皮卡丘多多  演讲稿是人们在工作和社会生活中经常使用的一种文体。它可以用来交流思想,感情,表达主张,见解。也可以用来介绍自己的学习,工作情况和经验等等。下面给大家分享一些关于三分钟带翻译英语演讲稿5篇,供大家参考。
  good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. good afternoon, boys and girls. goodafternoon, everybody. i ’m glad to make a speech here.
  as we all know, tomorrow is teachers’ day. many people say that teachersare not unusual at all. that’s true. but i want to say though teachers arecommon, their job is unusual. what they do is very very great. i am an englishteacher. so i’ll make an english speech here. and my topic is “live withthankfulness”. do you know what “thankfulness” means in chinese? it means“gan’en”.
  we know that in the world, we are not living alone. from the day we wereborn, there have b
een many people around us. they take care of us. they help us.they teach us. they play with us and grow up together with us. they support us.they understand us. the most important is: they love us. who are they? can yougive me your answer?
  yes, they are our parents, grandparents or family members; they may be youridmates, your friends even your neighbors. they are all important to us. wecan’t live without them. we should thank them.
  we should thank the great world. because it gives us sunlight, air, waterand everything we need to keep us alive healthily. we can’t live withoutthem.
  we should thank our parents. they are the people who gave us the life. theylook after us carefully and give all their love to us. i believe if necessary,they are willing to give everything to us. they stay with us, all the time.
  we should thank our teachers. it is they who teach us knowledgeunselfishly. they let us know how to write, how to read, how to get on withothers and so on. they are our guide in our life.
  we should thank our friends, our idmates. they are our partners. theyunderstand us. they encourage us. they play with us. they grow up together withus. they make our life more colorful.
  my dear boys and girls, teachers’ day is coming. it’s a celebrating time.it’s also a thankful time. let’s take actions together. show our thanks to theworld, learn to protect it. show our thanks to our parents, learn to look afterthem. show our thanks to our teachers, learn how to respect them. show ourthanks to our idmates, learn to help and share with them.
  boys and girls, are you ready? live with thankfulness, from now on. let’sgo!
  so much for my talk .thanks very much!
下辈子如果我还记得你歌词  亲爱的男孩和女孩,教师节即将来临。这是一个庆祝的时间。这也是一个感恩的时间。让我们一起采取行动。向世界展示我们的感谢,学会保护它。表达我们的感谢我们的父母,学会照顾他们。表达我们的感谢我们的老师,学会尊重他们。表达我们的感谢我们idmates,学会帮助和与他们分享。
  As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been usedeverywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet andfor international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chanceto succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number ofthe people who go to learn English has incre
ased at a high speed.