1.Life may be short。but love endures forever.
2.When you travel for love。distance is just a number.
3.Love is the XXX us from the cold.
4.Without love。our world is nothing but a XXX.
5.My heart is yours。always and forever.
6.Even before I leave。I already miss you so much.
7.With every step I take。my thoughts are with you.
8.No matter where you go or what you do。I'll be waiting for you.
10.A woman's heart is the most us gift a man can receive.
11.Love is the one word that can lift us from the weight of life's struggles.
12.Every day without you feels like a story with missing pages.
13.Love may be hard to find。but it's even harder to let go of once you have it.
14.Love is a never-XXX
15.May your love soar high。carried by the wings of a dove。
16.To truly live。one must XXX。
17.Love is the sweet nectar that makes life beautiful。like a flower in full bloom。
18.Two hearts in love need no words to communicate。
19.us things are rare in this world。which is why there is only one unique you。
21.The journey to the home of a loved one is always short。
22.Why do good girls always fall for bad boys。
23.Being with you is like taking a XXX。
24.It is never too late to fall in love and XXX its beauty。
25.To the world。you may be just one person。but to someone。you are their entire world。
26.XXX true。
27.A woman is not beautiful because of her looks。but because of the love that is shared een her and her partner.
原来我love you so much你的吻仍在我的唇上燃烧,我的每一天都如此美丽。
43.True love is like ghosts。which everyone talks about but few have seen.
44.Love is an XXX.
45.Love is not just looking at each other。it's looking in the same n.