Comprehension Test阅读理解
Black Beauty黑骏马
Anna Sewell  (著)
1    Match these characters with their descriptions: Reuben Smith, James, Jerry, Merrylegs, Rob Roy. 用适当的词填空 。
a    Black Beauty’s brother ................
b    A London cab driver ................
c    The groom who saved Black Beauty from the fire ................
d    A fat pony that children liked to ride ................
e    The groom who fell off Black Beauty and died  ................
    10 marks 
2    Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 判断以下句子正确(T)或错误(F)
a            Black Beauty hated the noise of trains.
b            John was very kind to Black Beauty.
c            Ginger had cruel masters before Mr Gordon.
d            Merrylegs was good-tempered with children.
e            Although Black Beauty went very fast, the doctor was too late to save Mrs Gordon.
f            The bearing rein helped the horses to pull heavy carriages.
g            Nobody blamed Black Beauty for Reuben Smith’s accident.
h            When Black Beauty saw Ginger in London, she looked strong and happy.
i            Jerry’s family helped to look after the horses and the cab.
j            In his last home, Black Beauty met his old friend Merrylegs.
    20 marks 
3    Why didn’t Black Beauty want to go onto the bridge in the storm? 根据文意回答问题
    10 marks
4    Fill in the gaps using these words: carriage, shoe, horses, head, saddle, slow, bite, carry, collar, black or white下载bit. 用适当的词填空 。
I learnt to wear a ................ on my back and to ................ a rider. I learnt to pull a ................, and to go fast or ................ . I had a ................ in my mouth, and a bridle on my ................ . I had a metal ................ on each hoof, and a ................ on my neck. And I knew I must not ................ or kick other ................ .
    20 marks
5    Put the following events in the story in the right order. Number them 1–5. 将下列事件排序
a            When York tried to put Ginger’s head up, she stood on her back legs and kicked.
b            After four months wearing the tight rein, Black Beauty felt tired and miserable.
c            Lady Gray told York to shorten the reins.
d            After that, Black Beauty pulled the carriage with Max.
e            The groom cut Black Beauty’s harness.
    20 marks
6    Imagine you are James. Describe what happened on the night of the fire. 假设你是James,描述着火那晚发生了什么。
    20 marks
    Total marks
Multiple-choice Test选择题
Black Beauty黑骏马
Anna Sewell
Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。
1    Black Beauty’s first home was _____.
    a [  ] a small stable with two horses    b [  ] a pleasant field with a pond
    c [  ] a large stable with his mother    d [  ] a big field with a lake
2    His mother’s name was _____.
    a [  ] Queen    b [  ] Darkie    c [  ] Duchess    d [  ] Black Star
3    Their master called his mother _____.
    a [  ] Pat    b [  ] Duchie    c [  ] Pet    d [  ] Queenie
4    She told Black Beauty to be always _____.
    a [  ] gentle and a willing worker    b [  ] good at galloping
    c [  ] independent and headstrong    d [  ] aggressive to other horses
5    When Black Beauty was two, his _____, Rob Roy, died.
    a [  ] father    b [  ] uncle    c [  ] friend    d [  ] brother
6    It happened during a hunt to catch a _____.
    a [  ] hare    b [  ] fox    c [  ] deer    d [  ] criminal
7    Black Beauty was trained by _____.
    a [  ] Mr Gordon    b [  ] John Manly    c [  ] George Gordon    d [  ] Farmer Grey
8    He first had to learn to wear a _____.
    a [  ] saddle    b [  ] heavy collar    c [  ] bit and bridle    d [  ] pair of blinkers
9    Black Beauty’s next home was a stable with _____ good stalls.
    a [  ] two    b [  ] three    c [  ] four    d [  ] five
10    A _____ called Merrylegs was in the next stall.
    a [  ] tall mare    b [  ] little grey pony    c [  ] little brown pony    d [  ] tall pony
    20 marks
Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。
11    Black Beauty had _____ on his forehead.
    a [  ] one white foot and a star    b [  ] two white feet and a star
    c [  ] one white foot and two stars    d [  ] four white feet and a star
12    Ginger had a bad habit of _____.
    a [  ] running away    b [  ] eating a lot    c [  ] biting people    d [  ] sleeping a lot
13    Ginger was _____ by her old master’s son.
    a [  ] treated kindly    b [  ] sometimes hit    c [  ] liked    d [  ] badly beaten
14    _____ was Mr Gordon’s groom.
    a [  ] Mr Barry    b [  ] John Manley    c [  ] Sawyer    d [  ] Rob Roy