How to balance work and life
      Work and home life are obviously very separate from each other but it's very easy to carry your work life home with you and carry your home life to work. There are four tips that I suggest to balance work and life.
    Prioritize what matters. For many people, their families matter most, although they know that they still have to work. Set aside time to jot down what matters most in your life and then rank those items. Sometimes, seeing what matters on paper can help you make it a priority. It's OK for money to matter; without it, life can get uncomfortable and other priorities can be negatively impacted.
    Ditch the unnecessary. Many people have other activities they are involved in that make it difficult to juggle work, and say, family life. If you're involved in several extracurricular activities, start by dropping just one of them, then think of those things that come up (like events) and prioritize them. Each time you receive an invitation, remember that you have a choice to go or not--and if you have to say "no," that's OK. The good news with our busy lives
is that many people are more understanding about not making every event. For those who can't accept a self-care excuse, just state that you are unable to attend, but appreciate the invitation.
Plan for more enjoyment. Stop planning your schedule with required activities and inject a little relaxation and enjoyment into the schedule. If you can't get out of those menial commitments, add more that you will enjoy. You can balance the yin and the yang this way and have the positive to look forward to--even if you are stuck now and then at something you'd rather not be at.
Rely on a support system. It is perfectly OK to accept help from others. You may have a parent, family member or friend that can help with tasks, so that you can spend more time with your child or spouse. Even if you just need someone to talk to in order to help you take charge of creating more balance in your life, it's a good idea to speak with those close to you. You'd be there for them if they were in the same situation, right?
Work is a necessity in order to keep receiving those paychecks. However important it may
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be to be an attentive worker, it is also important to maintain a fruitful life balance. Family, friends, and even your own health and happiness should never be taken for granted. Waiting until tomorrow might just be too late to spare your health and family relationships. Always carry you home life home with you and carry you work life to work.