1、"The lion King" the magnificent vision and the magnificent soundtrack, this animated film made an epic temperament, let the audience refreshing. ——《狮子王》宏大的视野和磅礴的配乐,这部动画电影拍出了史诗的气质,让观众耳目一新。
狮子合唱团>潘粤明 车祸
2、”The film, based on Shakespeare's play Hamlett, is an animated version of "the revenge of the prince, " and many viewers have even fallen in love with Shakespeare's play.——影片改编自莎士比亚的戏剧《哈姆雷特》,用动画形式演绎了一出“王子复仇记”,甚至有很多观众因为这部电影而迷上了莎士比亚戏剧。
3、The heat wave of "the lion king" has swept across the world, being distributed in 27 different languages, warmly received by audiences in 46 countries and regions, and won the hearts of millions of viewers around the world.——《狮子王》的热浪席卷了世界各地,被配置成27种不同语言,在46个国家和地区都受到观众的热烈欢迎,并赢得了世界上数以百万观众的心。4、"The lion King" , with its gorgeous colors, touching music, exaggerated forms, humorous and witty language and humanized movements, the stories of Simba, Nan
a, Mufasa, Shimon, PUMBAA and scar, and hyenas have won the hearts of children in countless countries.——《狮子王》以绚丽的彩、动人的音乐、夸张的形态、幽默机智的语言和人性化的动作,使辛巴、娜娜、穆法沙、西满、彭彭与刀疤、鬣狗之间的故事赢得了无数不同国度儿童的喜爱。
伤心的酒吧原唱5、Its film music filled with strong world music style, successfully created the film African Land Natural Friends Hun momentum of life. Enter "the Lion King" , it shows us a new and magnificent world, let us experience the love and adventure of life moved.——它的电影音乐洋溢着浓厚的世界乐风,成功地营造出了片中非洲大地自然友邻浑的生命气势。进入《狮子王》里,它向我们展示了一个新生的壮阔世界,让我们体验到爱与冒险的生命感动。可不可以爱歌词