Unit 5 Community
Unit Goals
1. Politely ask someone not to do something
2. Complain about public conduct
3. Discuss social responsibility
4. Identify and discuss urban problems
5. Write about public health
Lesson 1
On-the-Street Interviews: I enjoy living in the city because …
A. Circle the letter of the best choice to complete each statement.
1.b      2.c.      3.a      4.b 5.c
B. Answer the questions, using information from the video.
1. Emma 2. Natalie  3. Jessica  4. Natalie  5. Emma  6. Chris
娶个媳妇过大年Video Script
Interviewer: Do you live right in the city or are you in a suburb?
Jessica: I used to live in the suburbs with my parents until I was seventeen years old. And then, as I thought I have to grow up, I moved into the city, and I lived in the center.
Interviewer: So which do you prefer?
Jessica: That is difficult because both sites have their, like, advantages. In the city you are around your friends, and it is much easier to, yeah, to go out and to meet people, and you are at home in ten minutes because you can walk. And if you live in the suburbs, it is more quiet and yeah, you are more in the countryside, and more in the nature with the, y
eah with your family, so it is like … I wouldn’t say one is better than the other one. It has … both sites is very good, so I like both.
Chris: I think most people in the city are there because of work, a lot of the times, so a lot of people are rushing, and they have got deadlines and appointments to meet. So they can come across as a bit more rude than perhaps people in the suburbs who have less pressures on them, it seems to me. But I think once you get talking to people in the city, when they have got time, they are just as nice as anyone else.
Interviewer: Tell me where you live.
张庭 林瑞阳Emma: I live in the city. Where I live is kind of quiet, but it depends on the time of the day, and sometimes there is like a little restaurant in the area, and people tend to go there. So sometimes you hear when people are coming out when it is really late, but it is not noisy all the time. It is OK; It is a medium kind of sound there. There is lots of children there ---families, a lot of families. Different cultures, hard-working people. It is a very nice community. It is very clean, which is kind of different from the city because the city is kind
of messy, but they maintain it, and they keep it very nice. So lots of stores, shopping, a little family theater area where kids can go watch shows with their family. So it is a very nice area … I enjoy living in the city because I get, it is quick access to, like, food or, you know, you don’t have to travel in a car or go down an hour or two to the mall. I mean, you can just walk up to any store and get an outfit and you are gone. Like, it doesn’t take a lot of work to go somewhere.
Natalie: I live in the city, and I really enjoy living in the city because it is very busy, and there is always something to do. It gets a bit too busy sometimes, and so you …it is nice to take vacations. But I like living in the city because there is always bars to go to, there is restaurants, there is plenty to do. The commute to work is very short --- it only takes me about twenty minutes to get to work by public transportation. And, yeah, I really like it, because there is lots of people with similar interests and very interesting people to speak to all the time.
A. Sound Bites
Teaching Suggestions
B. Pair Work
Read the conversation again. With a partner, explain the meaning of each of the following statements or questions.
1. How do you like living in the city?
2. Things move too fast for me here.
3. You have to pay attention and be alert all the time.
4. It bothers me sometimes.
5. I prefer living in the country.
Teaching Suggestions
STARTING POINT原来我只是忘记和你说再见
What are some advantages and disadvantages of living in each type of place? Write them in the chart.
Teaching Suggestions
Step 1
拾忆Model the activity with the class. Write the following chart on the board (without the answers) and elicit several ideas for each column from the class
the country
clean air, low crime, friendly people, less stress, slower pace
boring, no jobs, too far from good health care
the city
noises, crowded
the suburbs
less convenient, friendly people,
far from good health care
Step 2
Have students complete the chart individually in note form.
Step 3
Encourage students to write at least three advantages and disadvantages of living in each place.
Discussion. Where would you prefer to live — in the country, the city, or the suburbs? Why?
Teaching Suggestions
Step 1
Group students according to where they prefer to live. If possible, put students with different preferences together.
Step 2
Have students discuss their favorite place to live. As students discuss, encourage them to agree or disagree with their group members’ views.
Step 3
Take a poll of the class to find out how many people would like to live in each place.
Part 2
Discuss Social Responsibilities
A, B这只烟灭了以后部分Teaching suggestions
C. Listening Comprehension
Read the questions and listen to part 1 of the story about Nicholas Green and his family. Take notes on your notepad. Then summarize the first part of the story with your partner.
Where were the Greens from? They were from California in the United States.