    My Best Friend Buddy
    You know what, I have the best friend ever! His name is Buddy and he's a golden retriever dog. Buddy has been my best pal since I was just a little kid. We do everything together!
    Buddy came to live with my family when I was 5 years old. I still remember the day we went to pick him up from the animal shelter. There were so many cute puppies there, but when I saw Buddy he just looked right at me with his big brown eyes and I knew he was the one. My parents said he picked me too because he didn't stop licking my face!
    When we got Buddy home, he was pretty hyper and got into everything. He chewed up SO many of my mom's shoes and slippers. He even ate part of the couch one time! But we didn't
get too mad because he was just a puppy and he was so darn cute. We had to puppy-proof the whole house though.
    As Buddy got older, he calmed down a lot. He's such a good boy now. He always comes when I call him and he never barks too much or makes messes in the house anymore. He's pt when it comes to food! Buddy will literally do anything for a treat. It's really funny to watch.
    My favorite thing about Buddy is how excited he gets whenever I come home from school. He starts wagging his tail like crazy and jumping up and down. Sometimes he even does a little spin! Then he licks my face over and over while I pet him. Buddy always makes me feel so loved and happy to be home.
    After I get my homework done, Buddy and I love to play outside. We go for long walks around the neighborhood and to the park near our house. I taught Buddy how to catch a frisbee and he's a pro at it now! We also love playing fetch and chasing each other around the backyard. By the time we come inside, we're both completely tuckered out.
    At night, Buddy likes to curl up at the foot of my bed while I read stories. He's a great reading buddy because he's so calm and quiet. Sometimes he'll even rest his head on my lap. I like burying my hands in his soft, golden fur - it's so soothing. When it's time for lights out, Buddy knows to hop up on the bed and snuggle right next to me under the covers. He keeps me warm and cozy all night long. I feel safe with him by my side.
    Buddy is more than just a pet to me, he's a true friend. We've been through so much together over the years. Like the time I broke my arm falling out of the treehouse. Or when my grandma passed away and I was really sad. No matter what, Buddy has always been there for me with constant love and support.
    I'm so grateful my parents let me get a dog all those years ago. Buddy has made my childhood amazing in every way. He's brought me endless laughter, fun, cuddles, and memories that will last forever. Buddy is the best dog in the whole wide world! I'll always be his #1 best friend, no matter how old I get.
    My Superstar Grandpabecause of you mp3
    Last year, my grandpa was asked to write about an inspiring person for a big important test. He wrote all about me! I was so surprised and happy. Grandpa said I inspire him to live life to the fullest every single day. Let me tell you why he thinks I'm so great.
    First of all, I have a ton of energy and I never stop moving. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed, I am running, jumping, climbing, you name it! Grandpa says he gets tired just watching me. He admires how I can play outside for hours and hours without taking a break. I have way more stamina than he does at his old age. Maybe that's because I eat all my vegetables (except for Brussels sprouts, yuck!). Grandpa is always telling me to slow down, but I can't help it - I'm just a bundle of energy!
    Grandpa also thinks I'm amazing because of my curiosity. I'm always asking "why" about everything. Why is the sky blue? Why do birds have feathers? Why can't I have ice cream for breakfast? My mind is constantly questioning the world around me as I try to learn and understand more. I don't take anything for granted - I want to know the reasons behind eve
rything. Grandpa says he wishes he had my sense of inquisitiveness rather than just accepting things at face value. He tries to answer all my questions as best he can, but sometimes he has to say "I'm not sure, let's look it up!" which then leads to more questions from me. He admires that I never stop learning.
    Another reason Grandpa looks up to me is my creativity. I can take a stack of old boxes or a pile of leaves and twigs and turn it into anything my imagination desires - maybe a fortress one day, a rocket ship the next. My creative brain never stops dreaming up new ideas and inventions. I don't get hung up on rules or limitations - I just make my own reality! Grandpa wishes he could tap into his childlike imagination more often instead of being stuck in his grown-up practical mindset all the time. He gets inspired watching me construct crazy contraptions out of random objects. I make the most ordinary things extraordinary.