How'd someone get a hold of your credit card number?  怎么会有人知道你的信用卡号码
I have no idea. But Look how much they spent.  我也不知道  你看他们花了多少钱
Monica, would you calm down?  莫妮卡  冷静点好吗
The credit card people said that  信用卡部员说
get this party started
you only have to pay for the stuff that you bought.  你只须为你买的东西付款
I know, it's just such reckless spending.  我知道  只是他们花钱如流水
I think when someone steals your credit card  我想那小偷偷去你的信用卡时
...they've kind of already thrown caution to the wind.  早就忘了要小心谨慎吧
Wow, what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop.  真是个呆瓜  花了69.95元买"神奇拖把"
That's me.  我买的
Oh, yuck. Ross, he's doing it again.  讨厌  罗斯  他又这么干了
Marcel, stop humping the lamp.  马塞尔  别再侵犯那盏灯了
Stop humping. Now, Marcel, come back, Come here, Marcel.  别蹭了  停下  马塞尔  过来  马塞尔
Oh, no. Not in my room. I'll get him.  不  别到我房里  我去抓他出来
Ross. You've got to do something about the humping.  罗斯  你得想办法别让他发春了
What? It's just a phase.  怎么了  这只是暂时的
Well, that's what we said about Joey.  我们当时也是这么说乔伊的
Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal.  你们冷静点行吗  这又没什么大不了
- Marcel, stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. - What?  -马塞尔  停  坏猴子  -又怎么了
Let's just say my Curious George doll is no longer curious.  只能说  我的"好奇乔治"娃娃不
Monica, you are not still going over that thing.  莫妮卡  你不是还在纠结吧
- This woman's living my life. - What?  -这女人过着我的生活  -什么
She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me.  她过着我的生活  而且过得比我好
Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see.  看  她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏
She, she buys clothes from stores  她买衣服的那家店
that I'm intimidated by the sales people.  我一直被售货员冷眼相待
She spent $300 on art supplies.  她花了300块买艺术用品
You're not an artist.  你又不是艺术家
I might be if I had the supplies.  要是有这些  我或许已是艺术家了
I mean, I could do all this stuff. Only I don't.  我本可以过这样的生活  我却没有
Oh, Monica, come on. You do cool things.  莫妮卡  别泄气  你活得很精彩
Really? Let's compare, shall we?  真的吗  那我们来比一比好吗
Oh, it's so late for "shall we."  现在说"好吗"太晚了吧
Do I horseback ride in the park?  我到过公园骑马吗
- Do I take classes at the New School? - No.  -我在新学校上过课吗  -没有
This is so unfair! She's got everything I want,  太不公平了  她拥有我想要的一切
and she doesn't have my mother.  而且她没有我那样的妈
How about Joey Paponi?  乔伊·帕波尼如何
No, still too ethnic.  不好  还是太民族了
My agent thinks I should have a name that's more neutral..  我的经纪人认为我该取个中立点的名字
Joey Switzerland?  乔伊·瑞士如何
Joey Switzerland?  瑞士是著名中立国
Plus, you know, I think it should be Joe.  还有  我觉得自己应该叫乔
you know, Joey makes me sound like I'm this big  乔伊让我感觉...像个小不点
you know, Joey makes me sound like I'm this big  joey有小动物的意思
which I'm not.  可我不是
Joe, Joe, Joe Stalin?  乔  乔  乔·斯大林如何
Stalin. Stalin.  斯大林  斯大林
Do I know that name? It sounds familiar.  我听过这名字吗  听起来好熟悉
Well, it does not ring a bell with me.  反正我没什么印象
Joe Stalin.  乔·斯大林
You know, that's pretty good.  这名字太霸气了
You might wanna try Joseph.  或许你愿意叫约瑟夫
Joseph Stalin.  约瑟夫·斯大林
Joseph Stalin.  前苏联领导人
- I think you'd remember that. - Yes.  -这名字多好记  -没错
Bye Bye Birdie, starring Joseph Stalin.  《再见小鸟》由约瑟夫·斯大林主演
Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof.  约瑟夫·斯大林参演《屋顶上的提琴手》
Hi. Yes, this is Monica Geller.  嗨  对  我是莫妮卡·盖勒
I believe I'm taking some classes with you,  我记得我有在你们那里上课
and I was wondering what they were.  我想知道是哪些课
- What are you doing? - All right, great.  -你在干什么  -好的  太棒了
Great. Thanks a lot. I'm going to tap class.  太棒了  非常感谢  我要去上踢踏舞课
What, what, so that you can dance with the woman  怎么  你要和偷你信用卡的女人
that stole your credit card?  一起跳踢踏吗
This woman's got my life.  这女人偷走了我的生活
I should get to see who she is.  我得看看她长啥样
Go to the post office, I'm sure her picture's up.  去邮局看啊  她的照片一定挂在墙上
Okay, Monica, you know what, honey, you're kinda losing it here!  莫妮卡  你知道吗  你有点失控了
I mean, this is really becoming like a weird obsession thing.  你现在执着得有点诡异了
This is madness, it's madness, I tell you.  这是疯狂  我跟你说  这叫做疯狂
For the love of God, Monica, don't do it.  上帝保佑  莫妮卡  别这么做
Thank you.  谢谢
- What do you think? - Lots of things.  -你想什么呢  -百感交集
- Which one do you think she is? - May I help you?  -你认为哪个是她  -有什么能效劳的吗
No, thanks. We're just here to observe.  不必了  谢谢  我们是来参观的
You don't observe a dance class. You dance a dance class.  舞蹈课怎么能参观  你们要来参与
Spare shoes are over there.  那儿有没人穿的舞鞋
What does she mean?  什么意思
I think she means "You dance a dance class."  我想她是叫我们"参与到舞蹈课中"
- Come on, come on, come on. - Really?  -来吧  来吧  来吧  -真的吗