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Review of Braveheart
The film entitled Braveheart,which tells of the story of Sir William Wallace ,a Scotland’s hero in 13th century to protest against the cruel king of England, Edward I.
Although the reason is seemingly a romantic revernge for his fiancée who was killed by an English landlord.The struggle was so fierce ,bloody and magnificent that any spectator can not come to himself or herself after seeing a series of campaigns that were shown in the movie and we are most touched by the desire for freedom of Sir William Wallace on the last scene of his execution ,in which William’s sky blue eyes were shone as bright as the sky ,a metaphor for the freedom which is hopeless but the determination was never abandoned in pursuit for it.
However,one cannot stand the spiteful rebellion of the Scottish nobles and just imagine Wallace’s disbelief and shock when he got to know that the knight of Edward I,who is most 黄磊与孙莉>也只是怕错过 什么歌
崔智友怀孕willing to kill him in the battlefield,is the one who is most likely to become the king of Scotland,the man who swore to stand alongside with Wallace from the majority of the Scotland’s aristocrats who suspected Wallace and kept looking down upon him.Wallace had presumed that he was his companion but the reality just showed the just opposite side of Wallce’s naïve dream and both the hero and the audience cannot bear this betrayal from the bottom of their heats.