我在附录里面会给出大家都非常熟悉的一些英文经典歌曲的英文名字,以方便你的搜索。在这里我想介绍一些你可能不知道的,但是却是优秀到不食人间烟火的外文专辑。你可以先在网上搜索相应的关键字下载MP3 试听,但是我强烈建议,如果你有条件的话,最好是买正版CD来听,虽然这些CD都价格不菲,但确实值得珍藏。因为我们平常听的MP3文件是有损压缩的文件格式,所以如果你听这些录音非常考究的CD翻制成的MP3,只能听到原CD所承载十分之一的信息。就好像别人喝了鱼汤,你只尝了尝刷锅水一样。虽然如此,相信你也会感叹这些天籁之音的。希望这些优美的音乐会放松你紧张的学习神经。
Dee Carstensen -- Regarding the soul
竖琴才女Dee Carstensen 蒂卡儿自五岁起学钢琴;八岁起学竖琴,从小就读于Eastman音乐学校的儿童实验班。青少年时期开始受到詹姆士.泰勒、卡洛.金、贾尼丝.卓普琳、艾尔顿.强与琼妮.米契尔等钢琴家与民谣摇滚歌手的影响,立志成为一位创作歌手。后来在学业与事业间挣扎的一段时期里,她曾赴欧洲旅游一阵子,接着又自我放逐了一段时间,最后才在落脚纽约后,致力开发自己的创作潜能,尝试将生活上的点点滴滴与心情记事化作歌词与音符。
九○年代初期,蒂卡儿开始为一些知名艺人担任竖琴演奏与和声的工作,像93年她发表第一张专辑《Beloved One》之前,就曾在亚特.葛芬柯(Art Garfunkel)的专辑《Up "til Now》里露过脸。但严格说起来,还是95年发表的第二张专辑《心灵之约》(Regarding the Soul)为她奠定了演艺事业的基础。蒂卡儿的嗓音清晰纯净、情感丰富,正如她演奏的竖琴音一样,充满了光辉润泽的质感。她创作的曲风虽然被归属于民谣类,但却掺进了许多别的音乐元素而显得多样化。《Regarding the Soul》心灵之约
这张由史汀与险峻海峡的制作人Neil Dorfsman操盘的专辑,将蒂卡儿的歌声、琴艺与词曲作了最完美的结合,由于得到了险峻海峡团长兼吉他手马克.诺夫勒(Mark Knopfler)的背书,赞誉她是乐坛下一位琼妮.米契尔而大受好评。从此之后,蒂卡儿成为美加各地民谣节与地方俱乐部的常客。
在其中竟然加入了非洲黑人部落的多声部合音效果,使得全曲呈现出前所未有的新鲜感。第一首〈Time〉中她展现了较多的竖琴弹奏才艺,晶莹剔透的弦响配上她清丽高亢的歌声,非常悦耳动听。第三首〈Underneath My Skin〉呈现相当低沉迷离的摇摆乐氛围,蒂卡儿压低了声调唱歌竟有点莎黛?vSade?w的味道。第七首〈To You, From Me〉低回而伤感,是整张专辑中最感性的歌曲。
02.Before You
03.Underneath My Skin
04.Love Thing
06.What A Little Love Can Do
07.To You From Me
08.Hemingway"s Shotgun
10.This Time Around
11.The Light
Jennifer Warnes -- Famous Blue Raincoat
珍尼弗•温拿斯(Jennifer Warnes),出生于美国华盛顿州西雅图的桔郡。当她还是一个孩子的时候,Jennifer已经在公众场合为大家展示她动人的歌喉了。1967年, Jennifer 在Smothers Brothers主持的电视专栏里展示了她迷人的风采。Jennifer与Mason Williams合作的第一张单曲推出后,她成为了洛杉矶Club的成员。她还在西海岩公司出品的电影《Hair》中担任了主角。1977年,Jennifer 的唱片《Right Time of The Night》推出后,取得了美国流行乐排行榜的Top 10。而1979年出版的《I Know A Heartache When I See One 》也同样取得了成功。
1980年,Jennifer凭藉《It Goes Like It Goes》获得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲的殊荣。1983年,她又推
出了《Up Where We Belong》,闯入了全美流行曲排行榜。而另一些电影歌曲《Nights Are Forever》《All The Right Moves》也受到了观众、听众的青睐。1987年,舞曲《I"ve Had The Time Of My Life》又为Jennifer 赢得了一个No.1。Jennifer Wames 凭藉独具的歌唱魅力,在欧美乐坛流行一时。
Nana Mouskouri -- Why Worry
娜娜•莫斯科利(Nana Mouskouri)1934年10月13日出生于希腊雅典。Nana Mouskouri擅长在音乐中溶入Classics和Jazz风格,她丰富的想象力使得她具有地域特的音乐更具吸引力。1958年,Nana推出了单曲唱片《Les Enfangs Du Piree》,它主要是针对国外乐众出版的。由于这张唱片取得了一定的国际影响,Nana便向德国发展。在那里她为电影《Traumland Der Sehnsuche》演唱的《Weiss Rosen Aus Athen》销售出了万张的佳绩。作为希腊重要的音乐大使,她凭借音乐才能向欧美发展,并且取得了成功。尤其是在法国,《L"EnFant Au Tambour》、《Parapluies De Cherbourg》等歌曲极受乐迷青睐。
