    摘要: 新托福阅读艺术类文章汇总!在新托福阅读考试中,艺术类的阅读文章也经常会作为考题出现,因此大家也不要忽视了这类型的复习。下面就让我们一起来看看新托福阅读艺术类文章具体的有哪些!

    新 托福 阅读艺术类文章赏析:



    Barbara Kasten is anartist who makes photographs of constructions that she creates for the purpose of photographing them.In her studio she arranges objects such as mirrors,solid forms,and flat surfaces in to what could be called large still life arrangements,big enough to walk into.She lights the construction,then rearranges and rephotographs it until she arrive sata final image.She also photograp古力娜扎个人资料
hs away from her studio atvarious architectural sites,bringing camera,lights,mirrors,and a crew of assistants to transform the site into her own

    新托福 阅读艺术类文章题目:

    12.What does the passage many discuss?

    (A)The techniques of aphotographer

    (B)The advantages of studio photography

    (C)Industrial construction sites

    (D)An architect who appreciates fine art

    13.Which of the following would be anexample of one of the"constructions"referred to in line 1?

    (A)A still life arrangement

    (B)Natural landscapes

    (C)An instant color print

    (D)A colored filter

    14.In line2,why does the author mention mirrors?

    (A)They are part of the camera.

    (B)Kasten uses them as subjects.

    (C)The crew needs them.

爱的号码牌    (D)Photography mirrors life.

所以我把歌词写成诗句    15.The word"transform"in line 6 is closest in meaning to





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