bustle with造句
1. The streets were bustling with people shopping for the holidays. (街道上熙熙攘攘,人们正在购物准备过节。)
2. The kitchen was bustling with activity as everyone prepared dinner. (厨房里忙碌着,每个人都在准备晚餐。)
3. The airport was bustling with travelers rushing to catch their flights. (机场里挤满了匆忙赶飞机的旅客。)
4. The market was bustling with vendors selling fresh produce and handmade goods. (市场里摊主们售卖新鲜农产品和手工制品,生意兴隆。)
5. The train station was bustling with commuters trying to get home after work. (火车站里挤满了下班后急于回家的通勤者。)
6. The park was bustling with families enjoying picnics and outdoor activities. (公园里热闹非凡,家庭们在野餐和户外活动中尽情享受。)
7. The factory floor was bustling with workers assembling products for shipment. (工厂车间里忙碌着工人们组装产品进行发货。)
8. The city center was bustling with tourists taking in the sights and sounds of the city.(市中心热闹非凡,游客们欣赏城市的景和声音。)
9.The office was bustling with colleagues chatting while they worked.(办公室里同事们一边聊天一边工作,非常热闹。)
10. The restaurant was bustling with diners enjoying their meals and chatting with friends. (餐厅里食客们享受美食,与朋友聊天,非常热闹。)
乐队演出歌曲11. The stadium was bustling with fans cheering on their favorite team. (体育场里充满了为自己喜爱的队伍欢呼加油的球迷。)
12. The shopping mall was bustling with shoppers looking for bargains and deals. (购物中心里挤满了寻折扣和优惠的购物者。)
13. The street market was bustling with vendors selling a variety of goods.(街头市场上摊主们售卖各种各样的商品,非常热闹。)
14. The beach was bustling with people soaking up the sun and playing in the water.(海滩上人山人海,人们沐浴阳光、玩水嬉戏。)
15. The nightclub was bustling with music, dancing, and laughter.(夜总会里音乐、舞蹈和笑声不断,非常热闹。)
16. The hospital was bustling with doctors, nurses, and patients going about their daily routines.(医院里忙碌着医生、护士和患者进行日常工作和。)
17. The fairground was bustling with carnival games, rides, and attractions.(露天游乐场里有许多嘉年华游戏、游乐设施和景点,非常热闹。)
18. The concert hall was bustling with music lovers waiting for the show to start.(音乐厅里充满了等待演出开始的音乐爱好者。)
19. The university campus was bustling with students rushing to classes and studying in the library.(大学校园里挤满了赶往课堂和在图书馆学习的学生。)
20. The amusement park was bustling with families enjoying rides and attractions.(游乐园里家庭们享受着游乐设施和景点,非常热闹。)
21. The city streets were bustling with traffic during rush hour.(高峰时段城市街道上交通繁忙,非常拥挤。)
22. The wedding reception was bustling with guests dancing and celebrating.(婚礼酒会上客人们跳舞、庆祝,非常热闹。)
23. The cafe was bustling with customers chatting over coffee and pastries.(咖啡馆里顾客们在品尝咖啡和面点的同时聊天,非常热闹。)
24. The movie theater was bustling with moviegoers waiting in line for tickets and snacks.(电影院里有观众排队购票和购买小吃,非常热闹。)
25. The zoo was bustling with families enjoying the animals and exhibits.(动物园里家庭们欣赏动物和展品,非常热闹。)
26. The city square was bustling with street performers and vendors selling souvenirs.(市中心广场上有街头表演者和售卖纪念品的摊主,非常热闹。)
27. The music festival was bustling with bands playing on multiple stages.(音乐节上有多个舞台,各种乐队表演,非常热闹。)
28. The ski resort was bustling with skiers and snowboarders enjoying the slopes.(滑雪度假村里有滑雪者和滑板爱好者在享受山坡,非常热闹。)
29. The convention center was bustling with attendees networking and attending seminars.(会议中心里与会者们进行网络交流和参加研讨会,非常热闹。)
30. The city park was bustling with people playing sports, having picnics, and relaxing in nature.(城市公园里人们进行体育活动、野餐、在大自然中放松身心,非常热闹。)
31. The student union was bustling with clubs recruiting new members and hosting events.(学生联合会里各个社团招收新成员并举办活动,非常热闹。)
32. The concert venue was bustling with fans singing along to their favorite songs.(音乐会现场观众们跟着自己喜欢的歌曲唱歌,非常热闹。)
33. The city festival was bustling with food vendors, performers, and carnival games.(城市节日里有食品摊主、表演者和嘉年华游戏,非常热闹。)
34. The gym was bustling with people working out and exercising.(健身房里人们进行锻炼和运动,非常热闹。)
35. The art museum was bustling with visitors admiring the exhibits and taking pictures.(艺术博物馆里游客欣赏展品并拍照留念,非常热闹。)
36. The street fair was bustling with artisans selling handmade crafts and goods.(街头集市上手工艺人售卖手工制品和商品,非常热闹。)
37. The aquarium was bustling with families watching the marine life swim by in the tanks.(水族馆里家庭们观看水族生物在鱼缸中游泳,非常热闹。)
38. The city bus was bustling with passengers commuting to work or school.(城市公交车上乘客们往返于工作或学校之间,非常拥挤。)
39. The baseball stadium was bustling with fans cheering on their home team to victory.(棒球场上球迷们为他们的主队欢呼助威,期待胜利。)
40. The shopping district was bustling with holiday shoppers looking for gifts for their loved ones.(购物区域里充满了寻礼物送给亲人朋友的购物者,非常热闹。)