人教版高中英语 必修一 Unit 5 课时练习
1.(2012年吉林模拟)If parents never expect their children to be helpful at home,they are sure ________.
A.not                          范玮琪和黑人的爱情B.not to
C.not to be                              D.not to be that
2.One ________ of the plastic is that it is almost unbreakable.
A.quantity                              B.quality
C.shortcoming                          D.number
3.(2012年曲靖统考)The time he has devoted in the past 10 years ________ the disabled is now considered ________ of great value.
A.to help;being                          B.to helping;to be
C.to help;to be                          D.helping;being
解析: doing sth.固定用法;be considered 固定用法。
4.I do not feel equal to ________ her the truth.
A.tell                                  B.told
C.telling                                  D.being told
解析:be/feel equal to doing sth.适合做某事。
5.As time went on,Susan found herself in a trap from which she could not ________.
A.escape                                  B.burden
C.scold                                  D.fight
解析:escape from从……中逃跑。
6.His movie won several ________ at the film festival,which was beyond his wildest dream.
A.rewards                              B.awards
C.prizes                                  D.gains
7.With two more professional hands ________ you with the work later on,scarcely will you have trouble ________ your task ahead of time.
A.helping;completing                      B.help;to complete
C.will help;completed                      D.to help;completing
解析:第一空由于hands和help为主谓关系,故用helping;第二空have trouble (in) doing sth.固定用法。
8.(2012年黄冈月考)The two drivers could do nothing but ________ the truck.
A.to take turns to drive                      B.take turns to drive
C.to drive by turns                          D.drive by turns
解析:but前有do,所以应跟不带to的不定式,take turns to do sth.轮流做某事。
9.Though the girl hasn't lost ________ heart to him,he hasn't lost ________ heart.
A.her;/                                  B.the;his
C./;his                                  D.her;the
解析:lose one's heart to sb.爱上某人;lose heart灰心丧气。
10.Only when I left my parents for Italy ________ how much I loved them.
A.I realized                              B.I had realized
C.had I realized                          D.did I realize
11.(2012年包头月考)Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in ________ weather around the world.
A./;the                                  B.the;/
C.an;the                              D.the;a
解析:air pollution是抽象名词表泛指,weather特指全球的气候。
12.The Red Army soldiers had to fight ________ all kinds of difficulties in their fight ________ the people's freedom.
A.for;for                              B.with;with
C.against;against  judas lady gaga                        D.against;for
解析:fight against和……金睛火眼作斗争;fight for为获取……而战斗。
13.—I wonder if I could use your telephone.
A.I wonder how
B.I don't wonder
C.Sorry,it's out of order
D.No wonder,here it is
14.What ________ the public was that Phelps should take drugs.
A.worrying                              B.worried化学是你
C.was worried                              D.was worried about
解析:worry此处用作及物动词,使担忧/着急,物作主语。be worried about对……担忧,其主语是人。
15.This is the hotel ________ last month.
A.which they stayed                      B.at that they stayed
C.where they stayed at                      D.where they stayed
(2012年河北唐山模拟)As 16__.
At first I thought it had fallen,but at closer look I saw it had been very securely(牢固地)__17__ with several inches of sticking tape(胶带).I was __18__ who would attract people's attention in this way to sell a __1920__,I approached them and waited until the little girl __21__ another yard of tape around the last sign.
Excuse me,but why are you placing the house for sale signs so close to the __22__?I asked.
23__!24__ until I could finally read the small print.
We miss you!Come home!I read out loud.Then look at the __25__!26__ my hands and knees and saw in the picture a child and a __27__ in front yard before standing up with a __28__ look.
Her dog,Grace,is lost, the lady explained.
But most people would hang a lost __29__ where people could actually see it, I said.
Well,you saw it, the young girl responded.
The innocent(天真的) answer made me hesitate to __30I have told her that it may be __3132__ the picture of the house,her and I didn't want to __33__ until she felt she did everything she could.she said.
I got __3435
【语篇解读】 小女孩在杆子底部贴了很多小告示,她坚信她丢失的狗看见上面的照片后一定会回家。她的努力在一周后得到了回报。
C.mistake                              D.cheat
C.locked                             D.pressed
解析:作者看到小告示被人用胶带牢牢地固定住了。faster表示使固定and also the trees”
C.seeking                              D.testing