Big lesson number one,all the time travel in the world can't make someone love you.
so it begins, lots and lots of types of days, Fun!"
There's a song by Baz Luhrmann called Sunscreen. He says worrying about the future is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. 。The real troubles in your life will always be things that never crossed your worried mind.
we are all quite similar in the end.  we all get old and the same tales too many times.  But try marry someone kind ,and this is a kind man,with a good heart .  I'm not particularly proud of many things in my life .but l am very proud to be the father of my son .
No one can ever prepare you for what happens when you have a child. When you see a baby in your arms, and you know that it's your job now. No one can prepare you for the love and the fear.No one can prepare the love ,people you love can feel for them.  And it's a shock how quickly you have to move to a new place you completely can't afford.suddenly time travel seems almost unnecessary,because every detail of life is so delightful.
As all families do, we got used to life after death. And it was still fine. And things settled back into their traditional rhythms season after season, and are much as they have always been.
And so he told me his secret formula for happiness,  part one of the two part plan,  was that l just get on with ordinary life,  living it day by day ,like anyone else.  but then come part two of Dads plan ,  He told me to live every day again almost exactly the same.The first time with tensions and worries that stop us noticing how sweet the world can be  but the second time noticing. 
And in the end,I think I've learned the final lesson from my travel in time.And I've even gone one step further than my dad.The truth is,I now don't travel back at all not even for the day,I just try to live everyday as if I've deliberately came back to this one day to enjoy it.As if it was the full final day,of my extraordinary originally life.
We're all traveling through time together every day of our lives.All we can do is do our best,to relish this remarkable ride.