    Title: My Unforgettable Class Trip (我难忘的班级旅行 - 26 words)
    It was the first day of our long-awaited class trip, and I couldn't contain my excitement! We were going to spend three days at a beautiful nature resort, surrounded by lush forests and sparkling lakes. As soon as we arrived, I felt like I had stepped into a magical world.
    The first thing we did was go on a nature hike. Our guide, Mr. Johnson, was a friendly and knowledgeable man who taught us so much about the plants and animals we encountered al
ong the way. We saw towering redwood trees, scurrying squirrels, and even a family of deer grazing peacefully in a clearing. I couldn't believe how close we were to these incredible creatures!
    After the hike, we had a picnic lunch by the lake. The sandwiches and fruit were delicious, but the best part was skipping rocks across the glassy surface of the water. Some of us even dared to dip our toes in - it was freezing but so much fun!
    As the sun began to set, we gathered around a crackling campfire to roast marshmallow
s and swap stories. Mr. Johnson regaled us with tales of his own adventures in the great outdoors, while we listened in awe, eyes wide with wonder. That night, I fell asleep in my cozy cabin, dreaming of all the exciting things I would get to experience over the next two days.
    The rest of the trip was just as amazing. We went canoeing, made nature crafts, played games in the meadow, and learned survival skills like building a shelter and starting a fire. By the time we were ready to leave, I felt like a seasoned explorer who had conquered the great outdoors.
    As the bus pulled away from the resort, I looked out the window at the beautiful scenery, already missing it terribly. I knew that this trip would stay with me forever - not just because of all the fun activities, but also because of the incredible sense of wonder and appreciation for nature that it had instilled in me. I couldn't wait to go on my next adventure!
再见puppy love
    Title: My Wonderful Summer Vacation (我美好的暑假)
    This summer was the best ever! (这个夏天是有史以来最棒的!) I had so much fun and did lots of exciting things. (我过得很开心,做了很多令人兴奋的事情。) First, my family went on a trip to the beach. (首先,我全家去海滩度假。) We stayed in a little beach house right by the ocean. (我们住在离大海很近的一个小海滨房子里。) Every morning, I would wake up and r
un outside to feel the warm sand between my toes. (每天早上,我都会醒来,然后跑到外面,用脚丫感受温暖的沙子。)
    Playing in the waves was my favorite part of the beach trip. (在海浪里玩耍是这次海滩之行中我最喜欢的部分。) My brother and I would bodysurf for hours, riding the big waves all the way to the shore. (我和哥哥会在海上漂流几个小时,一直骑着大浪到岸边。) Once, a huge wave knocked me over and I got a mouthful of salty water! (有一次,一个巨浪把我打翻在地,我喝了一大口咸咸的海水!) But I didn't mind at all. (但我一点也不介意。) In the evenings, we roasted marshmallows around the beach bonfire and gazed at the starry sky. (晚上,我们在海滩的火堆旁烤棉花糖,凝视着满天的星星。)
    After our beach vacation, we went to visit my grandparents on their farm. (海滩度假后,我们去拜访住在农场里的祖父母。) Getting to run free in the wide open fields and pet the farm animals was awesome. (在广阔的田野里自由奔跑,还能抚摸农场的动物,真是太棒了。) My grandpa taught me how to milk the cows and collect eggs from the chicken coop. (爷爷教我如何给牛挤奶,从鸡舍里收集鸡蛋。) I loved feeding the little baby lambs with a bottle. (我喜
欢用奶瓶喂小羊羔。) They would nudge my hand eagerly whenever I had the bottle. (每当我拿着奶瓶时,它们就会迫不及待地蹭我的手。)
    One night, we had a big campout under the stars behind the barn. (一天晚上,我们在棚屋后面的原野搭了一个大帐篷,在星空下露营。) Grandma packed a picnic basket with sandwiches, cookies, and lemonade. (奶奶给我们准备了一个野餐篮,里面有三明治、饼干和柠檬水。) We roasted hot dogs and made s'mores over the crackling fire. (我们在噼啪作响的火堆上烤热狗和马什马什。) Grandpa strummed his old guitar and we sang silly campfire songs. (爷爷拨弄着他的老吉他,我们唱起了那些搞笑的营地歌曲。) I felt like a real pioneer kid from the olden days. (我觉得自己就像古时候的开拓先锋小孩一样。)