I was walking around in a store to look for a red scarf,when I saw a cashier(收银员)hand this little boy some money back.The boy couldn't have been more than5or6years old.The cashier said,"I'm sorry, but y
ou don't have enough money to buy this____1_____."
The little boy was still____2_____the toy in his hand.I walked towards him and asked him who he wished to give this toy to.
"It's the toy that my sister loved most."
His eyes were so_____3_____while saying this."My sister has gone to another world.Daddy says that Mommy is going to be with her very soon too,so I thought that she could take the toy with her to give it to my_____4_____."Then he looked again at the toy with sad eyes,very_____5_____.
My heart nearly_____6_____.The little boy looked up at me and said,"I told Daddy to tell Mommy not to go yet.I need her to wait_____7______I come back from the store.”
I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy,"Suppose we_____8_____again.Maybe you do have enough money for the toy,""OK!"he said,"I hope I do have enough."I added some of my money to his_____9______letting him see and we started to count it.There was enough for the toy and even some _____10______money left.The little boy said,"It's lucky that I finally get enough money!"
A few minutes later,I left the store,teary-eyed,feeling that my life had been changed forever.
1.A.scarf    B.wallet    C.toy
2.A.holding    B.watching    C.packing
3.A.mad    B.sad    C.happy
her    B.father    C.sister
5.A.quietly    B.politely    C.bravely
6.A.stopped    B.raised    C.laughed
7.A.whether    B.until    C.because
8.A.wait    B.talk    C.check
pt    B.against    C.without
10.A.silent    B.spare    C.stupid Ⅱ.阅读理解。(本题20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
I was filled with doubts and worries until my grandfather told me to stand tall.For me,height was my trouble.I was much taller than other girls,I often bent(弯曲)my body at the back of the line.I had always felt unsafe as the tallest student of my class in Bala Cynwyd.And I wasn't looking forward to entering the ninth grade.
My grandfather didn't laugh at me.Instead,whenever I tried to bend myself in order to appear shorter, he would tell me"Stand straight and tall,Alisa."I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood.And whenever I was afraid of something,he always told me stories of his life.
My grandfather grew up in war-torn(战乱的)Europe."Stand straight,stand tall."meant something else then.After the war,he went to America.He lived a hard life."If they could do it,why couldn't I?""Stand straight,stand tall."he often reminded himself.Thanks to the help of a friend,my grandfather got a job.He once told me that he was very nervous at first.He was not only trying to learn this hard new job but also a new language.
"Stand straight,stand tall."He would always tell himself.I am so proud of my grandfather.After listening to my grandfather's unusual experiences,I have changed the way I look at my own life.
"Stand straight,stand tall"has become not only a piece of advice to improve my posture(身姿),it also tells me to be proud of who I am.And I do.
11.Alisa often bent her body because she always stood at the back of the line.
12.Alisa's grandfather advised her to stay away from her friends.
13.Alisa's grandfather's experiences taught her to accept herself.
14."Stand straight,stand tall"means"making yourself look tall"in the passage.
15.With the help of a friend,Alisa's grandfather got a job in America.
Some foreigners in China are showing confidence in the country's efforts to fight the coronavirus(对抗冠状病毒)outbreak.A video shot by Mohammed Shalabi,a foreigner who runs a restaurant in Yiwu,East China's Zhejiang Province,has been shown."I'm Mohammed.I'm in Yiwu.Please stay at home.Stay indoors."Mohammed told people in the video.
"I believe the Chinese government will deal with it soon.It takes time."he said.Yiwu is where more than13,000foreign businessmen from more than100countries and regions live and do business.
Luo Ai(Chinese name)considers himself half Chinese."I have lived in China
for many years and my children are also growing up here."said Luo,a foreign
businessman in Yiwu."Zhongguo,Jiayou!(Be strong,China!)Wuhan,Jiayou!(Be
strong,Wuhan!)"Luo's two kids speak fluent(流利的)Chinese in a video."My
family asked me to go back after the epidemic outbreak(流行性爆发),but this is a
hard time for China.I have to stay here with the Chinese people.I told them that I
believe China can deal with it."
Many foreigners have chosen to stay in China and offer support.Anne Li,64,and Jade,both from South Africa,took temperatures as volunteers for people at a vegetable market in Tongxiang,Zhejiang Province.Anne Li has lived in Tongxiang for10years."This is what I have to do.Tongxiang is my second home.People here need my help."she said,adding that she was not afraid at all."I believe I can protect myself.I believe my school and the Chinese government can protect us."Li said.Jade said she did not feel fear at all."I believe that each of us has the courage and faith(信念)to solve difficulties.Our life will be good only if China is good.Helping the Chinese is also helping myself.The only thing to do now is to work hard and keep at it."
16.What did Mohammed Shalabi do in China?
A.A school teacher.
