1--Let us tell an old story anew.让我们再说一次这个老故事.
2--And we will see how well you know it.让我们看看.你是否真的了解它
3--Once upon a time there were two kingdoms从前有两个国家
4--that were the worst of neighbours.它们可以说是史上最差的邻居
5--So vast the discord between them相处的非常不和谐
6--that is was said only a great hero这就是为什么人们都说
7--or a terrible villain might bring them together.只有英雄或是卑鄙小人才能使两个国家团结
8--In one kingdom lived folk like you and me第一个国家,住着人就像你我一般的常人
9--with a vain and greedy king to rule over them.被一个贪婪的国王统治
10--They were forever discontent and envious这使这个国家的人民忌妒邻国
11--of the wealth and beauty of their neighbours.第二个国家的美景、财富12-
-For in the other kingdom,the Moors至于第二个国家,Moors
13--lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature.生活着各式各样的生物
14--And they needed neither king nor queen它们也不需要皇后和国王
15--but trusted in one another.但却都同时信任一个人
16--In a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors在Moors里悬崖边上的一棵绿树
17--lived one such spirit.住着这样一个灵魂
18--You might take her for a girl.你可能会认为她只是小女孩
19--But she was not just any girl.但她不仅仅是个小女孩
20--She was a fairy.她是个仙女
21--There you go.好了
22--And her name was Maleficent.她是Maleficent.
23--Good morning,Mr Shantuwell.I love your car.早安,Shantuwell先生.我喜欢你的车子
24--No!No!Don't do it!不!不要丢我!
25--Ha,you missed me!哈!你没丢到
26--Good morning.-Good morning.早安早安
27--Love your walk,girls.爱自己,女孩们
28--What's all the fuss about?-The 什么事情大惊小怪的?边界的警卫...
29--Why'd you get to tell her?I want to tell her!你怎么可以跟她讲?我想跟她说...
30--There are rules,Flittle.I tell this time,you tell next time.我们有规矩的,Flittle.这一次让我来说,下次再换你
31--The -No,you told last time.边界的警卫...不,下次才换你说
32--So I should tell this time and Thistletwit next time.所以这次是我,下次才是Thistletwit
33--Tell me what?到底要告诉我什么?
34--Fine!-Ah,thank you.好吧!谢谢
35--Maleficent,the Maleficent,边界的警卫...
36--The border guards have found a human thief at the Pool of Jewels!边界的警卫在宝石湖到了一个人类小偷
37--I'm sorry.抱歉...
38--She's always in a hurry with her big wings.她每次都和她的大翅膀一样冲忙
39--Humans,here.I hope this isn't another war.人类在这里..希望这不会掀起战争
40--I'm not afraid.我才不怕
41--Besides,I've never seen a human up close.此外,我还没近距离接触过人类
42--Come out!出来把
43--No!They mean to kill me.不!它们作势要杀了我
44--And besides,they're hideous to look at.而且它们看起来真可怕
45--That's extremely rude!真是粗鲁的羞辱
46--Don't listen to him,Balthazar.You're classically handsome.别听他的Balthazar.你英俊的很
47--It's not right to steal,but we don't kill people for it.偷窃是不对的但我们不会因此就杀人
48--Come out!Come out this instant!出来!现在!
49--Are you fully grown?你是成人吗?
51--I believe he's just a boy.我相信他就是个男孩
52--And you're just a girl,I think.我想你也只是个女孩.
53--Who are you?你是谁?
54--I'm called Stefan.Who are you?我叫Stefan.你呢?
55--I'm Maleficent.我是Maleficent.
57--You have to give it back.你要把它归还回去
58--Give what back?什么东西还回去?
59--If I knew you would throw it away,I would have kept it.如果我知道你会把它丢掉我就不会给你了
60--I didn't throw it away.我没有把它丢掉
61--I delivered it home,as I'm going to do for you.我把它送回家就像我现在帮你的一样
62--Someday,you know,I'll live there.In the castle.有一天,你知道的我会住进那间城堡
63--Where do you live now?你现在住哪?
64--In a barn.一个谷仓里
65--So,your parents are farmers then?所以,你父母是农夫?
