常用烹饪单词和短语:some commonly used vocabulary/phrases for cooking
Process some food/meat/ the ingredients 处理食物、肉、食材
Drain the water/juice 把水、汁压干
Scrape the dirt off 挂掉泥土
Peel the skin of the potatoes/apples 把马铃薯、苹果去皮
Add a cup of water/a spoon of oil 加一杯水、一匙油
Grate the cheese/carrots 磨碎奶酪、萝卜
Garnish the plate with flowers/ parsley 用花、西洋芹装饰盘子
Salt the paste water/ soup 把盐加入煮面图的水、汤里面
Combine a and b in a large pot/mixing bowl AB一起放在一个大锅里、搅拌碗里
Cook over/with high/ low heat for about two hours 用高温、低温煮两小时
Let the sauce simmer till the wine has evaporated 用小火煮酱汁,直到里面的酒都挥发掉
Stir every few minutes until it’s smooth/creamy 隔几分钟搅拌,直到均匀、柔滑为止
Stir two spoonfuls of oil/sugar/melted butter into the mixture 把两匙糖、油、融化的奶油搅拌进去
Mix the fruit/chopped vegetables with nuts/ground meat 把水果、切碎的蔬菜和坚果,碎肉拌在一起
Mince the nuts/meat 把坚果、肉切碎
Taste the soup /sauce/gravy 尝尝这个汤、酱汁、卤汁
Beat the dough/mixture 把面团、混合物用力搅打
Coat/lay the bread/ meat with chocolate/ batter 用巧克力、面糊涂在面包、肉表面
Season the dish/soup/ fried rice before serving 上菜之前,要给菜、汤、炒饭加调味料
Grind the mixture/beef/pork 磨碎搅拌物、牛肉、猪肉
Crush the nuts 碾碎坚果
Transfer it to plate/ big bowl 把它转到盘子、比较大的碗里
Pour the sauce/ dressing/ gravy over the pasta/salad/meat 把酱汁、调味料、卤汁淋在面、沙拉、肉上
Shred the cheese/dough 把奶酪、面团切成细条状
Heat it in a skillet/ frying pan/ pot 把它放在长柄炖锅、煎锅、锅子里加热
Sauté the vegetables/ meat in a casserole with oil/ soy sauce 在砂锅里加入少许油、酱油煎炒蔬菜、肉岳红主演的电视剧
Continue boiling/ frying it till it’s brown/golden/soft/translucent 继续煮、炒到它变成褐、金、软、半透明的
Steep the bread in milk/ broth for a few minutes 把面包浸入牛奶、汤里几分钟
Squeeze the liquid/ juice from the cooked vegetables/lemon 挤出煮好的菜、柠檬里的水分、汁
Cover the pot/plate/bowl 给锅子、盘子、碗加盖
Bake/grill it at 250.c for half an hour 250度烤、烧烤半个小时
Bring the water/ sauce to a boil 让水、酱汁沸腾
Boil the water/eggs 把水、鸡蛋煮沸腾,煮熟
Serve with the grated cheeses/ a slice of lemon/ homemade sauce 上菜时加上磨碎的奶酪、一片柠檬、自制酱汁
Seed the tomatoes/ melon/pumpkin 去掉番茄、甜瓜、南瓜籽
Mash it with a fork/ spoon 用叉子、勺子捣成泥
Remove the pot from the oven 拿掉炉子上的锅
Sprinkle the top/ dish with chopped parsley/ grated cheese 把切碎的西洋芹、磨碎的奶酪撒在上面、菜上
Marinate the meat for 30 minutes 腌制肉我们还是做朋友30分钟