The Brief Introduction of the Design
The general design is a 2.4 Mt/a new underground mine design of Gushuyuan coal mine. Gushuyuan coal mine is located in Jincheng, Shanxi province. It has a 24 km2 total horizontal area. The minable coal seam is 15# with an average thickness of 6.0 m and an average dip of 4°. The proved reserves of this coal mine are 214.36 Mt and the minable reserves are 166.43 Mt, with a mine life of53.34 year. The normal mine inflow is 333 m3/h and the maximum mine inflow is 375 m3/h. The mine gas emission rate is 5 m3/t which can be recognized as low gas mine.
Based on the geological condition of the mine, this design uses a duel-vertical shaft single-level development method, and full strip preparation ,which divided into 6 bands and track roadway, belt conveyor roadway and return airway are all coal roadways, arranged in the 3# coal seam. mine ventilation method use two diagonal wings ventilation.
The design applies strip preparation against the first band of SOUTH ONE. It conducted coal conveyance, ventilation, gangue conveyance and electricity designing.
The design conducted coal mining technology design against the 3101 face. The coal seam average thickness of this working face is 4.0 m and the average dip is 4°, the immediate roof is mud stone and the main roof is sand stone. The working face applies fully mechanized longwall sublevel caving method, and uses double drum shearer cutting coal which cuts twice each working cycle. "Four-six" working system has been used in this design and the
depth-web is 0.8m with six working cycles per day, and the advance of a working cycle is 4.8m and the advance is 144 m per month.
Main roadway makes use of belt conveyor to transport coal resource, and no track glue wheel car to be assistant transport.
The monographic study for the coal mine roof accident of ", through the analysis of China coal mine roof accident statistics, accident of coal mine roof classification and coal mine work face roof accident rules, the study concluded that three aspects of coal mine roof accident causing factors. Finally, it puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to prevent coal mine accidents from four aspects of imp
roving the level of support technology, increasing the training and education of workers, establishing and improving the internal management mechanism and improving the supervision and control system.
Key words: coal mine safety; coal mine roof accident; accident cause; countermeasure and suggestion.
设计总说明 (1)
1 矿区概述及井田地质特征 (1)
1.1矿区概述 (1)
1.1.1矿区地理位置与交通 (1)
1.1.2地形地貌及水文情况 (1)
1.1.3气候条件 (1)
1.1.4地震 (2)
1.1.5矿区经济概况 (2)
1.1.6矿区小煤矿概况 (2)
1.2井田地质特征 (4)
1.2.1地质构造 (4)
1.2.2井田地层概述 (6)
1.2.3水文地质条件 (8)
1.2.4井田的勘探程度 (9)
1.3煤层 (10)
1.3.1煤层埋藏条件 (10)
1.3.2可采煤层 (10)
1.3.3煤岩特征和煤质 (11)
1.3.4煤层顶底板 (12)
1.3.5煤的工业用途评述 (13)
1.3.6瓦斯、煤尘和煤的自燃 (13)
2 井田境界和储量 (15)
2.1井田境界 (15)
2.1.1井田范围 (15)
2.2矿井储量计算 (15)
2.2.2矿井工业储量 (15)
2.3矿井设计储量 (16)
2.3.1保护煤柱留设原则 (16)
2.3.2 永久煤柱损失量 (17)
3 矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限 (21)
3.1矿井工作制度 (21)
3.2矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 (21)
3.2.1确定依据 (21)
3.2.2矿井设计生产能力 (21)
3.2.3矿井服务年限 (21)
3.2.4井型校核 (22)
4  井田开拓 (23)
4.1井田开拓的基本问题 (23)
4.1.1确定井筒形式、数目、位置及坐标 (23)
4.1.2工业场地的位置 (25)
4.1.3开采水平的确定及采带区划分 (26)
4.1.4主要开拓巷道 (26)
4.1.5方案比较 (26)
4.2矿井基本巷道 (31)
4.2.1 主斜井 (31)
4.2.2 副斜井 (32)
4.2.3 回风立井 (34)
4.2.4 主要开拓巷道 (35)
4.2.5 井底车场 (35)
4.2.6 井下硐室 (35)
5 准备方式——带区巷道布置 (39)
5.1煤层地质特征 (39)
5.2采(盘)区或带区巷道布置及生产系统 (39)
5.2.1带区准备方式的确定 (39)
5.2.2带区巷道布置 (40)
5.2.3带区生产系统 (42)
5.2.4带区内巷道掘进方法 (43)
5.2.5带区生产能力及采出率 (43)
5.3带区车场选型设计 (44)
6 采煤方法 (45)
6.1采煤工艺方式 (45)
6.1.1采煤方法的选择 (45)
6.1.2回采工作面参数 (46)
6.1.3综采工作面的设备选型及配套 (46)
6.1.4回采工作面破煤、装煤方式 (52)
6.1.5端头支护及超前支护方式 (53)
6.1.6各工艺过程注意事项 (54)
6.1.7回采工作面正规循环作业 (56)
6.1.8 综合机械化采煤过程中应注意事项 (61)
6.2回采巷道布置 (62)
6.2.1回采巷道布置方式 (62)
6.2.2回采巷道参数 (62)
7 井下运输 (65)
7.1概述 (65)
mine mine mp3
7.1.1矿井设计生产能力及工作制度 (65)
7.1.2煤层及煤质 (65)
7.1.3运输距离和辅助运输设计 (65)
7.1.4矿井运输系统 (65)
7.2带区运输设备选择 (66)
7.2.1 设备选型原则: (66)
7.2.2 带区运输设备选型及能力验算 (67)
7.3大巷运输设备选则 (71)
7.3.1主运输大巷设备选择 (71)