Luca:You're on the wrong side of the street, fat cat. Beat it!
Garfield:And you, Luca, the wrong side of the evolutionary curve.
Luca:Okay. You're gonna get it good today.
beat it下载Garfield:I make a point to get it good every day. The real question, Luca,is how shall I outwit you this time?
Luca:Now you're making fun of me.
Garfield:I hope so. You're no fun to look at.
Luca:You'll never get the best of me!
卢 卡:你站错地⼉了,肥猫,快滚!
卢 卡:⾏,你今天会得到教训的。
卢 卡:你拿我耍着玩啊。
卢 卡:你永远也赢不了我!
1. Beat it:在这⾥不是“打它”,⽽是“⾛开,”的意思。由于其⾳调更铿锵有⼒,因此在⽇常⼝语中正越来越多地替代软绵绵的Go away.
  迈克尔-杰克逊有⼀⾸流⾏歌曲就叫“Beat it”,其中头两句歌词便是“they told him don't you ever come around here, don't wanna see your face, you better disappear”(他们告诉他,你别在这⾥出现,不想看到你的脸,你消失不见)。
2. Get it:在英语中有“得到教训”的意思。卢卡的本意是要警告加菲猫不得造次,加菲猫却故意将之曲解,
3. Get the best of:是“战胜、胜过(某⼈)”的意思。
美军抓获萨达姆时,《纽约时报》曾登出这样的标题“Bushes(布什家族)finally get the best of resilient(打不垮