B.A film director.
C.A restaurant boss.
D.A famous doctor.
17.What did Mohammed think of the Chinese government?
A.They could beat the disease(疾病)sooner or later.
B.They would make more and more money.
C.They should ask more foreigners to go back to China.
D.They would encourage people to go outside.
18.Why does Luo Ai consider himself half Chinese?
A.His wife comes from China.
B.His sons can speak only Chinese.
C.He has been staying in China.
D.He has many Chinese friends.
19.What did Anne Li do to help with fighting against the disease?
A.She sold more vegetables.
B.She worked in the government.
C.She volunteered in Zhejiang.
D.She protected some Chinese people.
20.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Mohammed lives in Yiwu.
B.Luo's two kids didn't go back his country after the coronavirus outbroke.
C.Many foreigners were brave to fight against the disease with the Chinese people.
D.Anne Li was very afraid of about taking temperatures for people at a vegetable market.
Bullying(欺凌)can happen to anyone.A great many children around the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help.
What is bullying?
Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again.Bullying can happen at school,out of school and online.Bullying includes:
○calling people mean(恶意的)names
○laughing at people
○telling lies about people
○taking someone's things without permission
○not letting someone play in a group
○hitting people.
What is cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying includes:
○sending bad messages online
○sharing photos online without permission
○not letting someone be part of an online group
○spreading lies online.
What can you do?
If someone is not kind to you,tell an adult that you know and like.For example,talk to a parent or a teacher.
If you get bad messages,don't reply.You should save them and give them to your teacher,your family, or the police.Ask an adult for help.Don't share anything before you make sure it is true.That will help stop the cyberbullying.
Talk to your parents or teachers or an adult if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend.
Say sorry if you are not kind to someone.You can write a message or talk to the person.And always remember:think about how to be kind in the future.
21.According to the passage,the following are bullying EXCEPT___________.
A.calling people mean names
B.hitting people
D.laughing with people
22.Cyberbullying means bullying___________.
A.at school
B.at home
< the street
< the Internet
23.When you get bad messages online,you should___________.
A.share them with friends
B.give them to your teacher
D.keep them as your secrets
24.If you are not kind to someone,you should___________.
A.say sorry to him
B.talk about it in public
C.ask your parents to say sorry
D.feel sad and keep quiet
25.This passage is mainly written for___________.
D.the police
Traffic is not just upset for drivers,but it can be dangerous for walkers and bike riders.
You might have been a walker before when you were walking to school or to a friend's house.26.
Avoid walking on the edge(边缘)of the sidewalk.
Walk closer to buildings just to give some extra room between yourself and traffic.
What if you need to get to a different side of the street?27.There are traffic
signals(信号)at a crosswalk that will tell you when it is safe to walk and when you should wait.Even if the sign says it is safe,always look in both directions to make sure a car isn't coming.
28.There are some important things to remember when traveling by bike to stay safe
from traffic.
If it is dark outside and you are wearing dark clothes,a driver may not be able to
see you.Use reflectors(反光镜)on your bike.These are small pieces of plastic that can be fitted on your front handles,and other areas of your bike.They reflect the light from car headlights so that drivers can
see you.
Ride your bike in the same direction as the traffic.30.They are important for you too,
so always pay close attention.
A.And don't think that traffic lights and signals are just for those driving cars!
B.Sometimes you might want to ride your bike to go to visit a friend or go to school.
C.Use something called crosswalk that protects walkers.
D.It is important to let the children know that playing on the road is very dangerous.
E.If you are walking near traffic,always use the sidewalk.
F.Always wear brightly-colored clothing.
第II 卷(满分60分)
Zhu Li was a well-behaved girl.She seldom argued with her parents.But when this 15-year-old became an eighth-grader,things started to_____31______."We often have arguments,sometimes over unimportant things."she said.
A recent survey by the National Institute of Education Sciences also shows that the lack of support from parents makes the situation even ____32_____.Meanwhile,as eighth-graders enter puberty(青春期),they want to be more ____33_____.The survey shows that about 47percent of eighth-graders try to persuade (劝说)their parents _____34_____they have different opinions.Zhu felt this ____35_____.
thought I was an adult already.I can make decisions by _____36_____."she said.For example,she thinks there is ____37_____wrong with hanging out with boys.But her parents don't allow it.They often argue about this.
To deal with these problems,a psychological expert has given tips to students."First,talk with your parents.Sometimes,they may not fully understand you,_____38_____keep trying.Second,calm down and focus on your studies.Finally,learn about these changes and get to know yourself____39_____reading and other things.Then try to _____40_____it and control your feelings."she said.
As we all know,the environment around us is getting worse and worse.In some places we can't see fish ____41_____(swim)in the river or trees on the hills.The river becomes dirtier than before.Some people even have no clean water to drink.It is such ____42____important project that I can't wait _____43____(express)my ideas on how to improve it.
