周  次
周,第 1-3次课
            Unit 1  The Pursuit of Dreams
Upon completion of this unit, teachers are expected to have enabled students (Ss) to:
1. have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;
2. build up an active vocabulary to talk about the pursuit of dreams and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly;
3. know what makes successful dream chasers;
4. talk about their own dream jobs and explain how to make their dreams come true;
5. write a well-developed paragraph with a clear topic sentence.
Understanding and analysis of the texts;
Important language points in the texts
1) Speaking: talk about the pursuit of dreams; talk about their own dream jobs and explain how to make their dreams come true
2) Writing: Paragraph writing with a clear topic sentence
P兰若词 歌词art Text:Deaf DJ
Part Reading 1  Janitor Filipaj, the Dream Pursuer
Part Reading 2  From the American Dream to a Chinese Dream
Part Theme-related Language Learning Tasks
教学方法: Students-oriented teaching approaches
        Group discussion; presentation
辅助手段: 多媒体
This unit is designed for an eight-period class. In each of the periods, certain tasks are to be completed. Generally speaking, there may be several different ways to explore this unit. Here is a suggested teaching plan.
Teaching Plan
  Part One: Opener
1.Introduce the topic to the class either in English or Chinese.
儿行千里母担忧歌词2.Draw Ss' attention to the two pictures in Opener, help them use their cell phones to scan the QR codes for information about the two people in the pictures.
3.Ask them what questions they would like to ask about the two people in the pictures. Collect their questions orally, summarize them, and if possible, narrow them down to the three questions listed in Opener.
4.Ask Ss to work in pairs, discussing the three questions given in Opener.
5.After discussion, give pairs a few minutes to swap their answers with their neighbors.
6.Ask one or two pairs to give a brief report of their discussion.
  Part Two: Reading & Interacting
1.Introduce the topic of the text: a deaf DJ who chased a seemingly impossible dream.
2.Before moving on to the text, help Ss familiarize themselves with the new words in the margin, for example, by having them read the text out loud, paragraph by paragraph, collecting any words which they have difficulty pronouncing, writing the words on the board and reading the words out to them. Ss repeat the words together, going down the list one by one and then read the words selected by the teacher. Then some of them will be asked to read the words separately and others improve their pronunciation of these words. By now they should be clear as to how the words are pronounced.
3.Guide Ss to approach the text by studying the storyline of the writer's personal story--time order and some key elements of a story: setting conflict, development, and ending.
Setting: The writer was born in England with perfect hearing. When he was five, his family moved to the United States. Because of ear infections, he went deaf in the right ear and was left with 20% of hearing in the left.
Conflict: The young man who was almost deaf, however, got interested in deejaying which usually requires acute hearing.
Development: At the age of 25, he began to receive tutoring from a famous New York DJ. He got jobs, deejaying at clubs and, for his excellent performance, won the name "that Deaf DJ".
Ending: The writer explains how he, a man with hearing loss, succeeded in deejaying. And the writer offers encouragement for the young to chase their dreams.
4.Discuss the following elements one by one with Ss:
Setting (Para. 1): Ask Ss to close their books and raise questions about the writer's hearing loss. For example, "Was he deaf at birth?" "Is he completely deal now?"… And ask one or two students to answer their questions. They can refer to Para. 1.
Conflict (Paras. 2-3): Ask Ss to take turns to retell the story using the following word list:
when I was little  love  folk  birthday  deejay
hook  email  challenge  tutor  develop  take over
你问我爱你有多深Development (Para, 4): Ask Ss to read Para. 4, and close their books after they finish. Then ask them to retell the main idea of the paragraph in their own words. The following is a summary for your reference:
When I deejayed at clubs, I would just show up, introduce myself, and start playing music. People enjoyed my performance but no one knew I was deaf. That was why they just couldn't believe me when I told them I couldn't hear. Therefore, sometimes, I had to let them see my doctor's notes. All this showed they gave me jobs because I was good at deejaying, not out of sympathy. People have called me "that Deaf DJ" ever since.
Ending : Ask Ss to explain how the deaf DJ succeeded in deejaying.
Do back translation in pairs: Ask Ss to work with their partner to translate the following paragraph into English and compare their translation with Para 8. Ask one or two pairs to tell the differences.
5.Work together with Ss to find events and activities to match the time expressions in the table in Text Organization and do the tasks in Digging into detail and Understanding difficult sentences.
