英语 》试卷( A)
(时间  60 分钟 满分100分)
(适用于 五专部机械系 14 级学生)
一、选择题( 每个1分,共20分)
1. – Hi, Mike! How is it going?            –_______.
A. Good idea    B. I think so    C. Pretty good    D. Of course
2. –______do you do, Mrli?  –How do you do?
A. How    B. What    C. Where  D. When
3.It’s so       to read such a book..
A.  bored        B. bore      C.boring        D.boredom
4. –What’s_______name? –_______name is Zhangli.
A.  Your, My        B. You, I        C.  Your, I      D. You, My
5. –-Hurry up! You must ______now.
A. leave to          B. to leave      C.  leave        D. leaving
6. –Where does he work? –He ________in a company.
A. works          B. worked      C.  work      D. is working
7.He gave ________the new MP3 as a birthday present.
A. me          B. mine            C. my      D. myself
8.Would you like to ________me for lunch?
A. take part in          B. join      C. attend      D. join in
9. Jim and I go to school _____ eight thirty _____ every Saturday morning.
A. at, on      B. in, in          C. at, /          D. on, in
10._________likes playing volleyball.
A. He  B. His    C. We    D. You
11. –______________is it?  -It is seven.
A. When  B. What time  C. What day  D. What date
12. We’ll have a match with Guo’an Team _____July 3rd
A. in      B. at        C. on        D. of
13. There _______some pupils on the playground.
A. have    B. has        C. is        D. are
14. -What’s your father’s interest?  - He _____ music.
A. like        B. likes          C. liked        D. is like
15. - Who is the little girl?  -She is a pen friend of _____.
A. mine        B. my          C. me          D. myself
16. Where ____you come from?
A. does      B. do        C. is        D. are
17. What _____ for breakfast in the boarding school?
A. have you often had          B. do you have often
C. do you often have          D. had you often had
18. Before ______ home you must finish your homework.
A. going          B. go        C. goes        D. went
19.– Frank can’t find ______ dictionary. Can you lend ______ to ______?
A. her, nine, her  B. his, yours, him  C. my, yours, he  D. him, yours, his
20. - What ______ Bill look like?  - He is handsome.
A. do        B. did        C. does        D. is
二、完形填空( 每个2分, 20分)
A man went to see his doctor one day because he had a headache. After ___21___ him carefully, the doctor said to him, “Well, there’s nothing really ___22__ with you. I’m glad __23__, your only trouble is that you worry too much. Do you know, I had a man with the same trouble ___24__ you in here a few weeks ago, and I ___25__ him the same advice as I’m going to __26___ you. He was worried because he couldn’t ___27__ his tailor’s bills. I told him not __28___ about the bills any more. He took my ___29__, and when he came to see me again two days ago, he told me that he now felt quite all right again.”
“Yes, I know all about that,” answered the patient __30__ , “ You see, I’m the man’s tailor.”
21. A. examine  B. examines  C. examined  D. examing
22. A. matter  B. trouble  C. wrong  D. problem
23. A. to say  B. say  C. says  D. said
24. A. with  B. to  C. as  D. about
only you mp325. A. give  B. gives  C. giving  D. gave
26. A. give  B. gives  C. giving  D.gave
27. A. spend  B. pay  C. cost  D. pay for
28. A. worry  B. worried  C. worrying  D. to worry
29. A. advise  B. advised  C. advice  D. advices
30. A. sad  B. sadly  C. happy  D. happily
三.阅读理解( 每个2分,共20分)
Mrs Black lived in a small village. Her husband was dead. Her son, Jack, lived with her. Her worked in a shop in the village, but then he found a job in a town named Greensea. He found a job in a town named Greensea. He went to live there. Mrs Black was very angry. She got on a train and went to see her son. Then she said to him, “Jack, why do you never telephone me?”
Jack laughed, “But, mother, you haven’t got a telephone.” “No,” she answered, “I haven’t, but you have got one.”
31. The old Black _______.
A. was dead                        B. lives with his wife
C. went to a small village              D. worked in a shop
32. Jack lived with mother _________ he worked in the village.
A. before    B. when    C. after      D. so
33. Greensea is __________.
A. a big city  B. a small village  C. a town D. a man’s name
34. Jack didn’t phone his mother because _________.
A. he had no phone                B. he was very busy
C. his mother had no phone        D. he went home every day
35. Jack’s mother was very angry because _________.
A. Jack didn’t want to ring her up
B. Jack had a telephone but she hadn’t
C. she didn’t know how to make a telephone
D. she didn’t know she couldn’t be called