End-Term Test B
For New Generation English Extended长路慢慢任我闯
Part 1 Listening Comprehension (29 points)
Section A
There are 7 recorded questions in this section. Listen to each question. Then decide on the correct answer. (1 point*7)
1. A. Passwords.                    B. Of course!   
C. Yes, once a week.                      D. On my computer.
2. A. Not at the moment.                  B. 17 years old.
C. Really?                        D. Yes, I’m Alex. Pleased to meet you!
down by the salley garden3. A. Of course.                        B. No thanks.
C. Next to the bus stop.                D. Yes, I understand.
4. A. Qualifications.                      B. Customer service assistant.
C. In an office.                      D. At my desk.
5. A. Yes, it’s great.                    B. Yes, speaking. 
C. In the surgery.                      D. No, it’s online. 
6. A. Never mind.                      B. Now and then. 
C. That would be my dream.                  D. Yes, I have.
7. A. I suppose so.                    B. Exercise and healthy food.
C. No thanks.                    D. See you later!
Section B
There are 7 recorded dialogues in this section. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. When you hear a question, choose the correct answer. (1 point*7)
8. A. Open and friendly.                  B. Difficult to get to know.
C. Closed and unfriendly.                D. Introverted. 
9. A. He’s on a diet.                      B. He’s hungry.
C. It’s time for lunch.                  D. It makes him feel happy.
10.  A. Her ex-boyfriend.                  B. Her teacher.
C. Her current roommate.                D. Her ex-roommate.
11.A. His bank card’s been stolen.              B. He’s failed an exam. 
C. He’s had a fight with his girlfriend.          D. He’s lost his bank card. 
12. A. He feels worried about it.              B. It’s important to him.
C. He’s excited about it.                  D. It’s not very important to him. 
13. A. Her husband.                      B. Her brother
C. Her father.                    D. Her teacher.   
14. A. Healthy.                        B. Unhealthy. 
C. Vegetarian.                    D. Low-fat.
Section C
Listen to the two conversations and answer the questions. (1 point*5)
Conversation 1
1. What is most important to Lucas when choosing a career?
A. Earning a lot of money.                                                        B. Using his skills.
C. Following his dream.                                                           D. Making a difference.
2. Why does Wendy think that Lucas would make a good teacher?
A. His personality.                          B. His skills.       
C. His appearance.                      D. His family background.
Conversation 2
3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Roommates.                              B. Brother and sister.
C. Mother and son.                            D. Teacher and student.
4. What does Tom say about his roommates?
A. They’re very funny.                            B. They’re never home. 
C. He gets on well with them.                    D. They don’t work very hard. 
5. What does Tom say about the rent?
A. It’s cheap but the fees aren’t included.          B. It’s expensive but the fees are included. 
C. It’s expensive but the fees aren’t included.          D. It’s really cheap and the fees are included.
Section D
Listen to the recorded passage three times. During the second reading, fill in the blanks with the words and phrases you hear. During the third reading, check your writing. (2 points*5)
Isn’t it strange how a person’s 1) _______ is so different from their real-life one? Take my best friend, Angela, for example. Angela and I 2) _______ friends for ten years. She’s a really kind person and has a great 3) _______ too. She’s a good listener and I can always go to her if I have a problem or if I want to 4) _______. Online though, she’s comp
letely different! Everything she 5) _______ is about herself: she just doesn’t seem interested in what anyone else has to say.
Part 2 Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)
Section A   
Choose the correct option for each sentence. (1 point*10)
1. Your cholesterol will never go _______ if you don’t change your diet. 
A. up            B. on            C. in              D. down
2. Believe it or _______, we’re getting married next summer.
A. no            B not              C won’t          D. but
3. Dancing is great if you just want to let _______ some steam.
泰坦尼克号主题曲A. on            B. over          C. up              D. off
4. If you want something badly enough, you’ll fight _______ it.
重归苏莲托A. on            B. from          C. to            D. for
5. What’s the matter? You look really down in the _______.
A. den            B. door          C. dumps          D. dark
6. Who _______ the song?
A. sang            B. did sing        C. has singing          D. sing
7. Maro is really interested _______ current affairs.
A. on              B. about          C. in              D. to
8. She told him she _______ married, but that’s not true.
A. is              B. was            C. will be          D. isn’t