do yoga, a person must have sufficient moral cultivation, otherwise, his heart is not calm.
2、精进(niyama):指应遵守的道德准则,包括That should abide by the moral standards, including
(1) clean清净(对身体和食物的清净,为“外净”;对内心污浊的清净,为“内净”)
(2) content知足(不求自己份外之物)
(3) the ascetic苦行(忍受饥、渴、寒、暑、坐、立等痛苦,遵守斋食、巡礼、苦行等等誓戒
(4) to read读诵(学习经典、念诵圣音——唵“Om”)
(5) worship敬神(敬信自在天大神,为神奉献一切)等。
3.体位(asan):指保持身体平稳、轻松自如、精神放松。T o keep the body stable, easily, the spirit of relaxation.萧亚轩的男友
4调息(pranayama):指调整和控制呼吸。The adjustment and control of breathing.
5 摄心(Pratyahar):指抑制各种感觉感官,使感官的活动完全置于心的控制之下。To suppress various senses, the senses under control ofthe activity completely inside the heart.
6 凝神(dharana):是使心专注于身体内的一处,如肚脐、鼻尖、舌端等;也可以专注于外界的一种对象,如月亮、神像等。Is a place to make their mind to within the body, such as the navel, tongue end; an object can also focus on the outside world, as the moon, statues etc..
7入定(Dhyan):亦称静虑,是使专注一处的心与所专注的对象相统一、使主客观相融合。The attention is a heart of unity, and the object focus phasemake subjective and objective fusion.
8三摩地(samadhi):就是真正达到了心与其专注的对象冥合为一体。Is really reached the heart instead of focusing object Plutoas a whole。
The yoga function is simply wonderful. Because it is inside and outside concurrently repairs to the human body function. Also is in each kind of fitness project only. The modern yoga said simply is by the breath law, the body posture law, contemplates composes. Is in under one kind of natural health environment, is following the melodious music, is directing own body with the thought, affable smooth practice each kind of movement, simultaneously coordinates the breath, achieved the adjustment body and mind, the sculpture physique, enhances the makings, the enhancement body and spirit function.
●Yoga Basic Action Series瑜伽基本动作系列
Warrior Series战士系列Warrior one type战士一式
Balance series平衡系列  Yan balance燕式平衡
Trigonometric series三角系列  The triangle pose三角伸展式
After    a series of bends后弯系列  The camel骆驼式
Inverted series倒立系列  Reverse inverted逆向倒立
Abdominal series腹部系列  V balanceV字平衡
Hip series胯部系列  Crescent type新月式八千里路云和月
Flexion series前屈系列Body anteflexion in sitting position坐位体前屈
Cultivation equipment修炼器材
瑜伽球Yoga Ball
瑜伽垫Yoga mat
晶体石膏灯Gypsum crystal lamp