2. syllepsis [s?'l?ps?s]
Use of a word to govern two or more words though agreeing in number or case etc. with only one.A kind of s ellipsis is which one word (usually a verb) is understood differently in relation to two or more other words, which it modifies or governs.
Ⅰ. One verb governs two nouns (Using a verb or a phrasal verb to govern two or more other words, that is, two parts share the same verb or the same phrasal verb)
1、"When I address Fred I never have to raise either my voice or my hopes."(E.B. White, "Dog Training")
话说 李弘基2、"I finally told Ross, late in the summer, that I was losing weight, my grip, and possibly my mind."
(James Thurber, The Years with Ross, 1959)He caught a cold and a bus;
3、He lost the game and his temper;
歌谱4、She open the door and her heart to the homeless boy;
5、He swallowed bread and butter and a spasm of emotion.
6、You held your breath and the door for me. - Alanis Morissette, in "Head Over Feet":
Ⅱ. One adjective modifies two (or more) nouns (Two parts share the same adjective.)刘二狗被官方封禁
crazy 袁娅维
1、Yesterday he had a blue heart and coat;
我是特种兵片尾曲2、He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest street, heart, vows and li
brettos. (O. Henry: The Cop and the Anthem)"
梁博他爹3、Piano, n. A parlor utensil for subduing the impenitent visitor. It is operated by depressing the keys of the machine and the spirits of the audience."
(Ambrose Bierce, A Devil's Dictionary)
Ⅲ. One prep. governs two (or more) objects (Two parts share the same adjective.)
He leaned heavily on the lectern and stale jokes.
She went home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair. - Charles Dickens ?... and covered themselves with dust and glory. - Mark Twain, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Old people gathered in the social hall for comradeship and a hot lunch
Ⅳ. One verb shares two subjects