First,the air is polluted seriously.We should set up a no-car day every week in our school.Because cars not only cause air pollution but also waste____44_____(能量).On the no-car day,____45_____students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school.
Second,we had better not use plastic bags____46_____.No one can stand the "white pollution",so it is wise to use cloth bags,they can ____47____(use)again and again.
Finally,one thing that we should keep in mind is that every big thing ____48____(come)from the small details.So,as students,we should turn ____49____the lights the moment we leave,use____50____sides of the paper,and reuse our textbooks and so on.
All in all,just set our mind to these:no-car days,no plastic bags,and no waste.Let's do it now.Ⅴ.阅读表达。阅读下列短文,根据要求完成各项任务。(共20分)
We go to school every day to become better people.How can we start to make big changes in our lives?Perhaps we can get tips from former US First Lady Michelle Obama.During a visit to China from March 20to 26in 2015.
The first lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a good education.At Chengdu No.7High School,she told students that having humble(卑微的)roots doesn't matter as long as you have perseverance(毅力).Obama said her family was not rich.Like many Chinese students,her parents had big dreams for her.She felt the weight of her parents'sacrifices(牺牲)on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud.Persevering was not easy,
though.Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30am and study late into the night."But whenever I got tired or discouraged ...I would remember something my mother always told me.She said:‘A good education is something that no one can take away from you.’"
Mrs.Obama also encouraged Chinese students to study abroad to open their eyes in a speech at Peking
University."As the Chinese saying goes:(A )It is better to travel 10,000miles than to read 10,000books."
she said.It's not enough to get good grades in school.It's also important to have real experience with languages,cultures and societies that are different from your own,she noted.Studying overseas can also benefit(有益于)future international relations.(B )It can help young people from different countries work together to deal with shared problems like climate change,Obama said.任务一:根据文章内容填上合适的单词,每空一词。(4分)
From the passage we can know when Michelle Obama was young,her family was poor,but she worked hard to be the ___①____of her parents.She encouraged the Chinese students to set up a great ___②____.She also said the young people should not only get good ___③____in school but also ___
④____different languages,cultures and societies.
任务二:将文中(A)处划线句子翻译成汉语。(2分)__________________________________________任务三:请从文中出与Nobody can take away your good education.意思相同或相近的句子。(2分)
___________________________________________________________________________________任务四:从文中出(B)处划线单词“It ”所指代的内容。(2分)__________________________________
A British man has learned the skills needed to perform Beijing Opera,making the audience(观众)enjoy his lively performance of the Monkey King.
Ghaffar Pourazar,born in Iran,said he has been a big fan of Bruce Lee since he was a child and is full of interest about China.In 1993,he happened to watch Beijing Opera performed in London by professionals from Jingju Theatre Company of Beijing.Ghaffar said he fell in love with the beautiful voices,colorful costumes,excellent shows and so on.So after one year,he arrived in China alone and became a student of Beijing Opera at a Beijing school.
At the age of 32,he had to learn with teenage students every day,starting from the most basic training of the legs and waist(腰).At the time,he was mostly troubled by the dialogue in Beijing Opera.To him,it was the biggest obstacle.But he never gave up.
Four years later,he began to learn to perform the Monkey King,a traditional character from the Chinese classic story Journey to the West.He said he arrived at the workroom an hour earlier than other performers and also bought books and CDs to better understand the character.
Ghaffar today is not only good at speaking Beijing dialect(方言)but has also built fame for Beijing Opera.He once got a top international prize for performing the Monkey King.
To help more people enjoy Beijing Opera,Ghaffar often teaches the traditional art form in schools in the United States,Britain and other countries.When he found that the language was difficult to understand,he started to translate Beijing Opera song lyrics.Ghaffar led a group of actors to perform 66times in a month and a half in the United States.He also led a 48-member team to perform in Malaysia.In the past 10years,he has performed in more than 400shows.任务一:请根据文章内容填上合适的单词。(2分)
In the year ___①___,Ghaffar began to learn Beijing Opera in China.When he was ___②___,he starte
d learning to perform the character of the Monkey King.
任务二:请根据文章内容猜测第三段中划线单词obstacle 的汉语意思。(2分)__________________任务三:Please give two examples about how Ghaffar help more people enjoy Beijing Opera in the passage.(4分)
The passage is most probably from the part of _______in a newspaper.
假设你叫露西,昨天收到了朋友Nick 的e-mail ,得知他马上就要进行开学考试了,但是因为疫情原因,
前期都是在家上网课,担心自己会考不好,现在非常紧张,不知道做些什么。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail ,介绍一下你在考试前的一些做法或体会,并提出你的建议。
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ V.阅读表达。(共20分)
5  6
i can wait forever
25    26