I miss you so much, my love. 我好想你,宝宝。
It's never easy being in a long-distance relationship. The physical separation can take a toll on us emotionally, and it's difficult not being able to see each other whenever we want. 一段异地恋确实不容易。身体的分离会对我们的情感产生影响,而且不能随心所欲地见面,这确实让人难受。
I often find myself reminiscing about our time together. The memories of our laughter, our conversations, and the way you make me feel - they all seem so distant now. 我经常会在回忆里想起我们在一起的时光。我们的笑声、谈话和你给我的感觉,现在看起来都好遥远。
The distance between us often feels unbearable, especially during the moments when I need your comfort the most. It's during these times that I wish we could be physically together, holding each other close. 我们之间的距离有时让人难以承受,特别是在我最需要你安慰时刻。就在这些时候,我真的希望我们能够在一起,紧紧拥抱。
Even though the distance is hard, it has also made me appreciate our relationship even more. It's in these moments of longing that I realize just how much you mean to me, and it makes me cherish our time together even more. 尽管距离是艰难的,但它也让我更加珍惜我们的关系。就是在这些渴望的时刻,我意识到你对我的意义有多么重要,这让我更加珍惜我们在一起的时光。
In the midst of missing you, I find solace in the thought that our love can withstand any distance. It gives me hope and strength to continue cherishing what we have, and to look forward to the day when we can finally be together again. 在怀念你的时候,我在这个想法中到了安慰,那就是我们的爱可以经得起任何距离。这给了我希望和力量,让我可以继续珍惜我们所拥有的,期待着有一天我们可以再次相聚。