Teaching procedures
Step I Warming Up
1. Show the students some pictures taken by one of my classmates who marries an Englishman. The pictures will warm the students up and arouse their interests.
2. Lets have a quiz about the basic knowledge of England.
(1).Do you know where did the 2012 Olympic Games held ?
(2)How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?
(3)Who rules the country?
(4)What are the provinces called in England?
(5)Which is the longest river in England?... Etc.
Step II. Leading-in and Pre-reading
Ask the students the question: Can you name the capital cities of the countries of the UK?
Give them 2 minutes to discuss and then show the students the answers by using the multi-media.
Step III. Reading
Task one: Skimming and scanning
Skim the text to find general ideas.
Read the passage and complete the sentences using the words in the box.
England      Wales      Scotland 
Northern Ireland 
Republic of Southern Ireland
1 The countries that make up Great
  Britain are___________________  ________.
2 If we speak of England we mean    ____________________.
3 The United Kingdom includes    ______________________________
4 The part of Ireland that separated from England is called ___________
5 London is the capital city of ______________________________.
符龙飞即将当爸Task Two : Fast reading
1.Please read the whole text as fast as you can, and try to find out the main idea of each paragraph.
2.Divide the passage into three parts and write down the main idea of each part.
Task Three: Detailed reading
Part 1—About the UK
Fill in the blanks
The full name of England is the ______  ________ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .It consists of four parts ,they are ________,__________,_________ and ________________,  people always think ______is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called the ________ ______.The four countries have different ____________and ______ _______as well as different _________ ______.
Part 2-England
(1)Read the the second part and find out :
How many parts can England be divided into? What are they?
(2)Most population settled in ___________________.
Most of the large industrial cities are in ___________________.
Nationwide,many cities have ________________________
Part 3-London
(1)Fill in the blanks.
(2)The influence of the invaders-- what did they leave?
Task Four. Summary of the passage.
(1)Now let’s conclude what we've learned.
Guide the students to use their own words to explain how the UK formed by looking at the maps and national flags shown on the screen.
(2)The Union Jack flag unites the flag of three countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why?
Step IV. Consolidation
Make up a dialogue.The visitor is asking the native something about the UK.
Step V. Homework
1. Recite the new words and phrases in the reading passage.
2.Find sentences with past participles in the text and get prepared for grammar study.
    通过老师和学生的共同努力, 这堂阅读课取得了预期的良好效果。在本节阅读课中,课堂活动形式多样化,学生能够积极参与到课堂活动中来。多样化的课堂活动形式有利于保持学生的注意力,有利于提高课堂教学的有效性,并能使学生“求新”、“求异”的心理得到满足。就内容而言,设计了大脑风暴活动、猜测活动、理解活动、情感活动、反馈活动等;就组织形式而言,师生、生生互动性强,既有个体活动,又有小组活动、全班活动和师生互动;就学习方式而言,既有自主学习的活动,又有合作中学习的活动。活动前本人都扮演好各种角,给学生清晰明确的指令和任务,并调控好课堂教学。由于设计的活动贴近现实生活,能够让学生有话可说,极大地激发了学生的参与热情。
    “热身“(warming up)部分要求学生完成一项小测试任务,看看学生对英国了解多少,并调动学生积极的思维,激发学生的学习动机。
“语言学习”(Learning about language)部分主要突出通过语境运用本单元生词、设计了各种与动词say同义或近义的词的练习。语法部分引导学生发现课文中的过去分词用作宾语补足语的例句,设计了较为简单的填空练习和具有趣味性的游戏。
Unit 2 The united Kingdom
1. You can easily c______ the problems if you study British history.
2. The three countries found themselves u_________ peacefully instead of by war.
3. They are going to get Ireland c _______to form the United Kingdom.