一、  考试范围:《大学英语(1)》Lesson 1-10。教材版本:《大学英语(一)》谢毅斌主编 2008年4月第一版。
二、  考试题型:
I. 单项选择题(Structure & Vocabulary)
Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (每题1分,共50题)
II. 辨错题
Error Identification: Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. (每题1.5分,共10题)
III. 完型填空
Directions: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. (每题1.5分,共10题)
IV. 阅读理解
Directions: Each passage is followed by ten statements. Please decide whether the statements are true or false. (每题2,10)
三、 出题比例:课内占70%,课外30%。复习时要以熟悉课文内容、认真完成课后练习以及公告栏中的练习题为重点,同时还要加强课外阅读。
五、考试时间:90 分钟
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I. 词汇与语法单项选择题 (每小题1, 共50) 
1.    There isn’t ___A____at the bus-stop.
A. anybody                    B. people           
C. any persons                    D. somebody
2.    Kim and Fred ___A____ home.
A. are at                        B. are in               
C. they are in                    D. they are at
3.    Which of the following is correct?  D
A. Are the big nice apples?        B. Are nice the big apples?
C. Are big and nice the apples?        D. Are the big apples nice?
4.    Children __A__  eat a lot of sugar often get bad teeth.
    A. who                            B. which
    C. they                            D. none
5.    By the time we got there, the meeting __C___.
A. was beginning                B. had began
C. had already begun            D. begun
6.    Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar, __A___ write correctly.
    A. can you                        B. can’t you
    C. you can                        D. you will
7.    __A___ the child said was whispered from one to the other.
A. What                        B. That
C. Which                        D. When
that girl 下载
8.    Yesterday I was too busy to go shopping. I had my sister _B____.
A. to go                            B. go
C. gone                            D. going
9. I was used _____A__ in a noisy room.
    A. to working                    B. to work
C. work                        D. working
10. Yet much of the world is still raging war ______C____ women.
    A. for                            B. with
C. against                        D. by
11. ____A_____ the policy, the bank must make it work.
    A. Having designed                B. Designed
C. Design                    D. Being designed
12. It differs from other forms of payment _____B_____ it offers both the buyer and the
seller a means of security.
    A. in it                            B. in that
C. in which                        D. in what
13. Leave your umbrella in the stand in the _____B________ .
    A. stairs                        B. hall
C. stall                        D. desk
14. When it comes to ____B______, Joan is the one you should ask for advice.
A. collect stamps                    B. stamp-collecting
C. stamp-collect                    D. both A and B
15.    _____C_____, I don’t want to study it as my major.
A.    As I like French            B.    Although as I like French
C.    Much as I like French        D.    I like French as much
16.    She ended the letter ____A______ an invitation __________the performance the
    following Sunday.
A. with/to                        B. by/to
C. of/in                        D. to/of
17. You can only ___D_____ this postal order at a post office.
A. exchange                    B. credit
C. pay                        D. cash
18. I am going to watch the tennis ___C_______ on TV this afternoon.
A. contest                        B. game
C. match                        D. sport
19. I am disappointed ____D______ the results of the experiment.
A. for                        B. from
C. by                        D. about
20. Good economy is the greatest ____B______ of goods for the greatest
    _______ of people.
    A. number/amount                B. amount/number
C. number/number                D. amount/amount
21.    Jane and Tom ___D____ the door.
    A. are walking at                    B. walk at           
C. walks to                        D. are walking to
22.    Tom’s ___A____ street.
    A. in the            B. at the        C. into the        D. under
23.    Which of the following is correct?  D
A. Is that red book a big?            B. Is that book a big red?
    C. Is red that big book?            D. Is that red book big?
24.    Do you like the boat?  A
A. No, I don’t like it.                B. Yes, I like him.   
C. No, I like not.                D. Yes, I like.
25.    Which of the following is correct?  D
A. Is you friend that pretty girl?        B. Is that friend you’re pretty girl?
C. Is that girl pretty your friend?    D. Is that pretty girl your friend?
26.    Which of the following is correct?  B
A. Is this your hat there?            B. Are those your hats there?