Unit 9短语
1.随音乐跳舞dance to music
2.随音乐唱歌sing along with music
3.有好歌词的音乐music with great lyrics/music that has great lyrics
4.使某人记起某事remind sb. of sth.
5.演奏不同种类的音乐play different kinds of music
7.空闲时间spare time
8.那样的话in that case
pieces歌词9.坚持,固守stick to
10.放松的好方式a good way to relax
11.关闭,停止运转shut off
12.大量,充足plenty of
13.偶尔,间或once in a while
14.自己写歌词write one’s own lyrics
15.及时in time
16.最感人的音乐作品之一one of the most moving pieces of music
17.教某人做某事teach sb. to do
18.用二胡演奏play on the erhu
19.总共,合计in total
20.结婚get married
21.到…末为止by the end of
22.中国民乐Chinese folk music