选3 Unit 5知识点
1.sorrow  n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事(cn)
to one’s sorrow
the sorrow at /for/over sth 因某事悲伤
share happiness and sorrow同甘共苦
drown your sorrows借酒消愁
the sorrowing relatives
dj下载She was sorrowing over the loss of her friend. 因.....而悲伤
sorrowful  adj.悲伤的;悲痛的
2.imagery  n.形象的描述;意象;像
poetic imagery 诗的意象
satellite imagery卫星影像
image n. 形象;印象
imagine v. 想象;设想
3.literary  adj.文学的;爱好文学的;有文学作品特征的
literary criticism/theory文学批评/理论
a literary man/woman文人
literary devices 文学手法
literature n. 文学;文学作品
sing for youliterally adv. 字面上;真正地
4. rhyme  n.押韵词;押韵的短诗
nursery rhyme 童谣;儿歌
a poem written in rhyme押韵的诗
a rhyme for……的押韵词                  Can you think of a rhyme for “beauty”?
rhyme with与……押韵
5.rhythm  n.节奏;韵律;规律
dance to the rhythm of the music随着音乐的节奏跳舞
jazz rhythms爵士乐节奏
the rhythm of the seasons季节的更迭
6.nursery  adj.幼儿教育的 n.托儿所;保育室
nursery education幼儿教育
We’ve turned the smallest bedroom into a nursery for our new baby.
7. folk adj.民间的;民俗的;普通百姓的
folk tales民间故事
folk songs民歌
a folk singer民歌演唱者,民谣歌手
traditional folk arts 传统的民间艺术
8. to the point 简明;中肯;扼要
come /get to the point谈正题
off the point离题,不中肯
miss the point没有理解要点
a case in point 恰当的例子
What’s the point of doing sth.? 做...有...意义呢?
There is no point in doing sth. 做....没有意义。
be on the point of doing sth.()正要… 这时候…
9. make sense有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚        (主语通常是物,没有被动语态
It makes sense to do sth. 做某事是明智的。
make sense of sth. 理解...                    (主语是常是人,可用于被动语态
in a/one sense从某种意义上说
in no sense绝不
common sense常识
a sense of+ direction/responsibility/humour/belonging
There is no sense in +n./doing sth. 做...没道理。
10. recite  vt. 背诵;吟诵;列举
recite a poem
recite sth. to sb. 向某人背诵/吟诵/列举某物
She could recite a list of all the guests. 她能列举所有宾客的名字。
11.dawn  n. 黎明(daybreak/sunrise)开端;萌芽
at dawn 拂晓 at noon /dusk/midnight/night
from dawn to/till dusk从早到晚
break of day/dawn破晓,天亮
see the dawn看到曙光
the dawn of history 历史的开端
12.amateur  n. 业余爱好者
adj. 业余的;业余爱好的
a gifted amateur有天赋的业余爱好者
an amateur photographer 业余摄影爱好者
professional  adi.专业的;职业的受爱好的性的n.职业人士,职业选手
13.be made up of 由…组成(构成)
整体+be made up of/consist of/be composed of/be comprised of+部分
The club is made up of 20 members.
部分+make up+整体 20 members make up the club
make up组成;编造;化妆;弥补;和好
14.花房姑娘林志炫mood  n. 情绪;心情;语气
be in a good/bad mood心情好/不好
in the/no mood for sth/to do sth 有/没心思.....
the imperative /ɪmˈperətɪv/ mood祈使语气
15.tease  vi&vt 取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄
tease sb about sth. 拿.....开某人的玩笑
laugh at sb.嘲笑某人(的缺点、缺陷等)
play tricks on sb.捉弄某人
make fun of sb,开某人的玩笑
play a joke on sb.跟某人开玩笑
16.format  n. 格式;总体安排;(出版物的)版式
vi 格式化
The format of the graph is very tasteful. 该图表的格式很雅致
the format of the wedding service 婚礼的安排
17.respectively adv.分别;各自;依次为
They have two children aged 3 and 7 respectively
respective adj.分别的;各自的
the respective roles of men and women in society 男女在社会中各自的角
respectful adj. 表示敬意的;尊敬的
respectable adj. 体面的;得体的;值得尊敬的
18.blossom  n. 花朵;花簇
cherry/orange/apple blossom
be in blossom鲜花盛开
19.delicate adj.精美的;精致的;脆弱的
文奎a delicate pattern  精美图案
delicate china teacups易碎的瓷茶杯
a child’s delicate skin小孩娇嫩的皮肤
a delicate problem一个微妙的问题
20.await  vt. 等候;期待;将发生在
Her latest novel is eagerly awaited.(人们)急切地期待着他的小说。
A warm welcome awaits all our guests. 我们所有的客人都受到热烈欢迎。
21.revolve vi旋转;环绕;转动
revolve round/around.. 绕…旋转;围绕;以……为中心;将……作为主要兴趣/主题
The earth revolves around the sun.
22. utter  vt. 出声;说;讲
utter a cry发出喊叫声
utter a word 说一句话
to one’s utter amazement 令某人大感意外的是
an utter mystery完全是个谜
utterly adv完全地;彻底地
23.comprehension    n. 理解力;领悟力;理解练习
speech and comprehension 说话能力和理解力
beyond comprehension 令人费解
listening/reading comprehension 听力练习/阅读理解练习
comprehend v. 理解;领悟
comprehensive adj. 全部的,所有的,详尽的
24. shelf     n.(pl.shelves)架子;搁板
supermarket/library shelves
empty shelves空搁板
on the shelf(无用而)闲置的;搁置的
off the shelf现成有售的;不用订制的
25. core         n.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿
the earth’s core地核
the core of the argument争论的核心
the core of the apple苹果核
26. blank     adj.空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的
a blank CD/page一张空白光盘/空白页
blank verse 无韵诗
go/look blank脑子里一片空白/显得迷惑、木然
fill in the blanks在空白处填写
27. verse n.诗;韵文;诗节
a hymn with six verses一首六节的赞美诗
a book of comic verses打油诗集
28. in 尽管即使
despite/in +n./pron/doing
despite/in spite of the fact that clause
客官不可以的歌词regardless of 不管;不顾
I went shopping in spite of the rain.
He went ahead and did it, regardless of the consequences.