南华大学学报(自然科学版)Vol .21No .42007年12月Journal of Unive rsity of S outh Chi na (Science and Technol ogy)Dec .2007文章编号:1673-0062(2007)04-0030-04
在我的地盘你就得听我的贺海生1,2,施 周13
(1.湖南大学土木工程学院,湖南长沙410082;  2.株洲市自来水公司,湖南株洲412000)
摘 要:总结了近十年来株洲市城市供水水源水质状况,分析了新的饮用水卫生标准
中图分类号:X -651   文献标识码:A
C oun term ea s ur es to the I m ple m en ta ti on of New St andar ds
for D r i n k i n g W a ter Qua lity i n Zhuzhou C ity
HE Ha i 2shen g 1,2,SH I Zhou 13
(1.College of Civil Engineering,Hunan U niversity,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China;
2.Zhuzhou W ate r Supply Company,Zhuz hou,Hunan 412000,China )可不可以放弃你歌词
Abstrac t:Wa ter resource quality of Zhuzhou city in the past 10years has been revie wed,
and the challenges f aced by zhuzhou water supply Company after i mple mentati on of new
standards f or drinkingwater quality are als o ana lyzed .Measures f orm eeting the cha llenges邱礼涛的脚怎么了
a r e p r oposed as the f ollo w ing:str engthening manage m ents of water quality of the res ource,
treat m ent,and net wor k;enhancing capability of the common treat m ent p r ocesses;rene 2
wing treat ment p r oce ss and p i pe r net work,establishing e m ergence r e s ponding syste m.
Key word s:XiangJiang R iver ;W ater Quality Ensurance;W ater net work e me r gence re 2
sponding syste m
1 湘江株洲段饮用水源水质状况湘江由南至北穿越株洲市城区,是株洲市唯一
座水厂承担,总设计供水能力为125×104m 3/d,实际
供水量为50×104m 3/d,其中第一、第四水厂位于湘:2007-11-04热门dj