60年代来,Nana以专辑《Over And Over》闯入了具有排外特质的英国排行榜。1976年Nana的《Passport》成就了她在英国流行乐排行榜的巅峰时期。Nana 是一位永恒的歌者,世界上最美丽的声音,通过她的诠释你才知道真正伟大的音乐的优雅:感性及朴实无华,近四十年的音乐生涯任何音乐
Crystal Gayle -- Best Always
Crystal Gayle ----有着飘逸及踝长发、迷人微笑以及与生俱来好声线的女子,被成为歌坛“长发妹”。其音乐作品很多,“BEST ALWAYS"是最靓的乡村女声CD。十首好歌以深情的慢歌为主,真是曲曲均具极强的杀伤力。《Grazy》全面展现了她高亢而又热烈的演唱风格,惊为天人。《When I Dream》是一宗迷死人俘虏人的独特暗器。听者的心亦不禁为之颤动不已。值得一提的是《Oh lonesome Me》,此曲曲风尤其奔放,酷似西班牙舞曲,听者如置身于西班牙年庆人之中舞之蹈之,而不能自拔。《Always》以极慢的曲风瞬间揪住听者的心,真让人欲罢不能,欲仙欲死。据悉,“长发妹”发长5英尺,约合1.52米。
01 Ready For The Times To Get Better ●
02 Crazy ●
03 For The Good Times
04 Silver Threads And Golden Needles
05 When I Dream ●
06 Talkin" In Your Sleep
07 Oh Lonesome Me
08 I Fall To Pieces
09 Beyond You
10 Don"t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue ●
11 Break My Mind
12 Always ●
Loreend Mckennitt -- the book of secrets
Loreena的每一首音乐都具有令人意想不到的新意,"Highwayman"是一首古老的叙事诗,但只有Loreena天使般的声音能将其演绎得每一次听的时候都有一点意外发现,"Mummer"s Dance "中美妙的歌辞和动听的声音让你重又发现故事中的艺术魅力。
罗琳娜•麦肯妮特出生于加拿大缅省草原地区的一个小城镇(Modern),是加拿大著名的爱尔兰竖琴演奏家、键盘手,以及歌手。Loreena 青年时代的梦想是成为一名兽医,并且最终进入Winnipeg 的一所大学就读相关课程。但是在80年,当Loreena 第一次接触到爱尔兰音乐时,她毅然放弃了学业, 并且在81年搬到了安省的Stratford,加入了那里的莎士比亚艺术节的演出,从此开始了在乐坛20余年的音乐生涯。
Loreena McKennitt的音乐绝大部分为其自己创作,题材大多涉及爱尔兰文化及生活。所以,如果你是Celtic音乐的爱好者,Loreena McKennitt 是个不错的开始。目前,Loreena McKennitt 拥有自己的唱片公司,名为Quinlan Road (Quinlan Road 是其小时候家门口的那条路)。
Prologue (序言)
The Mummers" Dance (艺者之舞)
Marco Polo (马克•波罗)
The Highwayman (McKennitt/Noyes) (强盗)
La Serenissima
Night Ride Across the Caucasus (夜骑高加索)
Dante"s Prayer (但丁的祈祷)
Kate Price -- Deep Heart"s Core
One reviewer described Kate Price as "half fairy and half Gypsy." This is the album that proves it to be wonderfully true. Easily lumped in with Celtic or folk genres by unknowing music chains, Kate Price"s music is in fact a mixture of those traditions combined with her own inspired compositions. In
deed, in the liner notes, Price remarks on how she spent many of her childhood nights listening to Bulgarian music, and that flavor has definitely stayed with her through the years.
