Until recently, few people outside of South Korea had heard of Gangnam, an upscale neighborhood in Seoul's southeast that houses roughly 5% of the capital's population.
Then camePsy.
More specifically, the K-pop musician's 'Gangnam Style,' which went viral on YouTube over the summer. Most of us know what happened next: An Internet-wide slurry of video imitations; 'Gangnam Style' flash mobs from Australia to Peru; a U.S. record deal sealed in soju, chased with domination of American primetime television; and even chin-stroking analyses of that horsey-dance clip.
But for many, the question still remains: What goes on in Gangnam, anyway?
We have five suggestions, loosely inspired by Psy's lyrics. For good measure, we've divided them up so you can see what he means when the singer calls Gangnam 'noble' during the day and 'crazy' after dark.
Noble by Day
离人 歌词
1. Get the 'Gangnam Style' look
江南区不乏知名品牌,但要想到高端、小众的精品时装店,可以去Cheongdam和Shinsa等街区。在这里你会到前卫的国际品牌概念商店,比如米兰的10 Corso Como,还有本土时装大牌如Jardin de Chouette和Johnny Hates Jazz。
最后的灰姑娘主题曲There's no shortage of brand names in Gangnam, but for a range of upscale, niche boutiques, head to the subdistricts of Cheongdam and Shinsa. This is where you'll find fashion-forward international concept stores like Milan's 10 Corso Como alongside home-grown havens of chic such as Jardin de Chouette and Johnny Hates Jazz.
Stores here aren't cheap, but that's the price you pay to 'dress classy, and dance cheesy,' as Psy puts it.
在江南区,你可以去专为名人──比如有九名成员的流行乐团“少女时代”(Girls’Generation)──服务的几家美发沙龙之一打理发型。Soonsoo、Ra Beauty Core和Jenny House都可以一试。
While you're here, whip that coif into shape at one of several hair salons that cater to celebrities such as nine-piece K-pop group Girls' Generation. Try Soonsoo, Ra Beauty Core and Jenny House, to name a few.
2. 抢先领略未来科技
2. Glimpse the future of technology (before everyone else)
江南区外围的江南大道上坐落着三星电子(Samsung Electronics)等企业巨头。以营收计,三星电子是世界最大的科技公司。可以去逛逛该公司的旗舰店Samsung D’light,这座三层建筑位于三星电子首尔总部,犹如电子消费产品的殿堂。
Gangnam-daero, a road in Gangnam's outskirts, houses corporate heavyweights like Samsung Electronics, the world's largest technology firm by revenue. Pay a visit to the company's flagship store, Samsung D'light, a three-floor palace of consumer electronics located at its Seoul headquarters.
Dedicated to selling, and simply showing, Samsung's newly released products, this is where you can buy its latest tablets and Galaxy smartphones, as well as witness the latest Samsung technology (think solar-powered handsets and fridges with see-through liquid-crystal display doors) long before it hits the broader market.
Interactivity is encouraged you're welcome to sit down and play videogames and a host of staff is on hand to field questions in Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish.
3. 钻研韩国的佛教历史
3. Delve deep into South Korea's Buddhist history
Bongeunsa, also known as Bong-eun Temple, was originally founded in 794 A.D. Though Buddhism was suppressed in favor of Confucianism during the early Chosun dynasty, Bongeunsa began to flourish as one of Korea's main centers for Seon (Zen) Buddhism in the mid-1500s under the guidance of a monk known as Master Bowoo.
Now located on the slopes of Gangnam'sSudo Mountain, it's one of the country's most traditional temples and stands as a symbol of Buddhist aspiration. Looking to attain enlightenment? You can enroll in a two-day Temple Stay program (about $63 per adult), held once a month for up to 30 participants, and featuring mind-healing activities such as monastic meals, a tea ceremony and meditation. /eng
Crazy by Night
4. Strike a pose in front of an explosive backdrop, no special effects necessary
2008 年,月光彩虹喷泉被吉尼斯世界纪录(Guinness World Records)认定为全球最长的大桥喷泉。整个喷泉全长1,140米,带有LED灯光照明。喷泉凌驾于盘浦大桥之上,吸引了很多想在工作之余放松身心的情侣和工人。在这里还可以一览横贯首尔的汉江的美景。
Named the world's 'longest bridge fountain' in 2008 by the Guinness World Records, the Moonlight Rainbow Fountain is 1,140 meters of cascading water illuminated with LED lights. Running along the Banpo Bridge, it draws couples and workers looking to unwind after-hours with a view of the Han River, which cuts across Seoul from east to west.
The fountain operates three times a day during weekdays, and six times a day on weekends, shooting tons of water per minute. For maximum atmosphere, get there after sunset if you're lucky, you might see fireworks from one of the river's cruise boats. kr/park_banpo
5. 披散头发,与大牌明星同乐
5. Let your hair down while rubbing elbows with K-pop's finest
If you, like Psy, are looking for 'a girl who puts her hair down when the nighttime comes,' then you might want to make like a pony and trot to one of Gangnam's many lavish nightclubs (either way, they're a good place to practice that lasso move).
Club Ellui是韩国甚至是亚洲最顶级的之一,这里经常有韩国大牌流行音乐人出没,比如朴振英(Park Jin-young, 即JYP)、2PM和GD & Top。这家也经常与Space Ibiza和Ministry of Sound等国外知名联合举办活动,邀请国际巨星助兴。周五或是周六的时候来这里吧,这是这家的“官方”营业时间,在这里你会体会到什么是人山人海──数以千计的狂欢者聚集到此地,流连至凌晨仍不肯散去。
One of the top clubs in the country, if not Asia, is the massive Club Ellui, which hosts hot-shot K-pop stars like JYP (Park Jin-young), 2PM and GD & Top, and invites international names by teaming up with overseas clubs such as Space Ibiza and Ministry of Sound. Head there on a Friday or Saturday, the club's official operation days, and prepare to brave a crowd revelers gather here by the thousands and stay until the wee hours.