        A Florida teen is causing strangers to freeze and stare because of her uncanny likeness to Queen Elsa from the Disney movie Frozen.
        Anna Faith Carlson, 18, became an online sensation when she posted a picture of her posing next to a cardboard cutout of Elsa a few months ago.
        Anna said she noticed the similarities between herself and the Disney character when she first saw the film, calling the experience eerie.
        “It’s a crazy resemblance,” Anna said. “Every time I watch the movie, it’s weird because it’s like I’m watching myself. It’s kind of creepy.”
        But now she’s using her storybook looks for good, dressing up as the character to entertain children and cheer-up cancer patients.
        The aspiring girl also hoped her online following could secure her an audition to appear on ABC show Once Upon A time which has added Elsa as a character in the new season.
        Her real-life sister Lexie often accompanies her dressed up as Elsa’s sister Princess Anna from the movie, and her best friend steps in when Lexie isn’t available.
        The work suits Anna who has been into singing and musical theater her whole life.
        Right now, she’s focusing on her modeling career, but also hopes to branch out into acting.
        sensation n. 引起轰动的人(或事件、情况)
        cardboard n. 硬纸板;卡纸板
        cutout n.(用硬纸板)剪下的图形
        eerie adj. 怪异的;可怕的
        resemblance n. 相似之处;类似之处
        creepy adj. 令人紧张不安的;令人毛骨悚然的
        entertain v. 使快乐;给……以娱乐
        aspiring adj. 有抱负的;有志向的
        secure v.(经过努力)获得,争取到
        audition n.(艺人等的)试镜,试演,试唱,试奏
        accompany v. 陪伴;陪同anna nalick
        step in 干涉;介入;进入;涉足
        branch out 扩大范围;拓展领域