Unit 1
1. words related to walk (ll. 83-86)
march: walk with firm, regular steps like a soldier  齐步前进
pace: walk with slow, steady steps, especially backwards and forwards    踱方步
patrol: go at regular times round an area, building, etc.  巡逻
stalk: vi. stalk out / off / away: walk stiffly, proudly, or with long steps  高视阔步地走 vt. to pursue by tracking stealthily 暗中追踪 to go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry
tread (on): step on  踩,践踏
tramp: walk (through or over) with firm, heavy steps  用沉重地脚步走,长途旅行
step out: (U.S.) go outside or go somewhere    (美国口语)暂时走开,走出屋外,下车,游荡
prance: move quickly, happily, or proudly with a springing step  欢悦地走,(马)腾跃
strut: vi. walk proudly or stiffly, especially with the chest pushed forward and trying to look important  趾高气昂地走回声嘹亮蒋大为
prowl: vt (animal) hunt another animal; (man) criminal activity
vi. ~ around / about / through: move about an area quietly, trying not to be seen or heard
plod: walk slowly along (trudge)  沉重缓慢地走
stroll: walk a short distance, slowly or lazily, especially for pleasure  (懒散)散步, 闲逛
shuffle: walk by dragging one’s feet slowly along  蓝皮鼠大脸猫主题曲拖着脚走
stagger: walk or move unsteadily and with great difficulty, almost falling  蹒跚
sidle: move uncertainly or secretively or in a shy way, as if not want to be noticed  (羞怯或偷偷地)侧身而行或接近
trudge: walk with heavy steps, slowly and with effort (plod) esp. because you are tired
    ~ home / along / through
toddle: walk with short, unsteady steps, as a small child does  蹒跚行走
ramble: go on a walk for enjoyment/pleasure    漫步
roam: wander with not very clear purpose or direction  (漫无目的)漫游、闲逛
saunter: walk in an unhurried way, and esp. in a confident manner (lounge) 漫步、闲逛
meander: wander in a slow easy way not in any particular direction  漫步,散步; (a river) turn a lot: 曲曲折折地流过
lounge: move in a leisurely, indolent (不积极,懒惰)manner (saunter)  汉武大帝主题曲闲荡
loiter: move slowly or keep stopping when one should be going forward  走走停停
creep: move slowly, quietly, and carefully so as not to attract attention  蹑手蹑脚地走
stride: walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous way  采蘑菇的小姑娘歌曲大踏步走、阔步前行
Key Points of the Text
clumsy, awkward (l.1)
clumsy implies stiffness, heaviness, and blundering as the source of the lack of grace
awkward: lacking grace, ease, or proficiency
E.g. His clumsy attempts at the humor failed to get a conversation start.
He was quite awkward before large audiences, but very effective at small gatherings.
昨夜星辰drive something home (l.3): force (the nail) into the right place; make something unmistakably clear 把(钉子等)打入;使明确无误
E.g. (1). He slammed the door and drove the bolt home. 他砰地关上门,把门闩插好。
(2). drive one’s point home 讲清楚自己的观点
deft (l.4): effortlessly skillful; adroit熟练的
hit it squarely on the head: hitting it directly on the head. Also hit the (right) nail on the head: (informal) be exactly right in words or action 正中要害;猜中;说得好,做得好
E.g.: Your criticism really hit the nail on the head. 你的批评确是一针见血。
loose phrase (l.6): 模糊,不确切
loose translation/style/woman  意译/不简练的文体/放荡的女人
scrupulous writers: writers who are thorough, exact, and who pay careful attention to details 一丝不苟的作家
scrupulous: correct even in the smallest detail; exact; painstaking; meticulous严格认真的,审慎的
unscrupulous: 不择手段的, 肆无忌惮的, the opposite of scrupulous, seems to be more often used to describe people who do not care about honesty and fairness in getting what
they want, or who are completely without principles.
Also by hook or (by) crook: to win by hook or crook
that constitutes his limitation (ll.23-24): that makes or forms his shortcoming or inability in certain respects
human vs. humane:
human: relating to or characteristic of humankind or people
E.g.: human action: action taken by man 人的行为
To err is human; to forgive, divine.  犯错人皆难免;宽恕则属超凡。
human killer: a person or a machine that kills humans 杀人凶手;杀人机器
humane: having or showing compassion or benevolence; characterized by kindness, mercy, sympathy
E.g.: humane action歌曲在心里从此永远有个你: merciful action 人道的行为
humane killer: that which kills but causes little pain; instrument for painless slaughter of animals 牲口无痛屠宰机,牲口麻醉屠宰机
a man of humane character 温文尔雅    humane studies人文学科
far afield (l.31): far away from; to or at a great distance; very far away 向远处, 远离
rife (l.38): widespread, common(流行的,普遍的). Rife is an adjective used with something negative.