女孩子不会忘记第一个喜欢过的男孩。甚至是尴尬的过去 A girl will never forget the first boy she likes。Even if things don’t quite work out。
但通常会有人来说些安抚神伤的智慧话语 But usually someone is there to office words of wisdom。
知道那小男孩为什么这么做这么说吗?因为他喜欢你 do you know why that Little boy did those things and said those things?it’s because he likes you。
就是这样,这就是我们纠结的开端 And there it is。That’s the beginning of our problem。
这个小男孩欺负你,是因为他迷上你了That Little boy is doing those terrible because he’s got a crush on you。
Do you know what this means?we’re all encourage…no,programmed …to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk…that means he likes you。
Here’s the problem:he likes you too much。You’re too pretty and too awesome。Yes,he can’t handle it 。
显然,那个叫phi delt 的喜欢你。我肯定他只是弄丢了你的号码 That Phi Delt so obviously liked you 。I’m sure he just lost your number
他不敢约你出去,是因为他被你成功的事业吓到了 He’s not asking you out because he’s intimidated by your professional success。
他不约你,是被你丰富的感情经历吓到了 He’s not asking you out ,because he’s scarf you emotional maturity。
相信我,这只是因为他刚结束一段刻骨铭心的感情 Trust me,it’s because he’s just getting out of a serious relationship。
相信我,这是因为他从未有过一段刻骨铭心的感情 Trust me,it’s because he’s had a serious relationship。
他可能忘了你住哪间茅舍。或者被狮子吃掉了 I’m sure he just forget your hut number。Or was eaten by a lion 。
Why do we say this stuff to each other?is it possible that it’s because we’re too scared…and it’s too hard to say the one obvious truth…that’s staring everyone in the face?

Well,so you think it’s great that they’re getting married …but you don’t ever feel like we’re going against nature ,or something…by not getting married?
No,going against nature is like the cat who suckled that monkey 。you and I are just two people who happen not to be married。Let me tell you something,people who get married are not be trusted。
They’re not 。 you know why ?because if you so legitimately happy ,honestl…you wouldn’t feel the need to make a big show out of it。You wouldn’t have to broadcast it 。they do it because they’reinsecure…and they think getting married’s what they’re supposed to be doing。So they’re lying to themselves and to other people 。

If a guy doesn’t call me ,I would like to reserve the right to call him at 15-minute intervals until he picks up 。but if he looks down and sees my numbers …he’s gonna think I’m some kind of pasycho or something,which I’m not 。

conor 不会打电话给你的Conor’s never gonna call you。
真的么,你怎么知道的? Oh,really。How do you know?
因为我也是个男人,这就是我们的方式。Because I’m a guy ,and it’s just how we do it。
他说了跟我见面很开心。He said it was nice meeting me 。
不管他是不是跟你说,你就是……除了他妈和Joanie Cunningham 之外……他心中最理想的女性。已经过了一个星期,Gigi他都没用打给你,
I don’t care if he said you were hes favorite female since his mommy and Joanie Cunningham。Over a week went by ,okay,Gigi,?and he didn’t call you 。
But maybe he did call and I didn’t get the message。Or maybe he lost your number,or he’s out of town ,or got hit by a cab ,or his grandma died。
或者他没有打给你,仅仅是因为他没有兴趣再见你了 Or he didn’t call because he has no interest in seeing you again。
是么,但我朋友Terri 有次跟个从都不来电话的男人出去,她把他给甩了,一年之后,她撞见了他,最后他们……
Yeah,but my friends Terri once went out with a guy who never called。She totally wrote him off,over a year by ,right,she ran into him ,and it ended up that…
你朋友Terri是个傻瓜,她也是个例外……顺道提一句,是很少很少的例外Your friend Terri’s an idiot。She’s also the exception…by the way ,the rare exception。
好吧,好吧,但是万一我也是例外呢?Okay ,okay,but what if  I’m the exception?
No,you’re not。You’re not at all。In fact,you’re the rule。And the rule is this:if a guy doen’t call you ,he doen’t wanna call you。

Look,I know what blowing off a woman looks like,okay?I do it early ,I do it often。So trust me when I say if a guy is treating you like he doesn’t give a shit…he genuinely doesn’t give a shit,no exception。

