U Raise Me Up
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and  my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.
*You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.*
1.All countries which wish to seek development in a peaceful international environment must contribute to the establishment of such an environment.
2. All delegations which wish to speak at the conference tomorrow morning or join the small group discussions tomorrow afternoon should first sign up with the Secretariat.
3. We need a new world order of peace and justice under which all nations can co-operate with one another and live in harmony.
我们需要(建立) 新的和平正义的世界秩序,使所有的国家可以相互合作以及和平共存。
4.The conclusion of the North American Free Trade Treaty will give U.S. exporters unrestricted access to a Mexican market of 86 million people, which may reach 100 million by the year 2000.
5.APEC environment ministers who will meet this month in Vancouver for the first time will focus their discussions on environmental laws and regulations now in force in countries in the Asia and Pacific region.
6. It is important that the peace proposal which was put forward last month by the Egyptian president be given a careful study at the meeting.
7. A series of events which took place in the early 90s started a revolution which forever changed the world order.
90 年代初期发生的一连串事件引发了一场革命,进而永久改变了世界秩序。
8.I want to thank the International Committee and our hosts who have been all along very supportive of our efforts to improve the business environment in this region.you raise me up mp3
9.The same factors of severe poverty and underdevelopment, which led to refugee-producing conflicts, also created migratory movements towards the richer countries.
10.There are some positive factors about the country which we sometimes overlook andwhich should be brought into proper perspective.
11Output increase is not really feasible in this country, which must restructure its entire economy along free-market lines before it can hope to increase output significantly.
12.The debt problem remains an ongoing concern of both debtors and creditors. Debtors are over burdened by a debt service problem which hampers their development and leads t
o complete and utter poverty.
13.We established our friendly and cooperative relations on the understanding that we would develop our friendship on the basis of mutual respect and equality, and mutual benefit.
1.The Congress and the White House failed to agree on a plan which will help balance the budget in six years and bring the economy back to a sustainable growth
2.The president said in his TV address that the congress want a plan that will make the working class and the senior people victims, rather than helping them out.
3.She is a person who wants to please everyone and ends up pleasing no one.
4.He is a leader whose dedication and commitment to peace is highly appreciated by his people.
5.Sustainable tourism development is a development designed to attract customers for the foreseeable future because it has been carefully planned and is carefully managed.
6.A sustainable tourism development is opposite to tourism destinations and products that have developed for short-run gains with the expectation that they will have a product life cycle, declining after some years of fashion.
7.Over rapid development typically results in a situation where trained personnel and infrastructure and support facilities become less available
8.First we need to establish an alliance which will help promote our objectives and interests in this region
9. Apparently we are facing a problem which could become worse if no action is taken promptly and properly.
10.Technically the Japanese market is open, but sometimes they are opening a door which is too small and restrictive for foreigners to get in.
11.Today we face a world filled with economic opportunity but also one filled with economic challenges. We live in a world where markets increasingly are global and our market in increasingly interdependent
当今,我们面对的世界经济机会与挑战并存,市场也日益全球化和相互依赖。 12.For almost a decade, countries in the Asia and Pacific region have been developing at a pace nearly twice as fast as countries in Western Europe and North America.