Unit one
A、  1) 约翰同时干许多事情。我觉得他应当休息一下.(work on, all at once, take a break)
John works on many things all at once. I think he should take a break。
2) 杨教授说的话有着神奇的力量.许多同学接受他的忠告,开始专注学业了.(what, magical, advice, focus on)
What Prof. Yang said has magical power。 On his advice, many students began to focus on their schoolwork.
3) 由于星期天晚上汤姆没有提示他将做何种选择,我无法弄清楚他会如何完成这项任务。 (clue, option, figure out, accomplish)
As Tom gave no clue Sunday night about which option he would choose, I can’t figure out how he will accomplish the task.
4) 我的父亲是极负责任的人.虽然他总是很忙,但他设法每天都给家庭留出一些时间。 (responsibility, on the go, set aside)
My father is a man of great responsibility. Though he is on the go all the time, he manages to set aside some time for the family every day.
5) 这个项目的成功与否取决于我们如何确定轻重缓急。 (project, depend on, priority)
The success of the project depends on how we set our priorities。
6) 在计算机商店里,我的朋友建议我们先试一下光碟播放机再决定买哪个。 (try out, settle on)
At the computer store, my friend suggested that we try out the video players before we settle on any one of them。
7) 我觉得在确定轻重缓急前,把要做的事情全都写下来,是有道理的. (make sense, write down, set)within temptation
I think it makes sense to write down everything we need to do before we set priorities.
8) 如果我们不及时交论文,会有什么后果? (turn in, on time, consequence)
If we do not turn in our papers on time, what will be the consequence?
B、   1)Although Magellan didn't live to celebrate,he is remembered today as the leader of the first around-the-world journey in history.
2)Around 90% of the scientific journals are written in English。
一生一个梦3)How much will you be paid for delivering them(newspapers)?
4)If a price is set too high, though, many people may refuse to buy a product。
5)In July 2005, London was chosen as the host city for the 2012 Olympic Games。
6)Smoking is known to increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer.
Unit two
A、陈红结过几次婚  1) 文章交上来之前,务必仔细检查一遍。(make sure, review, hand/turn in)
Make sure you review your paper carefully before you hand/turn it in.
哈妮克孜被烧毛是真的吗2) 自从我最后一次见到他,5年过去了。他已长成一个高大的小伙子了。(go by, grow into)
Five years have gone by since I last saw him。 He has grown into a tall young man。
3) 老师要求学生们详细描述他们在展览会(exhibition)上看到的一切.(require, in detail)
The teacher required the students to describe in detail what they saw at the exhibition。
4) 坐在我前面的两个学生窃窃私语,我很难把注意力集中在老师身上. (whisper, pay attention to)
It’s hard to pay attention to the teacher when the two students sitting in front of me are whispering to each other.
5) 他对篮球的喜爱至少可以追溯到1970年代。在他十几岁的时候,他就表现出对这项运动强烈的兴趣。(go back to, show interest in)
His love of basketball goes back at least to the 1970s. When he was a teenager, he showed intense interest in the sport.
6) 杰克打定主意创办自己的公司.然而,要筹集足够的款项在某种意义上讲是一件麻烦事。(make up one’s mind, something of a, struggle, raise money for)
Jack made up his mind to start his own business. However, it has been something of a struggle to raise enough money for it。
7) 小男孩费力地把礼品盒打开。当他看到里面的玩具汽车时,兴奋地大叫起来.(take pains, exclaim) 
The little boy took great pains to open his gift。 When he saw the toy car inside, he exclaimed with excitement。
8) 出的老师能对学生的生活产生很大的影响,无论学生本身多么可厌.(excellent, make a difference, unpleasant)
Excellent teachers can make a big difference in the lives of their students, no matter how unpleasant the student may seem.
B、  1)None of the ships had accurate maps or clocks。
2)But installing a green roof cant be done without a lot of planning and information。
3)Working is not always convenient, and there will be times when youd prefer to be doing something else。
4)Theres nothing unusual about this mans appearance.
5)The teacher didnt think that was a realistic dream for a young boy。
6)The blow is more than words can tell。
Unit three
A、  1) 就我看来,现在的房地产问题不会给该国的经济带来太严重的影响。(as  far as…, impact)
As far as I can see, the current real estate problems won't have too large an impact on the country's economy.
2) 每次我们队遇到问题,我们的队长都能很快想出解决的办法。(every  time, come up with, solution)
As far as I can see, the current real estate problems won’t have too large an impact on the country’s economy。