We have to stop listening to these stories。The rule is that guys who cheat on you don’t care about you much。
I used to think that I had never been dumped。Yeah,then we started comparing notes。Then we realized we’ve both been dumped by every man we’ve ever been with。
但是他们甩得太巧妙了。他们太狡猾了,让你觉得这都是你的主意。But they do it so skillfully 。they just so sneaky that you think it was your idea。
You’re sitting back and you’re like:“oh,yeah。This my idea,but wait a second,why am I alone?”
“why am I unhappy?why have I gained 20 pounds?”they jedi mind-trick you。So they do a sofe pass。
比如他们对你说的那些台词They got little lines they to tell you 。
比如说“我不想妨碍你”Like,“I don’t wanna stand in your way。”
或者“你太完美了,只是,问题出在我身上。”Or,“you’re perfect,it’s just I have to work on myself。”
是的“我只是在为你的幸福着想” Right。“I’m just thinking of your happiness。”
“我配不上你”那是我最爱的一句。“oh,I don’t deserve you。”that’s my favorite one。
“我真嫉妒以后能和你结婚的那个男人。” “I am so jealous of the guy who gets to marry you。“

If a guy give you his phone number instead of taking taking yours ,he’s not interested 。and also,if a guy wants to see you ,believe me ,he will see you 。

那现在我就得从每一个不喜欢我的男人身边跑开?So,what,now I’m just supposed to run from every guy who doen’t like me ?
那我就一个也不剩了。There’s not gonna be anybody left。

我不明白为什么人们都想结婚。I don’t understand why people wanna get married。
No,no guy actually wants to get married 。and if they do,all they’re really thinking about?all the women they’re gonna miss out on。
你为什么结婚?Why’d you get married?
我爱Juenie。I love Juenie。
那你是个幸福的已婚男人。You’re a happily married guy。

Guys invented the spark ,so they could not call and treat you kind of badly and keep you guessing。Then convince you that that anxiety and fear that just develops naturally …was actually just a spark。And you guys all buy it 。you eat it up and you love it 。you love it because you feed off that drama 。you all love drama 。you love it because you feed off that drama,you all love that drama 。
我不。I don’t 。
So you never wait until the last minute on a deadline or a phone bill,because secretly you love the drama 。of not knowing whether or not you’re gonna make it ?
当不久前的那个夜里,当你想着Conor 的时候,你是不是一直都纠结他为什么不打电话?不停来回踱步,老是盯着自己的手机,即使这次约会其实再平常不过了?
Wnen you were stalking Conor the other night were you obsessing about him calling …constantly pacing back and forth ,staring at your phone for days …even though the date was just kind of mediocre?
Because you all thrive on the  drama 。look ,you gotta be more like me。If a girl likes me,great。But if not ,there are plenty more out there like her ,you know ?with smaller pores and bigger implants。

If a guy wants to date you ,he will make it happen ,okey?he will ask you out 。did I ask you out?
Why do women do this?build up this stuff in their minds take each little things a guy does ,
and then twist it nito something else?it’s insane。
就算那样也好过你。I’d rather be like that than be like you。
什么意思?What is that supposed to mean?
I may dissect each little thing and put myself there too much but at least that means I still care 。oh,you think you’ve won because women are expendable to you?you may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way ,but you don’t fall in love that way either 。you’re alone。I may do a lot of stupid shit ,but I know I’m a lot closer to finding someone than you are 。

你于11点的深夜一路而来,只为还我一支促销笔?You came all the way here at 11:00at night to brings me back a promotinal pen?
I thought I should just come up with some really great excuse to get over here 。that’s how it’s done ,isn’t it ?
Look,I can’t stop thinking about you 。it’s a problem。I drive by your place ,I call and hang up 。
A wise person once told me that if a guy wants to be with a girl he will make it happen ,no matter what。
——这是真的。It’s true。
——但当我对你投怀送抱的时候,你似乎并不想让它发生。But when I was hurling my body onto yours ,you did not seem to want to make it happen 。
——我必须停止相信,男人会改变。That I have to stop thinking that every guy will change。

I love you so much 。so much 。and I wanna make you happy ,I need to make you happy for me to even have a shot at being happy。Will you marry me?

Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up :if a guy punches you,he likes you 。never try to trim your own bangs。And someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy
ending 。
Every movie we see ,every story we’re told implores us to wait for it。The third act twist:the unexpected declaration of love 。the exception to rule。But sometimes we’re so focused on finding our happy ending ,we don’t learn how to read the signs。How to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don’t。the ones who will stay from the ones who will leave。
And maybe this happy ending doesn’t include a wonderful guy。Maybe it’s you on your own ,picking up the pieces and starting over。Freeing yourself up for something better in the future。Maybe the happy ending is just moving on。
Or maybe the happy ending is this:knowing that all the unreturned phone calls and broken hearts through all the blunders and misread signals ,through all of the pain and embarrassment,you never ,ever gave up hope。

I mean, everyone makes mistakes。I’ve started trying to figure out what I wanna do,who I wanna be,you know?priobably seems the wrong time to do that ,but why not ?you know ,why not ?better later than never。

You know ,what I’ve been focusing my energy on is like a self-discovery,as opposed to dating。I don’t know,maybe dating’s a little overrated。