第一部分 选择题(50分)
It was Wednesday. Max came home from school 1______ to eat his dad's famous chocolate cookies. Max had been begging his dad to make them for two weeks. Finally his dad had a day off, and he told Max he would make the 2______. Wouldn't you know that today, of all days, the oven (烤箱) would not heat up!
Angrily, Max fell down on the sofa and folded his arms across the chest (胸]. Max's dad threw him a 3______ and told him to look through and see if there was anything they could 皇族天赐真实身份
make without using the oven. Although Max was 4______ he thumbed through the cookbook anyway.
What do you know! Max found a chocolate cookie recipe [食谱] that did not need baking! They were called "No-Bake Cookies." Max and his dad 5______ the recipe was worth a try.
Max and his dad read the cookbook together. Then his dad told Max to prepare a pan. Dad 6______ the necessary ingredients, a big bowl, measuring cups and spoons.
Max's dad told him to put the milk, butter, cocoa, sugar and flour in a pan. They took turns stirring the mixture on the stove [炉] until the mixture 7______ on medium-high heat for one minute.
Max stirred. Then Max 8______ spoonful of the creamy mixture onto the plates. Max and his dad could not wait to try these interesting cookies once they had 9______!
Unbelievable! Max was actually kind of 10______ the oven was broken! Now his dad and
he had a new treat to make.
蜀绣李宇春1. A. carefully            B. excitedly            C. angrily                D. slowly
2. A. noodles            B. drinks                C. chocolates            D. cookies
3. A. storybook        B. cookbook            C. textbook            D. handbook
4. A. impolite            B. patient            C. disappointed        D. comfortable
5. A. taught            B. regretted            C. doubted            D. decided
6. A. used up            B. took off            C. got out            D. put in
7. A. boiled            B. treated            C. considered            D. admitted
我和草原有个约定下载8. A. cooked            B. provided            C. dropped            D. smelled
9. A. burnt            B. eaten                C. grown                D. cooled
10. A. angry            B. glad                C. hungry            D. unsatisfied
II.阅读理解(40 分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
"LIFE is not only about daily chores, but also poems and distant lands," - this is a common saying among many Chinese, which echoes with the design idea of a newly-opened library on a slow train running along the Yangtze River.
Recently, the regular passengers were amazed to find that new bookshelves packed with books, and chairs facing the outside river view, had replaced traditional seats at a comer of the train's No. 3 carriage. A sign that reads "Train Library" explains the changes.
"We changed our carriage into a learning area at the beginning of the year, and we invited the Chongqing Library to set up its first train library aboard our train," said Deng Y
eqin, head of the No. 5609 train. The slow train, running at a speed of 60 km per hour, stops at 17 stations along its route. It takes about seven hours for the train to reach its final destination.
Qin Guangbin, a 50-year-old engineer, who has taken the slow train for the past five years, was reading some articles on his laptop in the learning carriage. "I've seen great changes made to this train over the years, not just the new library," Qin said.
Slow trains have been working on their services for specific (特定的) groups of passengers over the years. Some gave up seats to provide space for farmers who travel with animals to sell, while Deng s train mainly serves students, especially at weekends.
"In the future, we will offer more books to enrich our passengers5 travel experience," Deng added.
11. What does the underlined word "echoes" in paragraph 1 mean?
A. Deals.
B. Agrees.
C. Helps.
D. Fights.
12. What change has happened to train No, 5609?
A. Bookshelves have been added.
B. Traditional seats have disappeared.
C. The whole train has become a library.
D. Passengers can enjoy the sea view outside.
13. What do we know about the train in paragraph 3?
A. It stops at seven stations it passes.
B. It belongs to the Chongqing Library.
C. It runs at a speed of 1 km per minute.
D. It started running at the beginning of this year.
隋俊波电视剧14. Who will benefit most from the changes made to train No. 5609?
A. Farmers.
B. Engineers.
C. Trains.
D. Students
15. What is the best title of the text?
A. Slow Train Provides Mobile Library