Making friends
Jamie was like a magnet---she always had a crowd around her. She wasn’t especially pretty, and she wasn’t particularly good at sports. But she was one of the most popular students at school. Everyone loved her!
Why? What was it about Jamie that made everyone notice her? If her looks and her talents weren’t anything to show off, what did she have going for her?
Here it is---short and simple---Jamie had learned the secret of how to make friends and keep them. Her secret is: Be nice to others! Jamie was kind and genuinely cared about others: people responded by wanting to be around her.
Going along with this big secret of making friends are a few additional suggestions:
SMILING SUGGESTS CONFIDENCE There is something fascinating about someone who smiles a lot. We are automatically drawn to someone who is happy. Wearing a smile usually implies the person behind it is approachable. An approachable person makes others feel at e
ase and comfortable.
Smiles also convey confidence, which is really important when making friends. You don’t have to actually feel confident to smile, but when you do, people will think you are. Furthermore, the more you smile, the more natural your smile will be. You’ll gain confidence from smiling!
LEARN TO LISTEN AND TALKalways friends Everyone wants to talk. We all have a story to tell. Each of us enjoys having someone listen to what we say. It makes us feel important when someone is truly interested in what we’re saying.
When other people find out you are willing to listen, they will be talking to you! When someone is talking to you, zero in 100 per cent on that person. Don’t pretend to listen but really think about something else. That won’t work in making friends.
Meanwhile, don’t put the burden of the entire conversation on someone else. You’ve got to do your part, too. It is learning when to talk that is important. Try not to talk just to hear yourself talking; no one else can get a word in.
Everyone should learn to give and take in any relationship. Learn to move from being the centre of attention to focusing on the needs of others. Modesty is extremely attractive.
TRY TO ADD VALUE TO THOSE AROUND YOU People light up when you recognize something they do well and let them know. It only takes a minute to give someone a compliment or to notice what gifts a person has. It automatically adds value to how they see themselves. Try to be the kind of person who’s always seeing the positive qualities in others. Don’t tear someone down.

交朋友(Making Friends)