6.Assign Ss to summarize the text by following the six elements of the story. And they can refer to the task Focusing on the main ideas.
7.Explain the key words and expressions in the text and teach Ss how to use them. You may refer Ss to the exercises in Focusing on Language in Context.
8.Explain how words are formed, particularly conversion and work with Ss to find more examples of conversion from the text. Then do the task in Word Formation.
9.Explain the sentence patterns and ask Ss to do the task in Sentence Patterns.
10.Ask Ss to preview the tasks in Focusing on Language in Context.
11.Check Ss' assignment by inviting them to read out aloud the key words and expressions and explain their meanings either in Chinese or English.
12.Ask Ss to do the tasks in Key Words & Expressions. To help Ss put these words and expressions into use, T may redesign the tasks. For example, T can choose 5-8sentences from  for dictation; translate the sentences in  into Chinese first, then ask Ss to translate it back into English and compare their sentences with those in ; in , give Ss the first half of the sentences and ask them to complete them orally with the five target words and expressions.
13.Have Ss do pair work in Comprehensive Practice. Ss may fill in the blanks first, and then role play it.
Part III: Reading & Comprehending
Reading 1边疆的泉水清又清
1.Ask Ss to read aloud the new words and expressions in the margin, and guide them to sketch out the life story of Gac Filipaj using the time order and six elements of a story.
2.Check Ss' sketch with the task in Comprehension Check for Reading 1.
3.Clarify some difficult points and do the task in Translation.
4.Ask Ss to read the text again and find Gac Filipa's comment on his success and how other people like Peter Awn, dean of Columbia's School of General Studies, think of him and his successful attempt to graduate from Columbia University.
Reading 2
1.Ask Ss to skim the text and focus on Yu Minhong's dream, hardships and challenges he had met in the course of chasing his dream, and his attitude towards failure and success. Then do the task in Comprehension Check for Reading 2.
2.Ask Ss to do brainstorming; how to define success and allure. Then compare their understanding with Yu Minhong's. Encourage Ss to use words and expressions from Reading 2.
Part IV: Integrated Skills Practicing
Viewing & Listening
1.Introduce Viewing & Listening to the das We’ve learnt from the Text about Robbie’s life story and how he went through all difficulties to make his dream come true. Now we’ll learn more about him through his own reflections. Watch the video clip and focus on his understanding of deejaying, his hearing loss and his desire for treatment as a normal person like everyone else.
2.Ask Ss to put themselves in the position of Robbie and answer the three questions before they watch the video clip.
"How do you view deejaying as a deaf DJ?
How would you like others to view you as a deaf DJ?
What is nice about your hearing loss?"
3.Play the video dip and then help Ss identify the main points of the talk.
4.Play the video clip again part by part and ask Ss to fill in the blanks in the dialogue boxes according to what they have heard and compare their answers to Robbie's. Draw their attention to the words Robbie uses to express his understanding of deejaying (hobby, love, happy to go to work), his desire for treatment as a normal person (great, not sympathy, and his attitude about hearing loss (sound, muffled, proud).
1.Explain the role play task by referring to the Ss book.
2.Divide the class into groups of four and assign each a role: TV presenter, RobbieWilde, Gac Filipaj and Yu Minhong.
3.Organize a group discussion about what questions the presenter is going to ask. Ss can go back to the three articles and exercises in this unit for questions and related information. They may also go over the tips given in the box.
4.The presenter collects the questions and writes them down on a sheet of paper. The other three people to be interviewed prepare answers. Write a script together if the group think it necessary.
5.Let Ss do the rehearsal after class.
6.Invite two or three groups to role play it in class. Both teachers and students make comments on their performance.
1.Guide Ss to write a clear topic sentence about what their dream job is at the beginning of their paragraph.
2.莉莉安 徐佳莹Encourage Ss to develop the topic sentence by using what they've learnt from the Text.
3.Help Ss apply what they've learnt from the three dream chasers in this unit to the pursuit of their dream job, for instance, what difficulties or challenges they may face, how they're going to cope with them, and what efforts they're going to make at college for their dream job.
4.Encourage Ss to use words and expressions they've learnt from this unit and underline them in their paragraph.
5.Help Ss revise their writing and draw their attention to the connection between sentences.
6.Have Ss work in pairs, exchange their writing and make comments according to the Evaluation criteria in Writing.
Integrated Course 1 Students Book:  pages 17-32