66--My parents are dead.我父母都死了
67--Mine too.我的也是
68--We'll see each other again.我们会再见的
69--You really shouldn't come back here,you know.你不应该再来这里的你知道的
70--It's not safe.这里不安全
71--And If I made that choice?if I came back,would you be here?但如果我决定了、回来了你会在这里吗? 72--Perhaps.也许
73--What's wrong?怎么了?
74--Your ring!Iron burns fairies.你的戒指,铁会烧伤仙女
75--I'm sorry.我很抱歉
76--I like your wings.我喜欢你的翅膀.
77--Maleficent thought of how Stefan cast away his ring.Maleficent想像着Stefan丢掉他的戒指
78--He,who had so little in the world他,一个小小的男孩
79--so that their hands might touch again.他们的生命会再次有交集
80--And her heart was moved.而她心动了
81--Thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel因此这个企图偷走宝石的年轻小偷
82--steal something far more precious.偷到了更珍贵的东西
85--After all these weeks,look who came back.过几天,我们看谁会回到这里
86--I thought it worth the risk.我想这值得我冒险
87--So,what do you do for fun?那,你平常都怎么娱乐?
88--Stefan and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends.Stefan和Maleficent成了最不可能成为的朋友
89--And for a time,it seemed as if-in them at least日子就这样过着,就像...
90--the old hatred between man and fairy had been forgotten.人与仙女的仇恨被遗忘了
91--As it will friendship slowly turned into something else.而这段友谊也慢慢的转换成其他的东西
92--And on her16th birthday在她16岁的生日上
93--Stefan gave Maleficent a gift.Stefan给了Maleficent一个礼物
94--He told her it was true love's kiss.他告诉她这是真爱之吻
95--But it was not to be.但并不是这样的
96--As the years passed多年过去
97--Stefan's ambition called him away from MaleficentStefan的野心要他离开Maleficent
98--and towards the temptations of the human kingdom.接受人类国家的诱惑
99--While Maleficent,the strongest of the fairiesMaleficent,这个最强大的仙女
100--rose to become the protector of the Moors.成为了Moors的守护者
101--Maleficent often wandered aloneMaleficent常常独自闲晃
102--and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be.也常常幻想Stefan在哪
103--For she had never understood the greed and envy of men.她无法疗解人类的贪婪和忌妒
104--But she was to learn.但她学着去了解
105--For the human king had heard of a growing power in the Moors.人类的国王听说Moors有一股神秘力量106--And he sought to strike it down.寻攻下Moors的方法
109--There they are!他们就在那里了
110--The mysterious Moors and no one dares to venture神秘的Moors凡人不敢涉足的领域
111--for fear of the magical creatures that lurk within.对于那些潜伏其中的的奇怪生物
112--Well,I say:Crush them!要我说,杀光他们
113--Go no further!不准再前进一步!
114--A king does not take orders国王是不听令他人的
115--from a winged elf.尤其是会飞的怪务
116--You are no king to me!对我来说,你才不是国王
117--Bring me her head.把她的头带来给我
120--Arise and stand with me!出现把,与我同在
121--Hold the line!保持队伍
122--It's the dark creatures!那是黑暗生物
125--To the king!去保护国王!
126--You will not have the Moors.Not now,nor ever!你不会夺得Moors的现在不会,以后也不会
128--When I ascended to the throne当我登基时
129--I promised the people one day我承诺我的人民,有一天...
130--we would take the Moors and it's treasures.我们会抢下Moors,和它的宝藏
131--Each of you swore你们每一个人都发了誓
132--allegiance to me and to 发誓效忠我,因此...
133--Your Majesty.陛下
134--Defeated in battle.这次战败...
135--Is this to be my legacy?会是我的墓碑吗?
136--I see you're waiting for me to die.我看着你们都希望我死去
137--It won't be long,but what then?不会很久的,但,之后呢?
138--I will choose a successor我会选一个继承者
139--to take the throne and care for my daughter.接下王位,照顾我女儿
140--Who among you is worthy?你们之中谁认为自己可以胜任?
141--Kill the winged creature!杀掉那会飞的生物
142--Avenge me!为我复仇
143--And upon my death you will take the crown.等我死去,你就能带上皇冠
146--So,how is life with the humans?和人类生活感觉怎么样?
