Dialogue: 有时候 我觉得自己受到了诅咒Sometimes, I think I'm cursed.
Dialogue: 因为在我出生前发生了一些事Cause of something that happened before I was even born.
Dialogue: 是这样 很久以前 我太奶奶的家里See, a long time ago, there was this family.
Dialogue: 他爸爸 是一位音乐家The Papá, he was a musician.
Dialogue: 一家人都喜欢唱歌跳舞He and his family would sing and dance
Dialogue: 过的很幸福and count their blessings.
Dialogue: 可是爸爸有个梦想But he also had a dream.
Dialogue: 让自己的歌声传遍整个世界To play for the world.
Dialogue: 有一天And
Dialogue: 他背着吉他走了he left with
Dialogue: 再也没有回来and never returned.
Dialogue: 我太奶奶And my Mamá...
Dialogue: 可没心情为离家出走的爸爸难过She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician.
Dialogue: 她把音乐彻底赶出了生活After banishing all music from
Dialogue: 她要想办法赚钱养活女儿she found a way to provide for her daughter.
Dialogue: 她卷起袖子She rolled up
Dialogue: 学会了做鞋and she learned to make shoes.
Dialogue: 她明明可以做糖果She could have made candy.
Dialogue: 或者做烟花O-o-or fireworks.hailu
Dialogue: 或者做亮闪闪的摔跤服Or sparkly underwear for wrestlers.
Dialogue: 可她就不But no.
Dialogue: 她选择做鞋子She chose shoes.
Dialogue: 后来她教会了她女儿做鞋子Then she taught her daughter to make shoes.
Dialogue: 再后来 她又教女婿做鞋And later, she taught her son-in-law.
Dialogue: 最后连孙子孙女们都做鞋Then her grandkids got roped in.last flowers
Dialogue: 人手越来越多 生意也越来越红火As her family grew, so did the business.
Dialogue: 音乐把这个家拆散了Music have torn her family apart.
Dialogue: 鞋子又把这个家凝聚在了一起But shoes held them all together.
Dialogue: 你看这个人You see
Dialogue: 这个就是太奶奶的妈妈was
Dialogue: 伊梅尔达Mamá Imelda.
Dialogue: 我还没出生时 她就过世了She died way before I was born.
Dialogue: 但是每年到了亡灵节But my family still tells
Dialogue: 家里人都要把她的光辉事迹拿出来every year on Día de los Muertos -- the Day of
Dialogue: 实际上 我的名字叫米格Actually, my name is Miguel.
Dialogue: 这位是我奶奶 我太奶奶的女儿My abuelita, she's Mamá Coco's daughter.
奶奶: 瞧 你瘦的跟猴似的 多吃点Aw, you're a twig, mijo. Have some more.
我: 够了 谢谢No, gracias.
奶奶: 我问你要不要再吃几个玉米粉蒸肉卷呢I asked if you would like more tamales.
我: 吃..吃吧o, ok.
奶奶: 我就知道你喜欢吃这个That's what I thought you said!
我: 我奶奶管理着这个家Abuelita runs the house just as Mamá Imelda did.
奶奶: 不要音乐No music!
奶奶: 不要音乐No music!
我: 就算要我付出..\N♪ Aunque ♪
奶奶: 不要音乐No music!
我: 我觉得全墨西哥只有我们家不喜欢音乐了I think we're the only family in Mexico who hates music.
我: 我家人都觉得 没音乐也没啥问题And my family's fine with that.
我: 但是我
妈妈: 中午早点回来吃饭Be back by lunch, mijo.
妈妈: 午饭前回来哦 米格Be back by lunch, mijo.
我: 好的 妈妈Love you, Mamá!
我: 我可不像他们那样 我就是喜欢音乐I'm not like the rest of my family.
我: 我知道 我不应该喜欢音乐的I know, I'm not supposed to love music.
我: 但这不能怪我But it's not my fault.
我: 要怪他It's his.
我: 歌神德拉库斯Ernesto de la Cruz.
我: 世界上最伟大的音乐家The greatest musician of all time.
我: 我就有一种感觉and I get this feeling.
我: 好像我和他之间有某种联系Like we're connected somehow.
我: 我总觉得他能成为音乐家Like if he could
我: 总有一天 我也可以maybe someday, I could too!
被擦鞋人: 我让你擦鞋 不是听你叨叨家事I asked for a shoe shine, not your life story.
我: 哦 对 对不起Oh, yeah, sorry.
我: 在我们家里 我绝对不能提唱歌I just can't really talk about any of this at home, so.
被擦鞋人: 孩子 我要是你Look, if I were you,
被擦鞋人: 我就大声的跟家里人说I'd march right up to my family and say,
被擦鞋人: 嘿 我就想成为一名音乐家 你们要怎样"Hey, I'm a musician. Deal with it!"
被擦鞋人: 你想像歌神一样么 就去报名啊You wanna be like your hero You should sign up!
我: 啊 那我家里人会很生气的Unh-unh. My family would freak!
被擦鞋人: 你要是这么胆小 那就只好擦一辈子鞋了Look, if you're too scared, then, well, have fun making shoes.
被擦鞋人: 别怕 想想歌神是怎么说的Come on, what did de la Cruz always say
被擦鞋人: 抓住你面前的机会Seize your moment
被擦鞋人: 让我看看你的水平怎么样Show me what you got, muchacho.
被擦鞋人: 我当你的第一位听众I'll be your first audience.
奶奶: 米格Miguel!
我: 奶奶Abuelita!
奶奶: 你在这干什么呢What are you doing here
我: 额..额..Um... oh... uh...
奶奶: 你离我孙子远点You leave my grandson alone!
被擦鞋人: 你疯了吧 我刚刚只是在让他擦鞋Doña, please! I was just getting a shine.
奶奶: 我知道你打的什么主意I know your tricks, mariachi.
奶奶: 他刚才对你说什么了What did he say to you
唐古拉被擦鞋人: 他给我看了看他的吉他He was just showing me his guitar.
奶奶: 真不要脸Shame on you!
Dialogue: 我的孙子就像一个My grandson is a is a sweet little
Dialogue: 可爱的小天使angelito, perrito, cielito!
Dialogue: 他可不想掺和你的什么音乐He wants no part of your music, mariachi.
Dialogue: 你离他远点You keep away from him.
Dialogue: 今天是亡灵节 都在家好好呆着It's Día de los Muertos. No one's going any where.
Dialogue: 今天晚上要和家人在一起Tonight is about family.