    I eagerly anticipate the day my mother will return home and reunite us. Her absence has left a profound emptiness in my life, making every hour seem like a lifetime. I yearn for the sound of her laughter, the gentle touch of her embrace, and the wisdom that only a mother can provide.
    I have spent countless days and nights gazing out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of her familiar silhouette. The rustling of leaves in the wind whispers her name, and the chirping of birds echoes my longing for her return. I have come to realize that home is not merely a place but where my mother is.
    I know that she has been working diligently to provide for us, but I cannot shake the feeling of loneliness that pervades my being. I miss her comforting presence at the dinner table, her playful banter during our family outings, and her unwavering support that has always been my anchor in times of adversity.
    With every passing day, my anticipation grows stronger. I spend hours reminiscing about the memories we have shared, from the days we built sandcastles at the beach to the nights we cuddled up on the couch, reading bedtime stories. These memories sustain me and give me hope that our family will once again be whole.
    I understand that her work is important, but I cannot help but wish that she could put everything aside and simply come home. I know that she loves me dearly, and I believe that she too yearns for our reunion.
    Every night, I whisper a prayer, begging for the day when my mother will walk through the door and sweep me into her loving arms. Until then, I will continue to wait patiently, counting down the days until we are reunited.
盼着过年好回家    我知道她在外辛苦工作,为我们提供生活保障,但我无法摆脱萦绕在我心中的孤独感。我怀念她在餐桌旁安慰我的样子,怀念我们全家出游时她那风趣的玩笑,以及她在逆境中始终如一的支持,那一直是我风雨中的避风港。