147--Maleficent,I've come to warn you.Maleficent,我是来警告你的
148--They mean to kill you.他们要杀了你
149--King Henry will stop at nothing.Henry国王不会善罢干休的
150--Please,you have to trust me.拜托了,你得相信我
151--They spoke of many things他们谈了很多事情
152--and the years faded away.感觉过去分开的岁月消失般
153--And she forgave Stefan,his folly and his ambition.而她原谅了Stefan,原谅她的贪婪与愚昧154--And all was as it happened long ago.仿佛这些都是很久以前的错误罢了
155--Are you thirsty?你渴吗?
157--What is this?这是什么?
158--I have avenged you,Sire.陛下,我已经为你复仇了
159--She is vanquished?你击败她了?
160--Ah,you have done well,my son.喔!你做得太好了,我的孩子
161--You have done what others failed to do.你完成了其他人不敢做的事
162--You will be rewarded.你会被加冕的
163--I shall do my best这是我应该做的
164--to be a worthy successor.成为一个有钱的继承者
165--Your Majesty.陛下
166--I got you!我抓到你了
167--Wicked bird!-Into a man.这只虚弱的鸟变成人
168--It's a demon!这是恶魔
169--What have you done to my beautiful south?你对我做了什么?
170--Would you rather I let them beat you to death?你宁愿被他们打死吗?
171--I'm not certain.-Stop complaining.我又不是恶魔别再抱怨了
172--I saved your life.我救了你
173--Forgive me.原谅我
174---Diaval.What do I call?-Diaval.我该叫做什么?
175--And in return for saving my life I am your servant.作为你救了我的回报,我是你的仆人了176--Whatever you need.不论你需要什么
178--I need you to be my wings.我需要你当我的翅膀
179--I present to you the first of his line:现在介绍
180--His Royal Highness,King Stefan.王爷Royal Highness,Stefan国王
181--He did this to me他这样对我
182--so he would be king.来得到宝座
183--Now what,mistress?主人,现在要干嘛?
185--Her wings!她的翅膀!
186--It's a girl!是个女孩!
187--O,my God,it's a girl!-It's a girl!上帝阿是个女孩
188--Well?Well?-Well,I saw nothing.-Well,我什么都没看到
189--But there's -What?但那里有个...有什么?
191--King Stefan and the Queen have had a child.Stefan国王和皇后生了个小孩
192--There'll be a christening.将会举办一场洗礼
193--They say it's to be a grand celebration.他们说这会是一场盛大的庆祝活动
194--A for a baby.生大的庆祝活动...为了一个小孩
195--How wonderful!多美好阿!
196--All manner of folk came to the christening.所有人都来到了庆典
197--Even three of the fairies who sought甚至三个期望和平的
198--to foster peace and good will.仙女也参加了
199--Look,there's the baby!-Love baby!看!小孩在那里!
200--Concentrate,please!I'm not telling you again.专心的拜托,我不会再提醒你了201--Greetings,Your Majesty.问候您,陛下
202--I am Knotgrass of the Moorland fair folk.我是Knotgrass Moor来的仙女
203--I am Flittle,Your Kingship.我是Flittle
204--And I am Thistletwit,我是Thistletwit,你的皇家...
205--They bring gifts for our daughter.他们给我们女儿带了礼物
206--These are not just any old gifts.这礼物不仅仅只是老旧的那种
207--For you see,we are magic!向你看到的,它会是很神奇的208--
And very good with children.而且对孩童非常有益
209--Very well.很好
210--Sweet Aurora.亲爱的Aurora.
211--I wish for you the gift of beauty.我为你祈祷...礼物就是...美貌
212--My wish is that you'll never be blue.我的礼物是...永远快乐
213--Only happy,all the days of your life.在你一生中只有快乐214-
Sweet baby.宝贝
215--My wish for you is that you'我的祝福是...你会到...
218--What a glittering assemblage,King Stefan.多么令人羡慕的一对阿,Stefan国王219--Royalty,nobility皇室,贵族
220--the 绅士们,小...
221--How quaint.多么离奇阿
222--Even the rabble.就只是些乌合之众
223--I must say I really felt quite distressed.我要说我真的非常伤心