A Discussion of Star Worship
Star worship is not a new thing. It is as old as the history of human beings. But it is only in the modern world does star worship become common among people, especially teenagers. Many people get crazy about their favorite stars: they admire them, they imitate them, and their world seems to be filled with them. And extreme examples of star worship are quite easy to be found: from the fanatic fan of John Lennon who took the superstar’s life, to the girl who committed suicide after knowing the news that Jacky Chan had got married.
Here the questions are: Why? What leads to the frenzy of stars? And what should we do when worshiping our idols?
Although the phenomenon appears to be complicated, yet it is actually quite easy to understand. There has already been substantial analysis and viewpoints on this issue, but for my own part, anyway, I would summarize the reasons of the phenomenon of star worship into three major reasons. First and foremost, we worship stars out of the human nature to admire brilliant, successful people. Stars, as the word itself suggests, are an extremely shining and eye-catching group who enjoy tremendous fame and, usually, wealth. Thus, people tend to regard them as their idols, and somehow absorb inspirations from them. Another reason, as I have observed, is that in the modern world, amusement has become an integral part in people’s daily life. Stars in different fields——music, movie, sports, etc——altogether provide people with a variety of entertainments. People in the first place enjoy their performance, and then the stars themselves. Therefore, people gradually become fond of or even crazy about stars. Moreover, developments of science and t
echnology, specifically, information technology, make it much easier as well as faster to set stars. Many stars, such as Jeremy Lin, rise to fame just overnight, which wouldn’t have been possible without the advance of science and technology.
Many people tend to criticize the phenomenon of star worship, citing the examples mentioned at the beginning of my speech. However, star worship itself is actually innocent. Its outcome only depends on how the fans perform. If a fan goes extreme when chasing a star, then it will certainly does harm, not only to him/herself but perhaps also to others. But if a fan keeps rational and derives inspiration and motivation from his/her favorite star, then the outcome will surely be pleasant. There are plenty of examples for good star worship. Sun Yat-sen, the great revolutionist in Chinese history, worshipped Hung Hsiu-ch'uan.; Lebron James, now the best basketball player in NBA, in his childhood worshipped Michael Jordan; etc.
Personally speaking, I am in favor of star worship. And I also have my own idols. Nevertheless, what I must emphasize is that while it is OK to worship stars, it is also
very important that we keep a sober mind while doing that and never really get “crazy”.
胜女的代价2歌曲 篇一:平静理性去追星演讲稿
老师,同学们大家早上好,今天我演讲的题目是:平静理性去追星 “追星”如今已成为一种时尚,成为年轻人的标志。其实“追星”并不是一种好现象,但如果适当的,选择好的“星”做为自己学习的榜样,这也不失为一件好事。但许多人却 以夸张、疯狂的态度“追星”,不仅没有好处而且对社会也无益。
那些“明星”和我们一样,也是人,不是神。有些人疯狂到为了得到他们的东西,不惜一切代价。记得电视上报道过,有四个女生太喜欢自己的偶像,但却怕对他不够忠诚、热心 ,并决定要将那偶像永远留在她们“心中”,便活生生地吞掉了那偶像的照片。那样有什么用?这样就在“心中”了吗?到头来还不是一个个的被推进手术室!那照片有用吗?这样疯狂 地崇拜有意义吗?有的甚至为了偶像而要轻生自己。这种做法实在太恐怖了,扰乱了社会秩序,增加
了家人的负担。这样子追星到头来还不是一场空。 正因为那些fans的太过热情,使那些原本和我们一样是工作者的“星”渐渐忘却了自己真正的价值。但有一件事情让我难以忘却。
一次,一个电影明星来到汽车检修站,一位女工接待了他,可那位女工却对他的到来没有任何惊讶和兴奋,这便引起了这位影星的注意,其实那位女工很喜欢他,也爱看他的电影但她却没有像别人那样疯狂、热情。她说:“您有您的成就,我有我的工作,您来修车就是我的顾客,我会热情的招待您,如果您不是明星了,再来修车,我还是一样热情的招待您。”最后她说了一句发人深省的话:“人与人之间不应该是这样吗?”是啊!这就是明星的价值,真正的价值。他们就和我们一样,为什么我们要放弃掉自己所有的,去盲目的崇拜呢? 下面呢,我就再给大家讲一个故事,大家听说过杨丽娟吗?她从1994年迷上了刘德华,她的父母为了达成她的心愿倾家荡产,而后父亲为女儿筹募旅费,甚至想到了,如今,杨丽娟已如愿当面见到刘德华,可仍不满足于只与偶像留影纪念,随后,其父在香港跳海自杀,你们知道她的父亲留下的遗愿是什么吗?(互动)他希望刘德华能再见女儿一面,此等“激进”行为,甚至有媒体惊呼,“她不是一个人在追星”杨丽娟事件是个悲剧,过于极端,追星需要一个尺度,要平静理性,不能用生命来做为追星的代价。