Unit 1
Text 1
Little House in the Big Woods
Ⅰ、Dictionary Work
n. [c usuaully singular] a large area of land that has never been developed or farmed 荒野,不毛之地
The Alaskan wilderness 阿拉斯加荒原
The Antarctic is the worlds last great wilderness.
(N AmE)a wilderness area(=one where it is not permitted to build houses or roads) (政府划定的) 保留自然环境面貌地区
(figurative)the barren wilderness of modern life
【成】in the wilderness:
no longer in an important position, especially in politics
v. (aslo thaw out) if ice or snow thaws, or if the sun thaws it, it turns into water(冰雪)融化
The lake thawed in March. 3月里,湖水解冻了。
v. to become less hard or tough, or make something less hard or tough (使)变软,(使)变柔滑,(使)变轻柔
Cook until the onion softens.把洋葱煮到变软。
Use moisturizer to soften your skin.使用润肤霜让你的肌肤变柔滑。
Softening adj.松软的,软化的,柔软的(做定语)
n. a mound or slope of snow
n. [c] a long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from a roof or other surface (自屋顶或其他表面垂下来的)冰锥,冰柱
a pointed piece of ice that is formed when water freeze as it falls down from sth such as a roof
n. [pl] the edges of a roof that stick out beyond the walls 屋檐
Birds had nested under the eaves.鸟儿在屋檐下筑了巢。
birds nesting under the eaves 在屋檐下筑巢的鸟
v. to shake slightly because you are cold, or because you feel very afraid, angry, excited ect.轻微颤动,抖动,抽动,哆嗦
The child was quivering in her arms.那孩子在她怀里发抖。
Her mouth quivered slightly as she turned away.
Her lips quivered and then she started to cry.
v. to shine in small bright flashes闪闪发光,闪耀,闪烁
The sea sparkled in the sun.阳光下大海碧波闪耀。
The crystal chandelier sparkled.那水晶枝形吊灯闪闪发光。
Sparkling eyes 炯炯有神的眼睛
Her jewellery sparkled in the candlelight.(jewelry)
[thesaurus] shine
to shake slightly (轻微的)摇晃,震颤
The whole house trembled as the train went by. 火车开过,整座房子都震动了。
Leaves trembling in the breeze 在风中摇曳的树叶
to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are upset or frightened(尤指因难受或受到惊吓而)颤抖,发抖,战栗
Her lip started to tremble and then he started to cry.他的嘴唇开始颤抖,接着就哭了。
Tremble with anger/fear etc.
Green was on his feet now, his body trembling with rage.格林这会儿站了起来,气的全身直哆嗦。
My legs were trembling with fear.我吓得双腿直发抖。
Her voice trembled with excitement.她激动得声音颤抖。
He opened the letter with trembling hands.他双手哆嗦着把信打开。
v. to catch an animal or bird using a trap用陷阱捕猎,用捕捉器捕捉
Raccoons used to be trapped for their fur.人们过去经常猎取浣熊,以获得其皮毛。
n. a group of things such as papers, clothes, or sticks that are fastened or tied together 捆,把,扎,束
Bundles of newspapers 一捆捆报纸
A small bundle containing mostly clothing 一个小包袱,里面主要是衣服
A bundle of rags/papers/firewood 一捆碎布/报纸/木材
She held her little bundle (=her baby) tightly in her arms.她怀中紧紧地抱着襁褓中的婴儿。
[thesaurus] group
v. (also pack up) to put things into cases, bags ect ready for a trip somewhere(把……)打包,(把……)装箱
I forgot to pack my razor. 我忘了吧剃须刀放入行李包了。
Have you finished packing yet?你行李收拾完了吗?、吉他教程
Pack your things/belongings
Kelly packed her things before breakfast.凯丽早饭前整理好了行装。
Pack a bag/case
Youd better pack your bags. Were leaving in an hour.你最好把自己的行李收拾好,我们一小时后出发。
Pack sb sth
Shall I pack us a picnic?我阿里打点我们的野餐,好吗?
v.[always+adv/prep] to fasten something or someon in place with one or more straps用带