Deep Heart"s Core has a feeling of unity that Price"s first album, The Time Between, did not quite manage. Price"s storytelling slips well from selection to selection, making the entire collection vibrate with emotion as well as the irresistible beat.
Kate Price again combines ballads and instrumental songs, some her own and some with lyrics or music borrowed from other sources. The entire album is filled with her trademark hammered dulcimer and hummell, the warmth of her contralto voice and an energy which leads from dancing to dreaming and back again.
The first song on the album, "The Labyrinth," demonstrates immediately both how well she can write as and how keen her sense of how music and words work together. The song creates a vivid and almost palpable vision of the journey toward a wedding. A later addition, "The Journey On," proves that the
first is no fluke, providing an energetic and poignant portrait of nomadic life. "Rest Sweet Nymphs," "Si"il a R"in" and "So Ghostly Then the Girl Came In" are the songs which have borrowed lyrics and
newly arranged music. "Rest Sweet Nymphs" is a sweet and playful lullaby accompanied by just the right amount of comfort and humor in Price"s voice and music. "Si"il a R"in" is a commonly recorded traditional from Ireland, and here Price gives it more beat than is often done, which stresses the narrator"s anguish and strength. "So Ghostly Then the Girl Came In" borrows its lyrics from poet Robert Hillyer, and the music is all Kate Price. In this song you can hear echoes of her first album"s "Calling Me Home," the longing and delicate, ethereal music making a powerful emotional impact.
Of the instrumental selections, which are fewer than on The Time Between, "Rio Del Corazon" is a favorite, filled with layers of her voice as a wordless instrument and a story which the listener can create for himself. Traditionals such as "Eliz Iza -- Jump at the Sun" and "Sonatina Montenegro" sparkle with spirit.
There were no disappointments with this album for me. Every song leads easily into the next without losing their unique feel, and once again, Price"s voice connects the album and emotions together. The entire album is at a higher energy level than her last, and the shift works well. There were many moments when first listening to the album for the first time when I was moved to boogie a little around my room, or at the very least chair dance, which for me illustrates just how much power a CD can have.
1. Labyrinth
2. Rio del Corazon
3. Sonatina Montenegro
4. Place of Spirit
5. Rest Sweet Nymphs
6. Journey On
7. Temple of the Wind
8. Siúil a Rún
9. Eliz Iza-Jump at the Sun
10. So Ghostly Then the Girl Came In
The best of Mary Black -- Looking Back
玛丽.布莱克(Mary Balck)1955年5月22日生于艾尔(Eire)。玛丽是深具音乐传统的布莱克家族的一员, 并与之一起灌唱片和演出. 她的父亲是一名小提琴演奏师,母亲是歌唱演员. 她的早期音乐生涯是在都柏林的民歌酒吧里度过的,但是在1983年,"玛丽布莱克"扩充到4名成员, 而且,她的专集还获得了爱尔兰独立音乐艺术奖,很显然,她们想有点大的作为. 此后不久,德.当那(De Dannan)加入布莱克乐队, 在1986年其离开之前,一起录制了两张专集, “献给爱尔兰的歌”("Song For Ireland")和“赞美诗”("Anthem"),尽管不为人